序号 | 作者 | 论文题目 | 刊物或会议名称 | 卷号 期号 | 学科 |
1 | 包杰 刘攀 俞灏 徐铖铖 | Incorporating twitter-based human activity information in spatial analysis of crashes in urban areas | Accident Analysis & Prevention | 106:358-369 | 交通 |
2 | 李豪杰 Graham Daniel J 刘攀 | Safety effects of the London cycle superhighways on cycle collisions | Accident Analysis & Prevention | 99 | 交通 |
3 | 李烨 李志斌 王昊 王炜 | Evaluating the safety impact of adaptive cruise control in traffic oscillations on freeways | Accident Analysis & Prevention | 104 | 交通 |
4 | 李烨 王昊 王炜 | Evaluation of the impacts of cooperative adaptive cruise control on reducing rear-end collision risks on freeways | Accident Analysis & Prevention | 98 | 交通 |
5 | 徐铖铖 李豪杰 赵金娅 | Investigating the Relationship between Jobs-Housing Balance and Traffic Safety | Accident Analysis & Prevention | 107 | 交通 |
6 | 秦严严 王昊 | Stability analysis and fundamental diagram of heterogeneous traffic flow mixed with cooperative adaptive cruise control vehicles | ACTA PHYSICA SINICA | 66(9) | 交通 |
7 | 张健 程阳 何赏璐 冉斌 | Improving method of real-time offset tuning for arterial signal coordination using probe trajectory data | Advanced Mechanical Engineering | 9(1) | 交通 |
8 | 何赏璐 程阳 钟罡 冉斌 | A data-driven study on the sample size of cellular handoff probe system | Advances in Mechanical Engineering | 9(4) | 交通 |
9 | 王昊 罗思达 罗天明 | Fractal characteristics of urban surface transit and road networks: Case study of Strasbourg, France | Advances in Mechanical Engineering | 9(2) | 交通 |
10 | 闫星臣 ZhuLi 陈峻 Wang Tao | Features of bicycle abreast riding and its application in bicycle facility | Advances in Mechanical Engineering | 9(4) | 交通 |
11 | 陈沁 He Peng 陈峻 | Analysis on Time Window of Shared Parking in Hospitals Based on Parking Behaviors | Discrete Dynamics in Nature and Society | 9859604 | 交通 |
12 | 高良鹏 季彦婕 刘阳 | Research on Modeling Intrahousehold Interactions from the Perspective of Space-Time Constraints | Discrete Dynamics in Nature and Society | 2917106 | 交通 |
13 | 李大韦 胡晓健 金诚杰 Zhou Jun | Learning to Detect Traffic Incidents from Data Based on Tree Augmented Naive Bayesian Classifiers | Discrete Dynamics in Nature and Society | 8523495 | 交通 |
14 | 李英帅 陆建 Xu Kuisheng | Crash Risk Prediction Model of Lane-Change Behavior on Approaching Intersections | Discrete Dynamics in Nature and Society | 7328562 | 交通 |
15 | 吴鼎新 邓卫 Song Yan Wang Jian | Evaluating Operational Effects of Bus Lane with Intermittent | Discrete Dynamics in Nature and Society | 1659176 | 交通 |
16 | 韩飞 程琳 | Stochastic user equilibrium model with a tradable credit scheme and application in maximizing network reserve capacity | Engineering Optimization | 49(4) | 交通 |
17 | 叶智锐 许明涛 | Decision model for resolving conflicting transit signal priority requests | IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transporation Systems | 28(1) | 交通 |
18 | 李烨 徐铖铖 刑璐 王炜 | Integrated Cooperative Adaptive Cruise and Variable Speed Limit Controls for Reducing Rear-End Collision Risks Near Freeway Bottlenecks Based on Micro-Simulations | EEE Transactions on Intelligent Transporation Systems | 18(11) | 交通 |
19 | 李志斌 刘攀 段荟 徐铖铖 | Reinforcement Learning-Based Variable Speed Limit Control Strategy to Reduce Traffic Congestion at Freeway Recurrent Bottlenecks | EEE Transactions on Intelligent Transporation Systems | 18(11) | 交通 |
20 | 钟罡 万霞 张健 尹婷婷 | Characterizing Passenger Flow for a Transportation Hub Based on Mobile Phone Data | EEE Transactions on Intelligent Transporation Systems | 18(6) | 交通 |
21 | 郭延永 Sayed Tarek Zaki Mohamed H | Automated analysis of pedestrian walking behaviour at a signalised intersection in China | IET Intelligent Transport Systems | 11(1) | 交通 |
22 | 金诚杰 王炜 姜锐 董力耘 | Simulating pedestrian flow by an improved two-process cellular automaton model | International Journal of Modern Physics C | 28(2) | 交通 |
23 | 孔德文 过秀成 吴鼎新 | The influence of heavy vehicles on traffic dynamics around on-ramp system: Cellular automata approach | International Journal of Modern Physics C | 28(6) | 交通 |
24 | 郭延永 周继彪 吴瑶 陈景旭 | Evaluation of Factors Affecting E-Bike Involved Crash and E-Bike License Plate Use in China Using a Bivariate Probit Model | Journal of Advanced Transportation | 2142659 | 交通 |
25 | 刘志远 张永 王帅安 李志斌 | A Trial-and-Error Method with Autonomous Vehicle-to-Infrastructure Traffic Counts for Cordon-Based Congestion Pricing | Journal of Advanced Transportation | 9243039 | 交通 |
