马永锋,博士,副教授,博士生导师。我校交通运输规划与管理专业获博士学位,美国Purdue University访问学者。江西省道路交通安全协会专家组、江苏省城市道路交通精细化管理指导组成员。世界交通运输大会道路交通设计技术委员会主席,中国交通运输协会青年科技工作者委员会委员。
主要研究方向为道路交通安全、驾驶行为与心理、人因与安全、道路交通设计。承担国家自然科学基金、国家重点研发计划项目子课题及省部级科研项目十余项,地方交通工程咨询项目三十余项,获中国公路学会、江苏省科学技术奖等奖项5项。在国内外学术期刊及会议发表论文80余篇,出版教材、专著5部/参著3部,授权国家发明专利10余项。《交通信息与安全》、《交通运输研究》编委,Transportation Research Part C/F、AAP、TRR、中国公路学报、交通运输工程学报等国内外期刊审稿人。
山西省交通厅科技项目(10-2-01),山西省省道340(汾阳~柳林段)交通安全保障技术应用研究,2009-2010 ,联合主持
Zhang, C., Ma, Y.*, Chen, S., Zhang, J., & Xing, G. (2024). Exploring the occupational fatigue risk of short-haul truck drivers: Effects of sleep pattern, driving task, and time-on-task on driving behavior and eye-motion metrics. Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour, 100, 37–56.
Ma, Y.*, Sheng, Y., Wu, Y., & Chen, S. (2024). Influence of emotions on the aggressive driving behavior of online car-hailing drivers based on association rule mining. Ergonomics. Accepted.
张俊杰, 马永锋*, 陈淑燕, 邢冠仰, & 张子煜. (2024). 高速公路施工区车队被动换道行为建模与仿真. 浙江大学学报(工学版), 58(2), 381–387.
Wu, Y., Chen, S., Ma, Y.*, Cheng, W., Zhang, F., & Xing, G. (2024). Identification of aggressive driving behavior of online car‐hailing drivers based on association classification. Human Factors and Ergonomics in Manufacturing & Service Industries, 34(2), 118-131.
Zhang, J., Li, H., Ma, Y., Zhang, C., & Chen, N. (2024). Modeling and optimization of platooning behaviors in fixed-time signalized intersection entrance areas. Simulation Modelling Practice and Theory, 132, 102900.
Pang, Q., Chen, S., Ma, Y., Qiao, F., Zhang, Z., & Liu, H. (2024). Estimating of energy consumption of electric vehicles under different road characteristics: A case study for Nanjing, China. International Journal of Green Energy, 1–16.
Tang, K., Chen, S., Guo, T., Ma, Y., & Khattak, A. J. (2024). An adaptive deep multi-task learning approach for citywide travel time collaborative estimation. Expert Systems with Applications, 244, 123009.
Ma, Y.*, Xie, Z., Chen, S., Qiao, F., & Li, Z. (2023). Real-time detection of abnormal driving behavior based on long short-term memory network and regression residuals. Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies, 146, 103983.
Ma, Y.*, Mo, S., Chen, S., Xing, G., Tang, K., Zhao, J., & Guo, Z. (2023). Evaluating the effectiveness of accessibility features for roadway users with visual impairment: A case study for Nanjing, China. Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour, 97, 301–313.
Ma, Y.*, Wang, F., Chen, S., Xing, G., Xie, Z., & Wang, F. (2023). A dynamic method to predict driving risk on sharp curves using multi-source data. Accident Analysis & Prevention, 191, 107228.
Ma, Y.*, Xie, Z., Li, W., & Chen, S. (2023). Modeling driving styles of online ride-hailing drivers with model identifiability and interpretability. Travel Behaviour and Society, 33, 100645.
Ma, Y.*, Zhang, J., Lu, J., Chen, S., Xing, G., & Feng, R. (2023). Prediction and analysis of likelihood of freeway crash occurrence considering risky driving behavior. Accident Analysis & Prevention, 192, 107244.
张晨骁, 马永锋*, 陈淑燕, 周穆雄, &袁帅. (2023). 基于超效率数据包络分析的重型车驾驶人驾驶安全绩效评价方法. 中国公路学报, 36(9), 326–342.
