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博士研究生 | 8/2013-12/2018 | ||||||||||
美国普渡大学土木工程系交通运输与基础设施系统方向 导师:Dr. Satish Ukkusuri 博士选题:Modeling emerging app-based taxi services: interactions of demand and supply
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| 9/2010-5/2013 | ||||||||||
威尼斯澳门人登录welcome交通运输与工程 导师: 陆键教授 硕士选题:干线公路中央分隔带开口类型选择及合理间距的研究
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| 9/2006-6/2010 | ||||||||||
中国矿业大学矿业工程学院交通运输系 辅修专业:工商管理 工作经历:
1. 刘志远,张文波. 交通大数据:理论与方法. 2020.
2. Zhang, W.(张文波), Qian, X., Ukkusuri, S.V. Identifying the temporal characteristics of intra-city movement using taxi geo-location data. Enriching Urban Spaces with Ambient Computing, the Internet of Things, and Smart City Design, Editors: Shin’ichi Konomi and George Roussos, IGI Global. 2016. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.4018/978-1-5225-0827-4.ch004
3. Ukkusuri, S., Ling, L., Le, T., Zhang, W.(张文波). PERFORMANCE OF RIGHT-TURN LANE DESIGNS AT INTERSECTIONS. JTRP Technical Reports 4218. 2020.
审稿中 1. Zhang, W.(张文波), and Ukkusuri, S.V. Scaling Properties of Taxi Trips as the Spread of App-based Taxi Services. In review for Journal of Theoretical and Applied Electronic Commerce Research.
2. Zhang, W.(张文波), and Ukkusuri, S.V. Flexible Supply of App-based Taxi Services: Modeling the Driver Partners' Platform-Exiting Behaviors. In review for Journal of Theoretical and Applied Electronic Commerce Research.
3. 张文波,王升,芦志强,杨晨,贾若.基于多任务学习的网约车供需预测模型. 重庆交通大学学报(审稿中)
4. 杨佩云, 万剑, 张福俭, 张文波 , 陈景旭. 适用高并发数据的居民出行规律快速提取方法. 交通信息与安全(审稿中)
5. 张文波,杨佩云,万剑,袁钰,陈爱伟. 基于密度聚类方法的出租车异常订单识别方法. 重庆交通大学学报(审稿中)
已录用 6. 陈爱伟,张文波,陈玉飞,万剑. 基于多源大数据的货车超限超载行为预测. 中国交通信息化. 2022(10):142-147
7. Yuan Zhang, Lu Li, Wenbo Zhang, Qixiu Cheng, GATC and DeepCut: Deep spatiotemporal feature extraction and clustering for large-scale transportation network partition, Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, Volume 606, 2022, 128110, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.physa.2022.128110.
8. J. Huo, X. Wu, C. Lyu, W. Zhang and Z. Liu . Quantify the Road Link Performance and Capacity Using Deep Learning Models. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systemsvol. 23, no. 10, pp. 18581-18591, Oct. 2022, doi: 10.1109/TITS.2022.3153397.
