Submission of Paper

Please send your four-page full paper to Email: for SUBMISSION. For manuscript over than four-page, extra fee should be charged for 30US dollars per extra page. 

The deadline for full paper submission is July 31, 2020.

Instructions for authors Templates can be downloaded CEW or from CRC Press/Balkema.

The Evaluation Committee will inform the authors with respect to the acceptance of the paper and the type of presentation (oral or poster). The papers accepted for oral presentation will be published by CRC press which will be indexed by Engineering Village. Authors whose paper have not been accepted for oral presentation will have the opportunity to show their work as poster presentation. CEW2020 Conference will have poster sessions, which provide an excellent opportunity for networking and in-depth discussion about the content of your work.

The best CEW presentation and poster will receive an CEW2020 award.


Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the poster session will be cancelled and the conference will be online via ZOOM.