26 | 朱震军 Lu Yang Zeng Jun Chen Hongsheng | Highway Traffic Accident Influence Area Based on Vehicle Bypass Decision-Making Index | Journal of Advanced Transportation | 527095 | 交通 |
27 | 季彦婕 高良鹏 陈晓实 郭卫红 | Strategies for multi-step-ahead available parking spaces forecasting based on wavelet transform | Journal of Central South University | 24(6) | 交通 |
28 | 刘培 张健 曲俊蓉 陆加健 | Evaluation of mobility impact on urban work zones using statistical models | Journal of Central South University | 24(6) | 交通 |
29 | 曲栩 王炜 王文夫 刘攀 | Real-time rear-end crash potential prediction on freeways | Journal of Central South University | 24(6) | 交通 |
30 | 纪翔峰 Ban Xuegang 张健 冉斌 | Subjective-utility travel time budget modeling in the stochastic traffic network assignment | Journal of Intelligent Transportation Systems: Technology, Planning, and Operations | p 1-13 | 交通 |
31 | 李烨 王炜 王昊 邢璐 | 自动巡航控制系统对改善城市道路交通油耗效率的影响评价 | Journal of Southeast University (English Edition) | 33(2) | 交通 |
32 | 孙超 程琳 李大韦 马捷 | 可靠旅行时间置信水平下随机网络均衡模型 | Journal of Southeast University (English Edition) | 33(3) | 交通 |
33 | 杨硕 邓卫 程龙 | 支持向量机在出行链模式识别和影响因素分析中的应用 | Journal of Southeast University (English Edition) | 33(1) | 交通 |
34 | 展凤萍 张健 万霞 冉斌 | Method for Allocating Multitype Sensors on a Freeway Corridor with Existing Sensors | Journal of Transportation Engineering | 143(11) | 交通 |
35 | 陆建 李英帅 | 车辆换道行为建模的回顾与展望 | Journal of Transportation Systems Engineering and Information Technology | 17(4) | 交通 |
36 | 李林超 王永钢 钟罡 张健 | Short-to-medium term passenger flow forecasting for metro stations using a hybrid model | KSCE Journal of Civil Engineering | p 1-9 | 交通 |
37 | 张国强 陈军 赵金娅 | Safety Performance Evaluation of a Three-Leg Unsignalized Intersection Using Traffic Conflict Analysis | Mathematical Problems in Engineering | 2948750 | 交通 |
38 | 赵顗 马永锋 陆建 纵延凯 | Variability of Green Time to Discharge a Specified Number of Queued Vehicles at a Signalized Intersection | Mathematical Problems in Engineering | 3723575 | 交通 |
39 | 朱震军 过秀成 Zeng JunZhang Shengrui | Route Design Model of Feeder Bus Service for Urban Rail Transit Stations | Mathematical Problems in Engineering | 1090457 | 交通 |
40 | 包杰 徐铖铖 刘攀 王炜 | Exploring Bikesharing Travel Patterns and Trip Purposes Using Smart Card Data and Online Point of Interests | Networks and Spatial Economics | 17(4) | 交通 |
41 | 纪翔峰 Ban Xuegang 李梦甜 张健 | Non-expected Route Choice Model under Risk on Stochastic Traffic Networks | Networks and Spatial Economics | 17(3) | 交通 |
42 | 刘志远 Yi W. 王帅安 陈峻 | On the Uniqueness of User Equilibrium Flow with Speed Limit | Networks and Spatial Economics | 17(3) | 交通 |
43 | 金诚杰 Jiang Rui Yin, Jun-Lin Dong Li-Yun | Simulating bi-directional pedestrian flow in a cellular automaton model considering the body-turning behavior | PHYSICA A | 482 | 交通 |
44 | 陈景旭 李志斌 姜航 朱森来 | Simulating the impacts of on-street vehicle parking on traffic operations on urban streets using cellular automation | PHYSICA A-STATISTICAL MECHANICS AND ITS APPLICATIONS | 468 | 交通 |
45 | Bie Yiming 刘志远 Wang Yinhai | A Real-time Traffic Control Method for the Intersection with Pre-signals under the Phase Swap Sorting Strategy | Plos One | 12(5) | 交通 |
46 | 郭延永 周继彪 吴瑶 李志斌 | Identifying the factors affecting bike-sharing usage and degree of satisfaction in Ningbo, China | Plos One | 12(9) | 交通 |
47 | 魏雪延 徐铖铖 王炜 杨梦琳 | Evaluation of average travel delay caused by moving bottlenecks on highways | Plos One | 12(8) | 交通 |
48 | 李林超 Fratrović Tomislav 张健 冉斌 | Traffic speed prediction for highway operations based on a symbolic regression algorithm | PROMET-Traffic&Transportation | 29(4) | 交通 |
49 | 张春波 过秀成 Xi Zhenping | Determination of observation weight to calibrate freeway traffic fundamental diagram using weighted least square method (WLSM) | PROMET-Traffic &Transportation | 29(2) | 交通 |
50 | 徐凌慧 卢佳 张健 | Speed Control of Pure Electric Vehicle Based on Adaptive Fuzzy PID Controller | Smart Innovation, Systems and Technologies | v 62, p 20-26 | 交通 |
51 | 朱震军 过秀成 ChenHongshengZeng Jun | Optimization of Urban Mini-Bus Stop Spacing: A Case Study of Shanghai(China) | 24(3) | 交通 | |
52 | 柏璐 Chan Ching-Yao刘攀 徐铖铖 | Identifying factors affecting the safety of mid-block bicycle lanes considering mixed 2-wheeled traffic flow | Traffic & Transportation | 18(7) | 交通 |