9. Zhang, W.(张文波), and Xu, C. Exploring App-Based Taxi Movement Patterns from Large-Scale Geolocation Data. ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information. 2021.10(11)
10. Wang, Y., Zhang, W. (张文波)*, Tang, T., Wang, D., Liu, Z. Bus OD Matrix Reconstruction Based on Clustering Wi-Fi Probe Data. Transportmetrica B. 2022,10(1):864-879. http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/21680566.2021.1956388 (3.030)
11. 罗丰,左玙璠,张文波,刘志远*,贾若. 考虑城市交换中心的居民出行方式选择分析. 山东科学.2022:35(04):98-106
12. Zhang, W.(张文波), and Ukkusuri, S.V. Share-a-cab: Scalable Clustering Taxi Group Ride Stand from Huge Geolocation data. IEEE Access. 2021 https://doi.org/10.1109/ACCESS.2021.3050299(3.367)
13. Li, H., Xing, Y.*, Zhang, W.(张文波), Zhong, X. Investigating the impact of weather conditions and land use on dockless bike-share trips in Shanghai, China. Journal of Urban Planning and Development
14. 熊文磊,王升,张文波*,刘志远,贾若. 基于时空特征提取和深度学习的出行需求预测模型. 武汉理工大学学报. 2021, 43(02):35-41+64
15. 张文波,左玙璠,王岳平,陈景旭,刘志远. 考虑定制公交的居民出行方式选择影响因素研究.山东科学. 2021. 34(06):97-105
16. Yuan, Y., Zhang, W.(张文波)*, Liu, Y., Liu, Z.*, Wang, W. Traffic state classification and prediction based on trajectory data. Journal of Intelligent Transportation Systems. 2021 https://doi.org/10.1080/15472450.2021.1955210
17. Zhang, W.(张文波), Xi, Y., and Ukkusuri, S.V. Understanding Spatiotemporal Variations of Ridership by Multiple Taxi Services. ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information, 9(12), 2020. DOI: https://doi.org/10.3390/ijgi9120757. (2.899)
18. Chen, E., Zhang, W.(张文波), Ye, Z.*, and Yang, M. Unraveling Latent Transfer Patterns between Metro and Bus from Large-scale Smart Card Data. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems. 2023(4):3351-3365. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1109/TITS.2020.3035719
19. Li, H., Zhong, X., Zhang, W.(张文波), Li, S., and Xing, Y.*. An algorithm for e-bike equivalents at signalized intersections based on traffic conflict events number. Transportation Research Part A. 134, 2020. DOI:https://doi.org/10.1016/j.tra.2020.02.007
20. Huang, D., Gu, Y., Wang, S., Liu, Z., and Zhang, W.(张文波) A two-phase optimization model for the demand-responsive customized bus network design. Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies, Vol. 111, pp. 1-21. 2020. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.trc.2019.12.004
21. Qian, X., Kumar, D., Zhang, W.(张文波), and Ukkusuri, S.V.* Understanding the operational dynamics of Mobility Service Providers: A case of Uber. ACM Transactions on Spatial Algorithms and Systems. 2019. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1145/3378888
22. Ma, Y., Zhang, W.(张文波), Gu, X., and Zhao, J. Impacts of experimental advisory exit speed sign on traffic speeds for freeway exit ramp. PLOS one, 2019. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0225203
23. Liu, Y., Lyu, C., Anish, K., Zhang, W.(张文波), and Liu, Z.* Spatio-temporal Ensemble Method for Car-Hailing Demand Prediction. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems. 2021(12):5328-5333. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1109/TITS.2019.2948790
24. Chen, E., Ye, Z.*, Wang, C., and Zhang, W.(张文波). Discovering the spatiotemporal impacts of built environment on metro ridership using smart card data. Cities. 2019. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cities.2019.05.028
25. Zhang, W.(张文波), Honnappa, H., and Ukkusuri, S.V.*. Modeling urban taxi service with e-hailings: a queueing networks approach. Transportation Research Part C. 113, 2020. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.trc.2019.05.036(8.089)
26. Zhang, W.(张文波), Le, T., Ukkusuri, S.V.*, and Li, R. Influencing factors and heterogeneity in ridership of traditional and app based taxi systems. Transportation. 47, 2020. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s11116-018-9931-2
27. Zhang, W.(张文波), Ukkusuri, S.V.*, and Yang, C. Modeling the Taxi Drivers’ Customer-Searching Behaviors outside Downtown Areas. Sustainability, 10(9). 2018. DOI: https://doi.org/10.3390/su10093003