Zhang, C., Ma, Y.*, Khattak, A. J., Chen, S., Xing, G., & Zhang, J. (2023). Driving style identification and its association with risky driving behaviors among truck drivers based on GPS, load condition, and in-vehicle monitoring data. Journal of Transportation Safety & Security, 1–35.
Chen, S., Yao, H., Qiao, F., Ma, Y.*, Wu, Y., & Lu, J. (2023). Vehicles driving behavior recognition based on transfer learning. Expert Systems with Applications, 213, 119254.
Pang, Q., Chen, S., Ma, Y., Qiao, F., & Zhu, Y. (2023). Influence of distracted driving of online car-hailing drivers on overall driving performance. International Journal of Injury Control And Safety Promotion, 1–10.
Tang, K., Guo, T., Shao, F., Ma, Y., & Khattak, A. J. (2023). Spatial-temporal traffic performance collaborative forecast in urban road network based on dynamic factor model. Expert Systems with Applications, 225, 120090.
Xing, G., Chen, S., Ma, Y., Zhang, C., Xie, Z., & Zhu, Y. (2023). Understanding distracted driving patterns of ride-hailing drivers from multi-source data: Applying association rule mining. Journal of Transportation Safety & Security, 1–31.
马永锋*, 喻铃华, 陈淑燕, 张晨骁, 张子煜, &周穆雄. (2022). 自然驾驶状态下重型工程车驾驶人驾驶稳定性分析. 中国公路学报, 35(1), 169–179.
Gu, X., Abdel-Aty, M., Lee, J., Xiang, Q., & Ma, Y. (2022). Identification of contributing factors for interchange crashes based on a quasi-induced exposure method. Journal of Transportation Safety & Security, 14(4), 671-692.
Ma, Y.*, Gu, X., Zhang, W., Hu, S., Liu, H., Zhao, J., & Chen, S. (2021). Evaluating the effectiveness of crosswalk tactile paving on street-crossing behavior: A field trial study for people with visual impairment. Accident Analysis & Prevention, 163, 106420.
Ma, Y.*, Li, W., Tang, K., Zhang, Z., & Chen, S. (2021). Driving style recognition and comparisons among driving tasks based on driver behavior in the online car-hailing industry. Accident Analysis & Prevention, 154, 106096.
Ma, Y.*, Zhang, Z., Chen, S., Pan, Y., Hu, S., & Li, Z. (2021). Investigating the impact of spatial-temporal grid size on the microscopic forecasting of the inflow and outflow gap in a free-floating bike-sharing system. Journal of Transport Geography, 96, 103208.
Ansar, M. S., Ma, Y.*, Chen, S., Tang, K., & Zhang, Z. (2021). Investigating the trip configured causal effect of distracted driving on aggressive driving behavior for e-hailing taxi drivers. Journal of Traffic and Transportation Engineering (English edition), 8(5), 725–734.
Ma, Y.*, Tang, K., Chen, S., Khattak, A. J., & Pan, Y. (2020). On-line aggressive driving identification based on in-vehicle kinematic parameters under naturalistic driving conditions. Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies, 114, 554–571.
Ma, Y.*, Meng, H., Chen, S., Zhao, J., Li, S., & Xiang, Q. (2020). Predicting Traffic Conflicts for Expressway Diverging Areas Using Vehicle Trajectory Data. Journal of Transportation Engineering, Part A: Systems, 146(3), 04020003.
Zhang, B., Chen, S., Ma, Y., Li, T., & Tang, K. (2020). Analysis on spatiotemporal urban mobility based on online car-hailing data. Journal of Transport Geography, 82, 102568.
Gu, X., Cai, Q., Lee, J., Xiang, Q., Ma, Y., & Xu, X. (2020). Proactive crash risk prediction modeling for merging assistance system at interchange merging areas. Traffic Injury Prevention, 21(3), 234-240.
Pan, Y., Chen, S., Niu, S., Ma, Y., & Tang, K. (2020). Investigating the impacts of built environment on traffic states incorporating spatial heterogeneity. Journal of Transport Geography, 83, 102663.