53 | 王超 叶智锐 Wang Xinyi Li Wenting | Effects of speed-control measures on the safety of unsignalized midblock street crossings in China | Traffic & Transportation | 18(7) | 交通 |
54 | 徐铖铖 王晨 王玮 包杰 | Investigating Spatial Interdependence in E-Bike Choice Using Spatially Autoregressive Model | Traffic & Transportation | 29(4) | 交通 |
55 | 魏雪延 徐铖铖 王炜 李烨 | 多车道高速公路的通行能力分析与建模 | Transp. Syst. Eng. Inf. Technol | 17(2) | 交通 |
56 | Bie, Yiming Cheng Shaowu 刘志远 | Optimization of Signal-timing Parameters for the Intersection with Hook turns | Transport | 32(2) | 交通 |
57 | 杨敏 吴静娴 Soora Rasouli Cinzia Cirillo | Exploring the impact of residential relocation on modal shift in commute trips: Evidence from a quasi-longitudinal analysis | Transport Policy | 59 | 交通 |
58 | 赵德 王炜Woodburn Amber Ryerson, Megan S. | Isolating high-priority metro and feeder bus transfers using smart card data | TRANSPORTATION | 44(6) | 交通 |
59 | 柏璐 刘攀 Chan, Ching-Yao李志斌 | Estimating level of service of mid-block bicycle lanes considering mixed traffic flow | TRANSPORTATION RESEARCH PART A-POLICY AND PRACTICE | 101 | 交通 |
60 | 刘志远 王帅安 周博见 Cheng, Qixiu | Robust Optimization of Distance-based Tolls in a Network Considering Stochastic Day to Day Dynamics | Transportation Research Part C | 79 | 交通 |
61 | 李昀轩 陆建 张琳 赵顗 | Taxi booking mobile app order demand prediction based on short-term traffic forecasting | Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board | 2634 | 交通 |
62 | 李志斌 王炜 杨晨 丁浩洋 | Bicycle mode share in China: a city-level analysis of long term trends | TRANSPORTATION | 44(4) | 交通 |
63 | 陈景旭 王帅安 刘志远 王玮 | Design of Suburban Bus Route for Airport Access | Transportmetrica A: Transport Science | 13(6) | 交通 |
64 | 楼小明 程琳 褚昭明 | Modelling travellers' en-route path switching in a day-to-day dynamical system | Transportmetrica B: Transport Dynamics | 5(1) | 交通 |
65 | 王昊 李烨 王玮 付旻 | Optimal velocity model with dual boundary optimal velocity function | Transportmetrica B: Transport Dynamics | 5(2) | 交通 |
66 | 李林超 张健 杨帆 冉斌 | 基于核函数切换和支持向量回归的交通量短时预测模型 | 我校学报 (自然科学版) | 47(5) | 交通 |
67 | 李亚平 陆建 | 基于车辆行驶轨迹的驾驶人追尾碰撞风险分析 | 我校学报 (自然科学版) | 33(2) | 交通 |
68 | 潘应久 陈淑燕 | 改进的大型场馆看台区行人疏散时间模型 | 我校学报 (自然科学版) | 47(3) | 交通 |
69 | 孙超 程琳 栾鑫 凃强 | 基于网络拓扑的子网络OD需求估计 | 我校学报 (自然科学版) | 47(6) | 交通 |
70 | 吴静娴 杨敏 | 基于贝叶斯网络的城市常规公交服务满意度分析模型 | 我校学报 (自然科学版) | 47(5) | 交通 |
71 | 俞灏 刘攀 徐铖铖 柏璐 | 交通诱导与信号控制协同优化策略仿真 | 我校学报 (自然科学版) | 47(5) | 交通 |
72 | 赵玮 徐良杰 冉斌 汪济洲 | 基于深度学习DBN算法的高速公路危险变道判别模型 | 我校学报 (自然科学版) | 47(4) | 交通 |
73 | 赵顗 钟宁 陆建 李英帅 | 信号配时算法核心参数敏感度及标定准确性分析 | 我校学报 (自然科学版) | 33(3) | 交通 |
74 | 郑乐 李文权 邱丰 曹希 | 多层航空网络拉普拉斯能量最大化问题 | 我校学报 (自然科学版) | 33(3) | 交通 |
75 | 赵顗 陆建 张文珺 孙祥龙 | Logit模型下的道路拥堵收费策略改善效果分析 | 哈尔滨工业大学学报 | 49(3) | 交通 |
76 | 郭延永 刘攀 吴瑶 | 基于交通冲突模型的信号交叉口渠化岛设置方法 | 交通运输工程学报 | 17(4) | 交通 |
77 | 李文权 邵孜科 Wang Shi-Heng Sun Chun-Yang | 城市快速路平行式加速车道长度计算方法 | 交通运输工程学报 | 17(4) | 交通 |
78 | 秦严严 王昊 王玮 倪代恒 | 自适应巡航控制车辆跟驰模型 综述 | 交通运输工程学报 | 17(3) | 交通 |
79 | 秦严严 王昊 王炜 万千 | 不同CACC渗透率条件下的混合交通流稳定性分析 | 交通运输工程学报 | 17(4) | 交通 |
80 | 陆建 李英帅 | 车辆换道行为建模的回顾与展望 | 交通运输系统工程与信息 | 17(4) | 交通 |
81 | 吴静娴 杨敏 | 基于贝叶斯网的城市迁居者通勤方式变迁模型 | 交通运输系统工程与信息 | 17(6) | 交通 |
82 | 耿磊 马涛 张军辉 黄晓明 | Research on Performance of a Dense Graded Ultra-ThinWearing Course Mixture | Applied Sciences | 7(8) | 道路 |
83 | 马涛 汤涛 黄晓明 丁珣昊 | Thermal Stability Investigation of Wide Embankment with Asphalt Pavement for Qinghai-Tibet Expressway Based on Finite Element Method | Applied thermal engineering | 115 | 道路 |
84 | 刘国强 赵永利 Zhou Jian Li Jing | Applicability of evaluation indices for asphalt and filler interaction ability | Construction and Building Materials | 148 | 道路 |
85 | Zeheng Yao 龚明辉 杨军 | Characterization of asphalt materials’ moisture susceptibility using multiple methods | Construction and Building Materials | 155 | 道路 |
86 | 丁珣昊 马涛 高旺 | Morphological characterization and mechanical analysis for coarse aggregate skeleton of asphalt mixture based on discrete-element modeling | Construction and Building Materials | 154 | 道路 |
87 | 丁珣昊 马涛 张伟光 张德育 | Experimental study of stable crumb rubber asphalt and asphalt mixture | Construction and Building Materials | 157 | 道路 |
88 | 高英 耿大为 黄晓明 李国强 | Degradation evaluation index of asphalt pavement based on mechanical performance of asphalt mixture | Construction and Building Materials | 140 | 道路 |
89 | 龚明辉 朱浩然 Pauli Troy 杨军 | Evaluation of bio-binder modified asphalt's adhesion behavior using sessile drop device and atomic force microscopy | Construction and Building Materials | 145 | 道路 |
