俞灏,博士,上岗副研究员,威尼斯澳门人登录welcome交通工程系教师,道路交通安全团队。毕业于威尼斯澳门人登录welcome交通运输工程专业,获博士学位。主要研究方向包括交通安全建模、智能交通管控、新型出行方式建模、动态交通分配研究以及大数据人工智能方法在交通中的应用等。在国内外知名期刊上发表学术论文30余篇(第一/通讯作者发表学术论文15篇),其中SCI/SSCI期刊收录27篇。担任美国运输研究会 (TRB)信息系统与技术研究常务委员会和农业食品运输常务委员会成员,《交通运输工程学报》青年编委,Transportation Research Part C,IEEE transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems,IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology,Accident Analysis & Prevention等知名期刊审稿人。
美国夏威夷州交通部项目HDOT,DUI Tracking System Development and Information Extraction,2018/10-2019/9,104万,结题,Co-PI
n 期刊论文遴选
Yuxuan Wang, Ruoxin Xiong, Hao Yu*, Jie Bao, Zhao Yang, A semantic embedding methodology for motor vehicle crash records: A case study of traffic safety in Manhattan Borough of New York City, Journal of Transportation Safety and Security, 1-21.
Mengling Yang, Hao Yu*, Lu Bai. 2021. Simulation-based evaluation of variation in left-turn paths in the coordinated intersection management, Journal of Advanced Transportation, 2021: 6243530.
Hao Yu, Zhenning Li, Guohui Zhang, Pan Liu, David T. Ma. 2021. Fusion convolutional neural network-based interpretation of unobserved heterogeneous factors in driver injury severity outcomes in single-vehicle crashes. Analytic Methods in Accident Research, 30: 100157.
Zhenning Li, Hao Yu*, Guohui Zhang, Shangjia Dong,Chengzhong Xu. 2021. Network-wide traffic signal control optimization using a multi-agent deep reinforcement learning. Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies, 125: 103059.
Hao Yu, Pan Liu, Yueyue Fan, Guohui Zhang.2021. Developing a decentralized signal control strategy considering link storage capacity. Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies, 124: 102971.
Hao Yu, Runze Yuan, Zhenning Li, Guohui Zhang, David T. Ma. 2020. Identifying heterogeneous factors for driver injury severity variations in snow-related rural single-vehicle crashes. Accident Analysis and Prevention, 144, 105587.
Hao Yu, Zhenning Li, Guohui Zhang, Pan Liu. 2020. Extracting and Predicting Taxi Hotspots in Spatiotemporal Dimensions Using Conditional Generative Adversarial Neural Networks. IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, 69(4): 3680-3692.
Hao Yu, Pan Liu, Zhenning Li, Guohui Zhang, Ziyuan Pu. 2020. Quantifying Significance of Young Traveler Characteristics in Travel Mode Choices Impacted by E-hailing Services. ASCE Journal of Transportation Engineering, Part A: Systems, 146(3).
俞灏, 刘攀, 柏璐, 路小波. 2019. 考虑交通事件影响的动态交通信号控制策略. 交通运输工程学报, 19(6): 182-190.
Hao Yu, Zhenning Li, Guohui Zhang, Pan Liu. 2019. A latent class approach for driver injury severity analysis in highway single vehicle crash considering unobserved heterogeneity and temporal influence. Analytic Methods in Accident Research, 24: 100110.
Hao Yu, Xiaofeng Chen, Zhenning Li, Pan Liu,Guohui Zhang, Jinfu Yang, Yin Yang. 2019. Taxi-based Mobility Demand Formulation and Prediction Using Conditional Generative Adversarial Network-Driven Learning Approaches. IEEE transactions on Intelligent Transportation System, 20(10): 3888-3899.
Jie Bao, Hao Yu*, Jiaming Wu. 2019. Short-term FFBS demand prediction with multi-source data in a hybrid deep learning framework. IET Intelligent Transport Systems, 13(9): 1340-1347.
Hao Yu, Rui Ma, Michael H. Zhang. 2018. Optimal traffic signal control under dynamic user equilibrium and link constraints in a general network. Transportation Research Part B: Methodological. 110: 302-325.
Hao Yu, Pan Liu, Rui Ma, Lu Bai. 2018. Performance evaluation of integrated strategy of vehicle route guidance and traffic signal control using traffic simulation. IET Intelligent Transport Systems. 12(7): 696-702.
俞灏, 刘攀, 徐铖铖, 柏璐. 2017. 交通诱导与信号控制协同优化策略仿真. 我校学报(自然科学版), 47(5): 1026-1031.
n 奖励及荣誉
2020年,美国交通研究委员会交通安全管理常务委员会最佳青年学者论文奖, Investigate Factors Affecting Driver Injury Severity in Snow-Related Rural Single-Vehicle Crashes.
2018年,海外华人交通协会最佳博士学位论文提名奖,Integration of Traffic Route Guidance and Signal Control Considering Traffic Dynamics.
n 授权专利
俞灏. 基于下游路段承载能力的信号控制优化系统, 专利授权日: 2021年7月9日, 专利号: ZL2018115114944.
俞灏. 基于交叉口平均饱和度的信号控制优化目标切换系统, 专利授权日: 2021年2月26日, 专利号: ZL2018115132270.
n 软件著作权
俞灏, 高艺萍. 乡村事故数据可视化和分析系统, 2022年,登记号: 2022SR0310249.