Ma, Y.*, Gu, X., Lee, J., & Xiang, Q. (2019). Investigating the affecting factors of speed dispersion for suburban arterial highways in Nanjing, China. Journal of Advanced Transportation, 2019, 1–11.
Ma, Y.*, Zhang, Z., Chen, S., Yu, Y., & Tang, K. (2019). A comparative study of aggressive driving behavior recognition algorithms based on vehicle motion data. IEEE Access, 7, 8028–8038.
Ma, Y.*, Yuan, L., & Zhang, W. (2015). Analytical method of minimum spacing of signalized intersections on bidirectional two-lane highways. Journal of Southeast University (English Edition), 31(4), 547–552.
杜胜品, & 马永锋. (2014). 基于冲突点的交织区复杂度量化研究. 交通运输系统工程与信息, 14(1), 53–58.
李红伟, 陆键, 姜桂艳, & 马永锋. (2013). 快速路交通事件检测方法. 我校学报(自然科学版), 43(3), 649–653.
李红伟, 陆键, 马永锋, & 刘元林. (2013). 城郊高速出入口匝道选址模型. 交通信息与安全, 31(5), 1-4+24.
Ma, Y.*, Lu, J. J., Zhang, W., & Zhao, J. (2012). Comprehensive model for highway bridge maintenance quality evaluation in Jiangsu province, China. Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, 2292(1), 150–159.
Li, H.-W., Ma, Y.-F., Sheng, F., & Huang, B.-E. (2011). Risk analysis based on logistic model for large bridge traffic safety under disaster weather. Journal of Beijing Institute of Technology (English Edition), 20(SUPPL.1), 16–19.
杜胜品, 陆键, 马永锋, & 易磊. (2011). 基于车辆限界的高速公路交织区交通安全评价研究. 交通信息与安全, 29(2), 69-72+78.
赵海娟, 陆键, & 马永锋. (2011). 高速公路与地面道路衔接部交通安全改善研究. 交通运输工程与信息学报, 9(1), 52–58.
马永锋*,项乔君,陆键,魏连雨.基于交通流稳定距离的多车道公路信号平交口安全间距研究.中国公路学报,2010, 23(3):83-88.
卢川, 项乔君, 吴群, 陆键, & 马永锋. (2010). 高速公路出口匝道通行效率分析. 交通运输系统工程与信息, 10(3), 142–146.
项乔君, 卢川, 吴群, 陆键, & 马永锋. (2009). 无信号控制平面交叉口交通冲突预测模型研究. 公路交通科技, 26(5), 132–135.
王鹏英, 陆键, 马永锋, & 赵海娟. (2009). 高速公路出口匝道几何特征及控制方式研究现状及展望. 交通运输工程与信息学报, 7(1), 104–110.
马永锋*, 陆键, 项乔君, & 沙海云. (2008). 省域公路出行者信息系统规划方法研究. 公路交通科技, 2, 127–133.
马永锋*, 陆键, 项乔君, & 沙海云. (2007). 省域公路出行者信息服务系统架构设计研究. 公路交通科技, 10, 123–128.
Q.J Xiang, Y.F Ma*, & J. Lu, (2007). Framework design of highway traveler information system of Jiangsu province in China. IET Intelligent Transport System., Vol.1(2): 110~116.
马永锋*,陆键,项乔君.基于出行决策的公路网最优出行路径研究.交通运输工程学报.2007, 7(3):100~105.
魏连雨,马永锋.城市道路交通系统供需协调发展.交通运输工程学报, 2004, Vol.4(4):58~61.
陈淑燕,马永锋,乔凤祥. 机器学习及交通应用Machine Learning for Transportation(英文),我校出版社,2022
2022年度江苏省科学技术奖二等奖,道路交通安全风险防控关键技术创新及应用, 9/9
2021年度中国公路学会科学技术奖一等奖. 道路交通安全主动治理与智能防控关键技术及应用,13/15
江苏省综合交通运输学会科学技术奖二等奖,驾驶技能智能训练与高风险驾驶行为矫正关键技术及应用,2019, 5/6