90 | 蒋继望 倪富健 高磊 姚琳怡 | Effect of the contact structure characteristics on rutting performance in asphalt mixtures using 2D imaging analysis | Construction and Building Materials | 136 | 道路 |
91 | 马辉 Cai, Jingming Lin, Zhan 钱吮智 | CaCO3 whisker modified Engineered Cementitious Composite with local | Construction and Building Materials | 151 | 道路 |
92 | 张伟光 黄晓明 杨军 陈先华 | Effect of Segregation on Rutting Resistance of Asphalt Pavement | Construction and Building Materials | 147 | 道路 |
93 | 张小元 顾兴宇 吕俊秀 Zou Xiaoyong | 3D numerical model to investigate the rheological properties of basalt fiber reinforced asphalt-like materials | Construction and Building Materials | 138 | 道路 |
94 | 张小元 顾兴宇 吕俊秀 | Numerical Analysis of the Rheological Behaviors of Basalt Fiber Reinforced Asphalt Mortar using ABAQUS | Construction and Building Materials | 157 | 道路 |
95 | 朱浩然 徐刚 龚明辉 杨军 | Recycling long-term-aged asphalts using bio-binder/plasticizer-based rejuvenator | Construction and Building Materials | 147 | 道路 |
96 | 程永振 黄晓明 李昶 Shen, Zhaopu | Field and numerical investigation of soil–atmosphere interaction at | EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL AND CIVIL ENGINEERING | 21(11) | 道路 |
97 | 马涛 王昊 赵永利 黄晓明 | Laboratory Investigation of Crumb Rubber Modified Asphalt Binder and Mixtures with Warm-Mix Additives | International Journal of Civil Engineering | 15(2A) | 道路 |
98 | 于斌 刘强 田馨 周岚 | Empirical performance models of hot in-place recycling of asphalt pavements | International Journal of Pavement Engineering | 28(2) | 道路 |
99 | 张伟光 | Effect of tack coat on interlayer shear strength of asphalt pavement: a state-of-the-art review based on application in the United States | International Journal of Pavement Research and Technology | 10(5) | 道路 |
100 | 于帅 沈士惠 张程 张伟光 | Evaluation of the Blending Effectiveness of Reclaimed Asphalt Pavement Binder | Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering | 29(12) | 道路 |
101 | 刘为 缪鹏辉 王声乐 | Increasing Microwave Heating Efficiency of Asphalt-Coated Aggregates Mixed with Modified Steel Slag Particles | Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering | 29(10) | 道路 |
102 | 马涛 汪浩 何亮 赵永利 | Property Characterization of Asphalt Binders and Mixtures Modified by Different Crumb Rubbers | Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering | 29(7) | 道路 |
103 | 倪富健 于斌 顾兴宇 Xu Kai | Characterization of Fatigue Damage of Hot Mix Asphalt Based on Residual Strength | Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering | 29(8) | 道路 |
104 | 陈先华 耿艳芬 Qinglin Jiang 黄晓明 | Innovative Approach for Pavement Runoff Characterization | Journal of Performance of Constructed Facilities | 31(5) | 道路 |
105 | 程永振 黄晓明 李昶 李连友 | 膨胀土地基上路堤裂缝形成数值分析 | Journal of Southeast University (English Edition) | 17(4) | 道路 |
106 | 蒋继望 倪富健 | 基于数字图像相关方法的沥青混合料疲劳性能研究 | Journal of Southeast University (English Edition) | 33(2) | 道路 |
107 | 周洲 顾兴宇 倪富健 李强 | Cracking Resistance Characterization of Asphalt Concrete Containing Reclaimed Asphalt Pavement at Intermediate Temperatures | Journal of the Transportation Research Board | 2633 | 道路 |
108 | 杨若冲 ZHAN Chong 杨军 WU Shuyin | Microscopic Pore Structure of Asphalt Mixture Incorporating with MFL | Journal of Wuhan University of Technology-Mater. Sci. Ed. | 32(5) | 道路 |
109 | Jianming Ling Bingye Han Yan Xie 董侨 | Laboratory and Field Study of Electroosmosis Dewatering for Pavement Subgrade Soil | Journal of Cold Regions Engineering | 31(4) | 道路 |
110 | 缪鹏辉 刘为 王声乐 | Improving microwave absorption efficiency of asphalt mixture by enriching Fe3O4 on the surface of steel slag particles | MATERIALS AND STRUCTURES | 50(2) | 道路 |
111 | 马涛 汪浩 张德育 张垚 | Heterogeneity Effect of Mechanical Property on Creep Behavior of Asphalt Mixture based on Micromechanical Modeling and Virtual Creep Test | Mechanics of Materials | 104 | 道路 |
112 | Li, Jian 倪富健 Jin, Jing 周洲 | A comparison of rejuvenator and sryrene–butadiene rubber latex used in hot in-place recycling | Road Materials and Pavement Design | 18(1) | 道路 |
113 | 陈先华 黄卫 钱振东 张磊 | Design principle of deck pavements for long-span steel bridges with heavy-duty traffic in China | Road Materials and Pavement Design | 18 | 道路 |
