董智捷, 博士,教授,博士生导师
董智捷(Sasha Dong),我校青年首席教授、博士生导师,入选国家海外高层次青年人才计划。2011年毕业于南京大学匡亚明学院,获学士学位;2012年毕业于哥伦比亚大学土木工程系,获硕士学位;2015年毕业于康奈尔大学土木工程系,获博士学位。2024年全职回到威尼斯澳门人登录welcome任教授、博导。回国前在休斯顿大学建设管理系与工业工程系担任双聘副教授(提前晋升),并曾在联邦快递担任高级运筹研究员。曾获2022年“世界供应链杰出女性”、2021年“全美十大华人杰出青年”,以及2020年美国国家自然科学基金信息学部“迷你职业奖”(NSF CRII)等多项荣誉。
研究领域涵盖物流与供应链管理、应急管理和系统韧性等方向,带领的**UTIL研究团队(Urban, Transportation, Informatics, and Logistics Group)**专注于将大数据、人工智能、优化算法、深度学习和仿真技术相结合,推动物流与交通系统的创新发展。研究内容涉及应急物流调度、灾害韧性分析、智慧城市交通管理等,为智能交通和城市物流系统的优化提供数据驱动的解决方案。
在交通管理领域的顶级期刊和会议上发表了近30篇SCI论文,其中多篇发表于Omega、Transportation Research Part A/B/E等权威期刊,并在多次国际会议上获得最佳论文奖。现任Sustainable Futures副主编,并担任Communications Engineering(Nature旗下期刊,负责交通方向)、Frontiers in Future Transportation等期刊编委,还兼任Sustainability和Natural Hazards的客座编辑。同时,在学术组织中担任INFORMS运输科学与物流学会货运组主席和IISE物流与供应链分会主席等重要职务。
Dr. Sasha Dong is a Junior Chair Professor and Ph.D. advisor in the School of Transportation at Southeast University, Nanjing, China. She received her Ph.D. in Civil Engineering from Cornell University, after completing her master’s at Columbia University and bachelor’s at Nanjing University. Before joining Southeast University in 2024, she was a dual-appointed associate professor at the University of Houston and a senior operations research analyst at FedEx.
Her research focuses on logistics and supply chain management, emergency management, and system resilience, with a strong emphasis on applying big data, AI, and optimization techniques. She has published extensively in top-tier journals and serves on the editorial boards of several international journals, including Sustainable Futures and Communications Engineering (Nature journal).
Dr. Dong welcomes applications from prospective master’s, Ph.D., and postdoctoral researchers with backgrounds in transportation, engineering, computer science, and related fields. For inquiries, please contact Dr. Dong directly.
地址:南京市江宁区我校路2号 威尼斯澳门人登录welcome(211189)
*申请请将个人简历、学术代表作等材料发送至邮箱,邮件主题格式为“应聘职位 + 姓名”。由于申请邮件较多,恕无法逐一回复,敬请谅解。
n PVF Roundtable Endowed Scholarship: Farzane Ezzati, 2023
n University of Houston Cullen Fellowship: Haowei Yang, 2023
n Dwight David Eisenhower Transportation Fellowship: Alexander Little, 2020, 2021; Lauren Christenson (undergraduate), 2020
n PEO International Scholarship: Dixizi Liu, 2020, 2021
n Texas State University Outstanding Master's Thesis Award: Oluwasegun Olanrewaju, 2020
n Texas State University Outstanding Graduate Student Award: Lingyu Meng, 2020
n Texas State University Student Government Scholarship: Oluwasegun Olanrewaju, 2018; Lingyu Meng, 2019; Dixizi Liu, 2020; Alexander Little, 2021
n Graduate College Scholarship: Lingyu Meng, 2018
n Ingram School of Engineering Excellent Academic Performance Award: Oluwasegun Olanrewaju 2018, 2019; Lingyu Meng, 2019, 2020; Dixizi Liu, 2020, 2021; Alexander Little, 2021.
联邦和州政府项目(PI: ~$1.1 million; co-PI: ~$1.8 million)
1. PI. “Enhancing Community Energy Resilience through Solar Energy and Energy Storage Sharing, Department of Energy. Total Amount $400,000. Sept 2022 to Aug 2024.
3. Co-PI. “Big Data Analytics for Digitized Transportation and Logistics”, Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board. Total Amount $50,000. Aug 2022 to Oct 2022.