28. Qian, X., Zhang, W.(张文波), Ukkusuri, S.V.*, and Yang, C. Optimal Assignment and Incentive Design in the Taxi Group Ride Problem. Transportation Research Part B, 103, 208-226. 2017. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.trb.2017.03.001
29. Zhang, W.(张文波), Ukkusuri, S.V.*, and Lu, J.J.. Impacts of urban built environment on empty taxi trips using limited geolocation data. Transportation, 44(6), 1445-1473, 2017. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s11116-016-9709-3
30. Zhang, W.(张文波), Ukkusuri, S.V.*. Optimal Fleet Size and Fare Setting in Emerging Taxi Markets with Stochastic Demand. Computer-Aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering, 31(9), 2016: 647-660. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1111/mice.12203
31. Ma, Y.*, Yuan, L., and Zhang, W.(张文波). Analytical method of minimum spacing of signalized intersections on bidirectional two-lane highways. Journal of Southeast University (English Edition), 31(4), 2015: 547-552. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.3969/j.issn.1003-7985.2015.04.020
32. Zhao, Y., Zhang, W.(张文波), Lu, J.*, Ma, Y., and Zhang, W.. Calibration of saturation flow rate and start-up lost time for signal timing based on headway distribution. Discrete Dynamics in Nature and Society, 2015 DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1155/2015/304823
33. Ma, Y., Zhang, W.(张文波), Xie, J., and Lu, J.*. Application of Real-Time Automated Traffic Incident Response Plan Management System: A Web Structure for the Regional Highway Network in China. Advances in Mechanical Engineering, 2014. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1155/2014/489623
34. Ma, Y., Zhang, W.(张文波), Lu, J.*, Yuan, L. Automated Generation of Traffic Incident Response Plan Based on Case-Based Reasoning and Bayesian Theory. Discrete Dynamics in Nature and Society, 2014. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1155/2014/920301
35. Ma, Y., Lu, J.J.*, Zhang, W.(张文波), Zhao, J. Development of a Comprehensive Model for Highway Bridge Maintenance Quality Evaluation. Transportation Research Record, no.2292, 2012: pp.150-159. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.3141/2292-18
2. Wu, X., Zhang, W.(张文波), Liu, Z., Wang, M. QUANTIFY THE LINK PERFORMANCE AND CAPACITY WITH DEEP LEARNING AND BPR FUNCTION. In the 100th Annual Meeting of Transportation Research Board, Washington D.C., 2021.
3. Lu, L., Zhang, W.(张文波), Bao, J., Ukkusuri, S.V. Influencing factors for Right Turn Lane Crash Frequency from Multi-source Datasets. In the 99th Annual Meeting of Transportation Research Board, Washington D.C., 2020.
4. Bao, J., Zhao, Y., Shi, X., Zhang, W.(张文波) A Recurrent Graph Convolutional Neural Network for Network-Wide Short-Term Metro Ridership Prediction. In the 99th Annual Meeting of Transportation Research Board, Washington D.C., 2020.
5. Zhang, W.(张文波), and Ukkusuri, S.V.* Flexible Supply of App-based Taxi Services: Modeling the Driver Partners' Platform-Exiting Behaviors. IEEE ITSC 2019 (accepted).
6. Zhang, W.(张文波), Honnappa, H., and Ukkusuri, S.V.* Modeling urban taxi service with e-hailings: a queueing networks approach. In The 23nd International Symposium on Transportation and Traffic Theory (ISTTT23), Lausanne, Switzerland, July 2019 (acceptance rate 20%, 48 out of more than 250 papers)
7. Zhang, W.(张文波), Kumar, D., and Ukkusuri, S.V.* Exploring the dynamics of surge pricing in mobility-on-demand taxi services. In 2017 IEEE International Conference on Big Data, Boston, USA, 2017. (acceptance rate 20%, 87 out of 437 received papers)
8. Zhang, W.(张文波), Ukkusuri, S.V.*, Yang, C. Share-a-cab: taxi group ride service for large-scale taxi systems. Accepted by the 17th COTA International Conference of Transportation Professionals, Shanghai, China, 2017.
9. Zhang, W.(张文波), Qian, X.,and Ukkusuri, S.V.*.The Evolution of Spatial-Temporal Patterns in Taxi Operation. In the 96th Annual Meeting of Transportation Research Board, Washington D.C., 2017.
10. Zhang, W.(张文波), Le, T., and Ukkusuri, S.V.* The spatial autoregressive simultaneous equation model for daily taxi and uber ridership. In the 96th Annual Meeting of Transportation Research Board, Washington D.C., 2017.