114 | 龚明辉 杨军 Wei Jianming Pauli Troy | Quantitative characterisation of asphalt's composition-microstructure relationship based on atomic force microscopy, differential scanning calorimetry, and Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy tests | Road Materials and Pavement Design | 18(3) | 道路 |
115 | 于斌 顾兴宇 吴明 倪富健 | Application of a high percentage of reclaimed asphalt pavement in an asphalt mixture: blending process and performance investigation | Road Materials and Pavement Design | 18(3) | 道路 |
116 | 赵岩荆 倪富健 周岚 蒋继望 | Heterogeneous fracture simulation of asphalt mixture under SCB test with cohesive crack model | Road Materials and Pavement Design | 18(6) | 道路 |
117 | 朱玉琴 倪富健 李洪梅等 | Calibration and sensitivity analysis of rut prediction model for semi-rigid pavement using AASHTOWare ME design | Road Materials and Pavement Design | 18(3) | 道路 |
118 | Zhou, Hao Lu Wang 程建川 Yang Ma | Numerical Study of Bernoulli Effect on Bus Controllability and Driving Safety | Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board | 2637 | 道路 |
119 | 朱晟泽 黄晓明 | 横向刻槽混凝土路面轮胎滑水速度数值模拟研究 | 我校学报 (自然科学版) | 46(6) | 道路 |
120 | 汤涛 马涛 黄晓明等 | Simulation analysis on cooling effectiveness of engineer measures for subgrade of Qinghai-Tibetexpressway | 湖南大学学报 | 43(11) | 道路 |
121 | 张小元 顾兴宇 吕俊秀 黄子珍等 | 玄武岩纤维沥青碎石封层性能及合理材料用量 | 建筑材料学报 | 20(3) | 道路 |
122 | 吴恺 Pizette, PBecquart, FRemond S | Experimental and numerical study of cylindrical triaxial test on mono-sized glass beads under quasi-static loading condition | Advanced Powder Technology | 28(1) | 岩土 |
123 | 吴恺Remond SebastienAbriak NorEdine Pizette Patrick | Study of the shear behavior of binary granular materials by DEM simulations and experimental triaxial tests | Advanced Powder Technology | 28(9) | 岩土 |
124 | 邓永锋 吴子龙 崔玉军 刘松玉 | Sand fraction effect on hydro-mechanical behavior of sand-clay mixture | Applied Clay Science | 135 | 岩土 |
125 | 范日东 刘松玉 杜延军 ReddyKrishna R. | Impacts of presence of lead contamination on settling behavior and microstructure of clayey soil - calcium bentonite blends | Applied Clay Science | 142(SI) | 岩土 |
126 | 宋苗苗 曾玲玲 洪振舜 | Pore fluid salinity effects on physicochemical-compressive behaviour of reconstituted marine clays | Applied Clay Science | 146 | 岩土 |
127 | 杨玉玲 杜延军 Reddy Krishna R | Phosphate-amended sand/Ca-bentonite mixtures as slurry trench wall backfills: Assessment of workability, compressibility and hydraulic conductivity | Applied Clay Science | 142(SI) | 岩土 |
128 | 杜延军 于博伟 刘楷 蒋宁俊 | Physical, hydraulic, and mechanical properties of clayey soil stabilized by lightweight alkali-activated slag geopolymer | ASCE Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering | 29(2) | 岩土 |
129 | 丁建文 石名磊 洪振舜 | In Situ Stabilization of Problematic Mixtures in a Failed Roadway Subbase | ASCE:JOURNAL OF PERFORMANCE OF CONSTRUCTED FACILITIES | 31(3) | 岩土 |
130 | 蔡国军 邹海峰 刘松玉 Anand J Puppala | Random field characterization of CPTU Soil behavior type index of Jiangsu Quaternary soil deposits | Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the Environment | 76(1) | 岩土 |
131 | Chu Chengfu 吴子龙 邓永锋 陈永贵 | Intrinsic compression behavior of remolded sand-clay mixture | CANADIAN GEOTECHNICAL JOURNAL | 54(7) | 岩土 |
132 | Xia WY Feng YS Jin F Zhang LM | Stabilization and solidification of a heavy metal contaminated site soil using a hydroxyapatite based binder | Construction and Building Materials | 156 | 岩土 |
133 | 张明飞 童立元 | New statistical and graphical assessment of CPT-based empirical correlations for the shear wave velocity of soils | Engineering Geology | 226 | 岩土 |
134 | 邹海峰 刘松玉 蔡国军 Anand J Puppala | Multivariate correlation analysis of seismic piezocone penetration (SCPTU) parameters and design properties of Jiangsu quaternary cohesive soils | Engineering Geology | 228 | 岩土 |
135 | 邹海峰 刘松玉 蔡国军Bheemasetti Tejo Vikash | Mapping Probability of Liquefaction Using Geostatistics and First Order Reliability Method Based on CPTU Measurements | Engineering Geology | 218 | 岩土 |
136 | 章定文 曹智国 张涛 苏鑫杰 | Effect of carbonation on leaching behaviors, engineering properties and microstructure of cement stabilized lead-contaminated soils | Environmental Earth Science | 76(21) | 岩土 |
137 | 翁佳兴 | Post-dredging effect assessment based on sediment chemical | ENVIRONMENTAL MONITORING AND ASSESSMENT | 189(6) | 岩土 |
138 | Liu, Jingjing Zha Fusheng 邓永锋 | Effect of an alkaline environment on the engineering behavior of cement-stabilized/solidified Zn-contaminated soils | Environmental Science and Pollution Research | 24(36) | 岩土 |
