Welcome to CEW2020: 6TH Chinese-European Workshop on Functional Pavements


The School of Transportation, Southeast University is honored to host  CEW2020 in Nanjing from October 18 through 21, 2020. It aims to create an international platform for exchanging innovative ideas on functional pavement and sharing the recent developments, and to bridge the gap between functional and structure requirements of pavements. The theme of CEW2020 is SMART+, which represents Sustainable, Safer, Multi-functional, Advanced Road for Tomorrow

World-known experts in the field of pavement engineering will be invited to deliver lectures on the theme. Professionals and researchers are welcome to share the latest research results and experiences, release the latest application technologies, and participate in discussions on the design, construction and maintenance of functional pavements. The participants are encouraged to submit a four-page paper on relevant topics. The paper will be peer-reviewed to be selected for presentation at CEW2020. The Evaluation Committee will inform the authors with respect to the acceptance of the paper and the type of presentation (oral or poster). The accepted papers will be published by CRC press and submitted for EI indexing.  The best CEW presentation and poster will receive an CEW2020 award.