11. Qian, X., Zhang, W.(张文波), Ukkusuri, S.V.*, and Yang, C. Optimal Assignment and Incentive Design in the Taxi Group Ride Problem. In the 96th Annual Meeting of Transportation Research Board, Washington D.C., 2017.
12. Zhang, W.(张文波), and Ukkusuri, S.V.*.How vacant taxi drivers find the next customer? Empirical findings on vacant taxi customer-search behaviors. In the 95th Annual Meeting of Transportation Research Board, Washington D.C., 2016.
13. Zhang, W.(张文波), Ukkusuri, S.V.*, and Lu, J.J.. Identifying the determinants of the empty taxi trip duration using limited geo-location data. In the 95th Annual Meeting of Transportation Research Board, Washington D.C., 2016.
14. Ma, Y.*, Sheng, F., Zhang, W.(张文波), Zhang C. Influence of Experimental Advisory Exit Speed Limit on Freeway Exit Ramp Traffic Speeds. In the 92nd Annual Meeting of Transportation Research Board, Washington D.C., 2013.
15. Lu, J.J.*, Zhang, W.(张文波), Sheng, F. BPANN Model Development for Predicting Speed Standard Deviation to Evaluate Safety Performance on Freeway Exit Ramps. In the 91st Annual Meeting of Transportation Research Board, Washington D.C., 2012.
16. Zhang, W.(张文波), Ma, Y., Lu, J.J.* Safety Guarantee Technology for Township Section of Arterial Highway Based on Traffic Safety Diagnosis. In Proceedings of COTA International conference of Transportation Professionals 2012, ASCE. Beijing, China.
17. Xiong, G., Xiang, Q.*, Zhang, W.(张文波) Evaluation on Safety Maintenance at Freeway Exit Ramp. In Proceedings of COTA International conference of Transportation Professionals 2012, ASCE. Beijing, China.
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城市规划原理A (3学分, 2019秋,2020秋) 交通大数据挖掘技术 (在线开放课程, 2019夏录制) 交通大数据 (3学分, 2021 春,2022春,2023春,2024春) 行为分析 (3学分, 2021 春,2022春,2023春)
交通运输工程专业案例 (3学分, 2019 秋, 2020秋, 2021秋,2022秋,2023秋) 数据分析与建模 (3学分, 2020春, 2021春, 2022春,2023春,2024春) 学习指导(我校)
18 秋(联合指导) 吴鑫骅 (硕士) 吕呈 (硕士)
19 秋(联合指导) 万剑 (博士) 王云珊 (硕士) 王升 (硕士) 刘钟锴(硕士,东大-莫纳什苏州联合研究生院) 杨佩云(硕士,东大-莫纳什苏州联合研究生院) 苗阳(硕士,东大-莫纳什苏州联合研究生院) 李璐 (硕士,网络安全学院)
22秋 胡靖琨(硕士) 王博(硕士,东大-莫纳什苏州联合研究生院)
23秋 郑青畅(硕士) 王若时(硕士,东大-莫纳什苏州联合研究生院) 何国顺(工程管理硕士) 姜博然(工程管理硕士)
20 春 万志扬:基于多任务学习的网约车供需预测算法设计 孙钰凯:考虑复杂时空要素的网约车需求预测算法设计
21春 徐旻:基于机器学习的网约车供需失衡分析算法设计 陶洪:共享出行系统车辆路侧停靠行为识别及停靠点推荐算法设计 赵乔丹:网约车驾驶员上下线行为识别与决策算法设计
22春 王文杰:基于车载视频众包数据的多维度安全驾驶评估 李艺桐:基于时空深度学习的网约车路内停靠需求预测 马宇恒:基于数据挖掘的营运小客车异常行为类型判定
23春 侯若非:基于激光雷达的公路自动化提取方法 王思睿:基于轨迹数据的路侧停靠对路段交通运行效率的影响评估 李书旸:基于轨迹数据的货运车辆运营行为识别
24春 李云鹏:多尺度数据融合预测技术及其在道路养护中的应用 雷昊林:基于点线面协同分析的城市道路交通态势多维评价 宫文深:面向自主式交通的超视距感知需求与架构设计 |