139 | 储亚 刘松玉 王非 蔡国军 | Estimation of heavy metal contaminated soils’ mechanical characteristics using electrical resistivity | Environmental Science and Pollution Research | 24(15) | 岩土 |
140 | 蔡国军 刘松玉 张涛 Puppala Anand J | Engineering properties and stabilization mechanism of treated silt using a nontraditional additive | Fresenius Environmental Bulletin | 26(5) | 岩土 |
141 | 毛柏杨 刘志彬 刘松玉 | effects of soil property and air injection condition on airflow behavior during air sparging | Fresenius Environmental Bulletin | 26(6) | 岩土 |
142 | 周敏 王非 杜延军 Liu, M. D | Performance of buried HDPE pipes–part II: total deflection of the pipe | Geosynthetics International | 24(4) | 岩土 |
143 | 周敏 杜延军 王非 Liu, M. D. | Performance of buried HDPE pipes–part I: peaking deflection during initial backfilling process | Geosynthetics International | 24(4) | 岩土 |
144 | 吴恺 Abriak, NorEdine BecquartFredericPizette Patrick | Shear mechanical behavior of model materials samples by experimental triaxial tests: case study of 4 mm diameter glass beads | Granular Matter | 19(4) | 岩土 |
145 | 杨玉玲 杜延军 Reddy KR. 范日东 | Effect of Phosphate Dispersant Amendment on Workability of Ca-Bentonite Slurry for Slurry Trench Cutoff-Wall Construction | Indian Geotechnical Journal | 47(4) | 岩土 |
146 | 林军 蔡国军 刘松玉 Anand J Puppala | Correlations between electrical resistivity and geotechnical parameters for Jiangsu marine clay using Spearman’s coefficient test | International Journal of Civil Engineering. | 15(3) | 岩土 |
147 | 张涛 蔡国军 刘松玉 Anand J Puppala | Investigation on thermal characteristics and prediction models of soils | International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer | 106 | 岩土 |
148 | 蔡光华 刘松玉 杜延军 曹菁菁 | Influences of Activity Index on Mechanical and Microstructural Characteristics of Carbonated Reactive Magnesia-Admixed Silty Soil | Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering | 29(5) | 岩土 |
149 | 章定文 舒计城 孙建平 | Observed deformation characteristics of a deep excavation for the spring area in Jinan, China | JOURNAL OF MOUNTAIN SCIENCE | 14(3) | 岩土 |
150 | 章定文 刘子铭 孙迅 曹智国 | 磷石膏-高铝水泥双掺增强水泥固化有机质土强度室内试验研究 | Journal of Southeast University (English Edition) | 33(3) | 岩土 |
151 | 蔡光华 刘松玉 | Compaction and mechanical characteristics and stabilization mechanism of carbonated reactive MgO-stabilized silt | KSCE Journal of Civil Engineering | 21(7) | 岩土 |
152 | 蔡国军 林军 刘松玉 Anand J Puppala | Characterization of spatial variability of CPTU data in a liquefaction site improved by vibro-compaction method | KSCE Journal of Civil Engineering | 21(1) | 岩土 |
153 | 刘波 章定文 席培胜 | Mechanical behaviors of SD and CFA piles using BOTDA-based fiber optic sensor system: A comparative field test study | Measurement | 104 | 岩土 |
154 | 段伟 刘松玉 蔡国军 | Evaluation of Engineering Characteristics of Lian-Yan Railway Soft Soil Based on CPTU Data-A Case Study | Procedia Engineering | 189 | 岩土 |
155 | 刘松玉 蔡光华 杜延军等 | Engineering properties of carbonated reactive magnesia-stabilized silt under different activity index | Procedia Engineering | 189 | 岩土 |
156 | 周敏 杜延军 王非 Arulrajah A Horpibulsuk S | Earth pressures on the trenched HDPE pipes in fine-grained soils during construction phase: Full-scale field trial and finite element modeling | Transportation Geotechnics | 12 | 岩土 |
157 | 边汉亮 刘松玉 蔡国军 储亚 | 柴油污染粉质黏土的电阻率特性及影响因素 | 东北大学学报 (自然科学版) | 38(8) | 岩土 |
158 | 蔡光华 陆海军 刘松玉 | 温度梯度下压实黏土的水热迁移规律和渗透特性 | 东北大学学报 (自然科学版) | 38(6) | 岩土 |
159 | 吴昌胜 朱志铎 | 考虑沉积环境影响的软土地基工程性质对比研究 | 东北大学学报 (自然科学版) | 38(3) | 岩土 |
160 | 杜广印 罗涛 程远 潘皇宋 | 基于CPTU土类指数的标贯值液化判别 | 我校学报 (自然科学版) | 47(4) | 岩土 |
161 | 刘松玉 夏威夷 魏明俐 陆阳 | MC固化高浓度锌铅镉污染土的浸出和强度特性 | 我校学报 (自然科学版) | 46 | 岩土 |
162 | 彭尔兴 章定文 周利 孙鹏程 | 施氏假单胞菌应用于IPS技术的可行性试验研究 | 我校学报 (自然科学版) | 47(1) | 岩土 |
163 | 孙潇昊 缪林昌 林海山 | 不同埋深盾构隧道开挖面稳定问题数值模拟 | 我校学报 (自然科学版) | 47(1) | 岩土 |
164 | 王安辉 丁选明 章定文 | 在役高速公路软基不均匀沉降病害注浆处治技术 | 我校学报 (自然科学版) | 47(2) | 岩土 |
165 | 蔡光华 刘松玉 曹菁菁 | 活性氧化镁碳化加固粉土微观机理研究 | 土木工程学报 | 50(5) | 岩土 |
166 | 冯亚松 夏威夷 杜延军 张黎明 | SPB和SPC固化稳定镍锌复合污染土的强度及环境特性研究 | 岩石力学与工程学报 | 36(12) | 岩土 |
167 | 李洪江 刘松玉 童立元 哈斯 | 基于CPTU测试p-y曲线法及其在桩基水平承载中的应用 | 岩石力学与工程学报 | 36(2) | 岩土 |
168 | 刘波 章定文 秦玉军 刘松玉 | 大断面顶管通道近接穿越下覆既有地铁隧道数值模拟与现场试验 | 岩石力学与工程学报 | 36(11) | 岩土 |
169 | 骆俊晖 缪林昌 李仞玨 石文博 | 考虑时间效应边界面模型在地铁工程中的应用 | 岩石力学与工程学报 | 36(6) | 岩土 |
170 | 沈胜强 杜延军 魏明俐 薛强 | CaCl2作用下PAC改良膨润土滤饼的渗透特性研究 | 岩石力学与工程学报 | 36(11) | 岩土 |
171 | 夏威夷 杜延军 冯亚松 李发生 | 重金属污染场地原位固化稳定化修复试验研究 | 岩石力学与工程学报 | 36(11) | 岩土 |