5. PI (US-side). “Sequential Decision Analytics and Its Application to Flood Risk Reduction and Evacuation Advisory Optimization”. Japan Science and Technology Agency - National Science Foundation. Total Amount $90,000. Feb 2022 to Feb 2023.
6. Co-PI. “The Accelerating Credentials of Purpose and Value for the Texas Innovation Corridor (TIC) Consortium Grant”, The Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board (THECB), Total Amount $1,450,000. Feb. 2022 to Oct. 2022.
7. PI. “Determine Evacuation Planning Design for Disaster Resilience”, Texas Department of Transportation. Total Amount $ 300,628. Sept. 2020 to August. 2023.
8. PI (single PI). “CRII: CIF: A Machine Learning-based Computational Framework for Large-Scale Stochastic Programming”, National Science Foundation. Total Amount $251,609. June 2020 to May 2024.
9. Senior Personnel. “National Summer Transportation Institute (NSTI)”, Federal Highway Administration. Total Amount $57,826. March 2021 to Nov. 2021.
10. Senior Personnel. “D-ISN: TRACK 2: Building a Community to Use Intelligence from Online Underground Markets”, National Science Foundation. Total Amount $249,966. Feb. 2021 to Feb. 2023.
11. Co-PI. “Assessing the Impacts of Social Distancing through Data Synthesis”. National Science Foundation-funded Social Science Extreme Events Research (SSEER) network and the CONVERGE facility, Natural Hazards Center at the University of Colorado, Boulder. COVID-19 Working Group for Public Health and Social Sciences Research. Total Amount $1,000. June 2020 to July 2020.
12. Co-PI. “National Summer Transportation Institute (NSTI)”, Federal Highway Administration. Total Amount $43,228. May 2019 to Sept. 2019.
13. PI. “Industrial Mathematics Workshop and Clinic: Collaboratively Tackling Emerging Problems in Industry”, National Science Foundation. Total Amount $700 (Travel Grant). Aug. 2018.
14. PI. “Consejos Colectivos: Improving STEM Success at HSIs”, National Science Foundation. Total Amount $500 (Travel Grant). Feb. 2018
15. PI. “Industrial Mathematics Workshop and Clinic: Collaboratively Tackling Emerging Problems in Industry”, National Science Foundation. Total Amount $700 (Travel Grant). Jul. 2017
企业项目(PI: ~$0.25 million; co-PI: ~$0.6 million)
1. PI. “Circular Economy for Materials and Plastics: Centralized and Decentralized Approach”, Shell USA, Inc. Total Amount $62,500. Jan 2024 to June 2025.
2. Co-PI. “Hydrogen Economy: Transportation, Monitoring, Utilization”, Shell USA, Inc. Total Amount $62,500. Jan 2024 to June 2025.
3. PI. “Designing a Circular Supply Chain Model for Flexible Packaging and Films”, Shell USA, Inc. Total Amount $100,000. Nov 2022 to Aug 2024.
4. Co-PI. “Multidisciplinary Public Health Research Study for COVID-19”. Advanced Micro Devices (AMD). Total Amount $440,000. Aug. 2020 to July 2021.
5. Co-PI. “Joint Study for a Data-Intensive Analysis of the NEC In-Vehicle Passenger Detection System - Phase V”, NEC America. Total Amount $9,200. Nov. 2018 to Aug. 2019.
6. PI. “Startup Research Grant: Designing Fresh Ecommerce Supply Chain”, Material Handling Institute. Total Amount $25,000. March 2018 to May 2020.
7. Co-PI. “Joint Study for a Data-Intensive Analysis of the NEC In-Vehicle Passenger Detection System-Phase IV”, NEC America. Total Amount $30,000. Oct 2017 to Aug. 2018.
1. PI (single PI). “AI-driven Emergency Management System”. University of Houston. Total Amount $100,000. Aug 2022 to Aug 2024
2. PI. “I-Corps: Online Social Media Misinformation Dashboard”, National Science Foundation Texas State University I-Corps Site. Total Amount $3,000. Nov. 2021 to June 2022.
3. PI. “Stochastic Optimization for Supplier Selection and Pre-positioning Relief Supplies”, Texas State University Research Enhancement Program. Total Amount $8,000. Jan. 2019 to May 2020.
4. 参与,国家自然科学基金委员会,重点项目,72134004,全时域视角下重大突发事件应急响应与协同决策机制研究,202万元,2022-01-01至2026-12-31.
5. 参与,国家自然科学基金委员会,面上项目,72271110,基于人群时空分布的城市应急避难与物资供应网络集成优化研究,44万元,2023-01-01至2026-12-31.