172 | 周敏 杜延军 王非 | 地面沉陷过程中埋地HDPE管道力学行为研究 | 岩石力学与工程学报 | 36(Supp2) | 岩土 |
173 | 骆俊晖 缪林昌 李仞玨 石文博 | 考虑时间效应边界面模型在地铁工程中的应用 | 岩石力学与工程学报 | 6 | 岩土 |
174 | 段伟 蔡国军 刘松玉 祝刘文 | 基于CPTU测试的港珠澳大桥砂土液化评价方法研究 | 岩土工程学报 | 39(S2): 236-239 | 岩土 |
175 | 刘松玉 蔡光华 杜广印 王亮 | 活性氧化镁碳化搅拌桩模型试验研究 | 岩土工程学报 | S2 | 岩土 |
176 | 刘松玉 邹海峰 蔡国军 祝刘文 | 基于CPTU的土分类方法在港珠澳大桥工程中的应用 | 岩土工程学报 | 39(S2): 1-4. | 岩土 |
177 | 彭鹏 蔡国军 刘松玉 杨岩 | T型全流触探仪机理分析及海洋工程应用综述 | 岩土工程学报 | 39(S1): 151-155 | 岩土 |
178 | 彭鹏 蔡国军 刘松玉 祝刘文 | 基于CPTU的三亚新机场海洋软土工程特性评价 | 岩土工程学报 | 39(S2): 140-144 | 岩土 |
179 | 伍浩良 刘兆鹏 薛强 | 酸雨作用下含磷固化剂处理铅锌镉复合污染土的半动态浸出试验研究 | 岩土工程学报 | 39(6) | 岩土 |
180 | 张涛 蔡国军 刘松玉 段伟宏 | 橡胶–砂颗粒混合物强度特性及微观机制试验研究 | 岩土工程学报 | 39(6) | 岩土 |
181 | 缪林昌 王非 吴宏伟 吕虎 | 平行盾构开挖离心机模拟试验 研究 | 岩土工程学报 | 2 | 岩土 |
182 | 储亚 查甫生 刘松玉 蔡国军 | 基于电阻率的膨胀土膨胀性评价方法研究 | 岩土力学 | 38(1) | 岩土 |
183 | 李洪江 刘松玉 童立元. | Analysis method for p-y curve based on stress increment perspective | 岩土力学 | 39(10) | 岩土 |
184 | 李洪江 童立元 刘松玉 顾明芬 | 软土地基刚柔性桩水平承载位移控制标准研究 | 岩土力学 | 38(9) | 岩土 |
185 | 林军 蔡国军 刘松玉 邹海峰 | 基于CPTU力学分层的土体边界识别方法研究 | 岩土力学 | 38(5) | 岩土 |
186 | 谢伟 章定文 杨声 | 含水率对路基压实土小应变剪切模量的影响规律 | 岩土力学 | 38(5) | 岩土 |
187 | 孙潇昊 缪林昌 林海山 | 不同埋深砂土盾构隧道掘进开挖面前方土拱效应研究 | 岩土力学 | 38(10) | 岩土 |
188 | 孙潇昊 缪林昌 童天志 王呈呈 | 微生物沉积碳酸钙固化砂土试验研究 | 岩土力学 | 38(11) | 岩土 |
189 | 蔡光华 刘松玉 曹菁菁 | 初始含水率对MgO碳化固化粉土强度和电阻率的影响 | 中国公路学报 | 30(11) | 岩土 |
190 | 刘松玉 曹菁菁 蔡光华 | 压实度对氧化镁碳化土加固效果的影响及其机理研究 | 中国公路学报 | 30(12) | 岩土 |
191 | 刘波 席培胜 郭杨 章定文 | 基于BOTDA光纤传感技术的螺旋挤土灌注桩承载特性现场试验 | 中南大学学报 (自然科学版) | 48(3) | 岩土 |
192 | 张明飞 童立元 郑灿政 程亮 | 工业废渣用于地下工程止水帷幕的试验研究 | 重庆大学学报 | 40(9) | 岩土 |
193 | 蒋正文 万水 Keller Thomas | Two-dimensional analytical stress distribution model for unbalanced FRP composite single-lap joints | European journal of mechanics- A/solids | 66 | 桥梁 |
194 | 蒋正文 万水 宋爱明 | An alternative solution for the edge moment factors of the unbalanced adhesive single-lap joint in tension | International Journal of Adhesion and Adhesive | 75 | 桥梁 |
195 | 杨明 Wan Li-juan Jin Xiao-qi | Synthesis of ZnGaNO solid solution–carbon nitride intercalation compound composite for improved visible light photocatalytic activity | J. Cent. South Univ. | 24(2) | 桥梁 |
196 | 蒋正文 万水 Ma Lei | The use of flexible interface theory for fully coupled nonlinear analysis of balanced adhesive single-lap joint | JOURNAL OF ADHESION SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY | 31(4) | 桥梁 |
197 | 熊文 Cai, C. S. Kong Bo 叶见曙 | Overturning-Collapse Modeling and Safety Assessment for Bridges Supported by Single-Column Piers | Journal of Bridge Engineering, ASCE | 22(11) | 桥梁 |
198 | 黄辉 王文炜 戴建国 | Fatigue Behavior of Reinforced Concrete Beams Strengthened with Externally Bonded Prestressed CFRP Sheets | JOURNAL OF COMPOSITES FOR CONSTRUCTION | 21(3) | 桥梁 |
199 | 熊文 Tang Pingbo Kong Bo Cai C. S. | Computational Simulation of Live-Bed Bridge Scour Considering Suspended Sediment Loads | Journal of Computing in Civil Engineering, ASCE | 31(5) | 桥梁 |
200 | 宋晓东 Li, Q. Wu, D. J. | Prediction of rail and bridge noise in near- and far-field: | JOURNAL OF VIBRATION AND ACOUSTICS-TRANSACTIONS OF THE ASME | 139(1) | 桥梁 |
201 | 万水 Liu, Z.*, Qu Xiaobo | Weekly Container Delivery Pattern in Liner Shipping Planning Models | Maritime Policy & Management | 44(4) | 桥梁 |
202 | Wang, K. Liu, Weiwei 王帅安 刘志远 | Optimal Reefer Slot Conversion for Container Freight Transportation | Maritime Policy and Management | 44(6) | 桥梁 |
203 | 汪炳 黄侨 刘小玲 | Degradation law in strength of stud connectors based on the two-parameter fatigue failure criterion | Road Materials and Pavement Design | 23(2) | 桥梁 |
204 | 汪炳 黄侨 刘小玲 | Deterioration in strength of studs based on two-parameter fatigue failure criterion | Steel and Composite Structures | 23(2) | 桥梁 |
205 | 沈孔健 万水 蒋正文 Mo Yilung | 波形钢腹板混凝土组合箱梁纯扭性能全过程分析 | 我校学报 (自然科学版) | 47(1) | 桥梁 |
206 | 朱忠锋 王文炜 | 玄武岩格栅增强水泥基复合材料单轴拉伸力学性能试验及本构关系模型 | 复合材料学报 | 34(10) | 桥梁 |
207 | 黄侨 任远 许翔 刘小玲 | 大跨径缆索承重桥梁状态评估的研究现状与发展 | 哈尔滨工业大学学报 | 49(9) | 桥梁 |
208 | 刘小玲 黄侨 任远 汪炳 | 斜拉桥多指标证据融合的综合评估方法 | 哈尔滨工业大学学报 | 49(3) | 桥梁 |
209 | 汪炳 黄侨 邹韵 李文贤 | PBL抗剪连接件疲劳后的剩余力学性能研究 | 湖南大学学报 | 44(7) | 桥梁 |
210 | 熊文 董夏鑫 唐平波 张学峰 | 基于动力指纹的斜拉桥桥塔冲刷深度识别方法 | 湖南大学学报 | 43(11) | 桥梁 |
211 | 郑宇宙 王文炜 | 复材网格-UHTCC复合增强钢筋混凝土梁抗弯性能试验研究 | 土木工程学报 | 50(6) | 桥梁 |
212 | 汪炳 黄侨 邹韵 李文贤 | 开孔板连接件剩余承载力计算模型及试验验证 | 浙江大学学报 | 51(8) | 桥梁 |
213 | 许翔 黄侨 任远 | 局部变权和云理论在悬索桥综合评估中的应用 | 浙江大学学报 | 51(8) | 桥梁 |
214 | 王文炜 黄辉 戴建国; 郑宇宙 | 钢-GFRP-混凝土组合梁受弯性能试验 | 中国公路学报 | 29(9) | 桥梁 |
215 | 熊文 邹晨 叶见曙 | 基于动力特性识别的桥墩冲刷状态分析 | 中国公路学报 | 30(5) | 桥梁 |
216 | 张永 Zhong, Miner 江云剑 | A data-driven quantitative assessment model for taxi industry: the scope of business ecosystem’s health | EUROPEAN TRANSPORT RESEARCH REVIE | 9(2) | 载运 |
217 | 陈大伟 | Research on Traffic Flow Prediction in the Big Data Environment Based on the Improved RBF Neural Network | IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics | 13(4) | 载运 |
218 | 张运胜 赵池航 Zhang, Qiuge | Counting vehicles in urban traffic scenes using foreground time-spatial images | IET Intelligent Transport Systems | 11(2) | 载运 |
219 | 张永 Shi, Lei Chen, Jing 李雪峰 | Analysis of an Automated Vehicle Routing Problem in Logistics considering Path Interruption | Journal of Advanved Transportation | 文献号: UNSP 1624328 | 载运 |
220 | 陈丹丹 张永 高良鹏 耿娜娜 | The impact of rainfall on the temporal and spatial distribution of taxi passengers | Plos One | 12(9) | 载运 |
221 | 张永 Zhong, Miner 耿娜娜 江云剑 | Forecasting electric vehicles sales with univariate and multivariate time series models: The case of China | Plos One | 12(5) | 载运 |
222 | 杨阳 李铁柱 张涛 | Understanding the utilization characteristics of bicycle-sharing systems in underdeveloped cities | Transportation Research Record | 2634 78-85 | 载运 |
223 | 张永 江云剑 | Robust optimization on sustainable biodiesel supply chain produced from waste cooking oil under price uncertainty | Waste Management | 60 | 载运 |
224 | 杨方宜 李铁柱 | 大型综合客运枢纽送站坪交通特性及通行能力研究 | 浙江大学学报 | 51(11) | 载运 |
225 | 丁茂华 胡伍生 | A further contribution to the seasonal variation of weighted mean temperature | Advances in Space Research | 60(11) | 测绘 |
226 | 郑敦勇 胡伍生 | Variable pixel size ionospheric tomography | Advances in Space Research | 59(12) | 测绘 |
227 | 高旺 高成发 潘树国 尚睿 | 基于部分固定策略的多系统长距离基准站间模糊度快速解算 | Geomatics and Information Science of Wuhan University | 42(4) | 测绘 |
228 | 于先文 王金玲 高旺 | An alternative approach to calculate the posterior probability of GNSS integer ambiguity resolution | Journal of Geodesy | 91(3) | 测绘 |
229 | 高旺 高成发 潘树国 | A Method of GPS/BDS/GLONASS Combined RTK Positioning for Middle-long Baseline with Partial Ambiguity Resolution | Survey Review | 49(354) | 测绘 |
230 | 余龙飞 胡伍生 韩理想 郑敦勇 | 基于混合罚函数法的多尺度电离层层析确权方法 | 测绘学报 | 45(s2) | 测绘 |
231 | 高旺 高成发 潘树国 | Stepwise ionosphere-free wide-lane ambiguity method for long-range base stations with BDS triple-frequency observation | 我校学报 (自然科学版) | 47(1) | 测绘 |
232 | 谢耀峰 柳成林 高苏洋 Tang, Jieping | Lateral load bearing capacity of offshore high-piled wharf with batter piles | Ocean Engineering | 142 | 港航 |
233 | 殷锴 徐宿东 Huang Wenrui Xie Yang | Effects of sea level rise and typhoon intensity on storm surge and waves in Pearl River Estuary | Ocean Engineering | 136 | 港航 |
234 | 耿艳芬 | Prediction for Asphalt Pavement Water Film Thickness Based on Artificial Neural Network | 我校学报 (自然科学版) | 33(4) | 港航 |
235 | 罗桑 钱振东 Yang Xu 卢庆 | Fatigue behavior of epoxy asphalt concrete and its moisture susceptibility from flexural stiffness and phase angle | Construction and Building Materials | 145 | ITS |
236 | 罗桑 卢庆 钱振东 | Laboratory investigation and numerical simulation of the rutting performance of double-layer surfacing structure for steel bridge decks | Construction and Building Materials | 144 | ITS |
237 | 张勐 钱振东 | 冻融作用对环氧沥青混凝土抗裂性能的影响 | Journal of Southeast University (English Edition) | 33(3) | ITS |
238 | 郑冬 钱振东 王睿 刘阳 | 钢桥面环氧沥青铺装用雾封层加碎石封层的设计与试验评估 | Journal of Southeast University (English Edition) | 33(3) | ITS |
239 | 张磊 Ren Z 陆庆 | Simulation of Mesofracture Process of Asphalt Mixture Using Digital Image Processing and Extended Finite-Element Method | Journal of Testing and Evaluation | 45(1) | ITS |
240 | 张磊 Hao Wang Zhongshan Ren | Computational Analysis of Thermal Conductivity of Asphalt Mixture Using Virtually Generated Three-Dimensional Microstructure | Journal of Testing and Evaluation | 29(12) | ITS |
241 | 胡靖 钱振东 刘阳 薛永超 | Microstructural characteristics of asphalt concrete with different gradations by X-ray CT | Journal of Wuhan University of Technology-Mater. Sci. Ed. | 32(3) | ITS |
242 | 王晨 徐铖铖 夏井新 钱振东 | Modeling faults among e-bike-related fatal crashes in China | Traffic & Transportation | 18(2) | ITS |
243 | Yang S An CC Wu YJ 夏井新 | Origin-Destination-Based Travel Time Reliability | Transportation Research Record | 2643:139-159 | ITS |
244 | 钱振东 刘阳 刘昕依 | 高速铁路环氧沥青混凝土基础结构动力响应及设计 | 我校学报 (自然科学版) | 47(1) | ITS |