序号 | 作者 | 论文题目 | 刊物或会议名称 | 卷号 期号 | 学科 |
1 | 陆丽丽 任刚 王炜 | Application of SFCA pedestrian simulation model to the | Transportation Research Part A | 80 | 交通 |
2 | 金诚杰 王炜 姜锐 | Four-phase or two-phase signal plan? A study on four-leg intersection by cellular automaton simulations | International Journal of Modern Physics C | 27(3) | 交通 |
3 | 徐铖铖 王炜 刘攀 李志斌 | Calibration of crash risk models on freeways with limited real-time traffic data using Bayesian meta-analysis and Bayesian inference approach | Accident Analysis & Prevention | 85 | 交通 |
4 | 杨敏 刘心露 王炜 | Empirical Analysis of a Mode Shift to Using Public Bicycles to Access the Suburban Metro: Survey of Nanjing, China | Journal of Urban Planning and Development | 142(2) | 交通 |
5 | 华雪东 王炜 王昊 | A car-following model with the consideration of vehicle-to-vehicle communication technology | Acta Physica Sinica | 65(1) | 交通 |
6 | 李烨 王昊 王炜 | Reducing the risk of rear-end collisions with infrastructure-to-vehicle (I2V) integration of variable speed limit control and adaptive cruise control system | Traffic Injury Prevention | 17(6) | 交通 |
7 | 徐铖铖 李志斌 王炜 | Short-term Traffic Flow Prediction Using a Methodology Based on Autoregressive Integrated Moving Average and Genetic Programming | Transport | 31(3) | 交通 |
8 | 戴光远 王昊 王炜 | Signal Optimization and Coordination for Bus Progression Based on MAXBAND | KSCE Journal of Civil Engineering | 20(2) | 交通 |
9 | 项昀 李志斌 王炜 陈景旭等 | Evaluating the Operational Features of an Unconventional Dual-Bay U-Turn Design for Intersections | Plos One | 11(7) | 交通 |
10 | 王昊 王炜 | Asymptotic Stability Analysis of Binary Heterogeneous Traffic Based on Car-Following Model | Discrete Dynamics in Nature and Society | 2016 | 交通 |
11 | 吴家明 刘攀 徐铖铖等 | Operational analysis of the contraflow left-turn lane design at signalized intersections in China | Transportation Research Part C-Emerging Technologies | 69 | 交通 |
12 | 徐铖铖 刘攀等 | Real-time estimation of secondary crash likelihood on freeways using high-resolution loop detector data | Transportation Research Part C-Emerging Technologies | 71 | 交通 |
13 | 李志斌 刘攀 徐铖铖 王炜 | Optimal Mainline Variable Speed Limit Control to Improve Safety on Large-Scale Freeway Segments | Computer Aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering | 31(5) | 交通 |
14 | 徐铖铖 刘攀 王炜 | Evaluation of the predictability of real-time crash risk models | Accident Analysis & Prevention | 94 | 交通 |
15 | 郭延永 刘攀 梁启宇 王炜 | Effects of parallelogram-shaped pavement markings on vehicle speed and safety of pedestrian crosswalks on urban roads in China | Accident Analysis and Prevention | 95, SI | 交通 |
16 | 羊钊 刘攀 | Estimation of Social Value of Statistical Life Using Willingness-to-pay Method in Nanjing, China | Accident Analysis and Prevention | 95 | 交通 |
17 | 羊钊 刘攀 | Multi-objective Analysis of Using U-turns as Alternatives to Direct Left-turns at Two-Way Stop Controlled Intersections | Journal of Advanced Transportation | 50/4 | 交通 |
18 | 徐铖铖 刘攀 王炜 章茵 | Real-time identification of traffic conditions prone to injury and non-injury crashes on freeways using genetic programming | Journal of Advanced Transportation | 50(5) | 交通 |
19 | 董硕煊 刘攀等 | Multi-objective Evaluation of Left-turn Waiting Areas at Signalized Intersections in China | Transportation Research Record | 2553 | 交通 |
20 | 羊钊 刘攀 | Multi-objective Evaluation of Mid-block Crosswalks on Urban Streets Based on TOPSIS and Entropy Methods | Transportation Research Record | 2586 | 交通 |
21 | 郭延永 刘攀 吴瑶 | 基于交通冲突模型的信号交叉口右转设施安全分析 | 中国公路学报 | 29(11) | 交通 |
22 | 冉斌 宋力 张健等 | Using Tensor Completion Method to Achieving Better Coverage of Traffic State Estimation from Sparse Floating Car Data | Plos One | 11(7) | 交通 |
23 | 叶智锐 王超 | Modeling level-of-safety for bus stops in China | Traffic Injury Prevention | 17(6) | 交通 |
24 | 王超 叶智锐 | Traffic flow forecasting based on a hybrid model | Journal of Intelligent Transportation Systems | 20(5) | 交通 |
25 | 施晓蒙 叶智锐 Nirajan Shiwakoti | Empirical investigation on safety constraints of merging pedestrian crowd through macroscopic and microscopic analysis | Accident Analysis and Prevention | 95 | 交通 |
26 | 王超 叶智锐 王炜 金明洲 | Traffic-Related Heavy Metal Contamination in Urban Areas and Correlation with Traffic Activity in China | Transportation Research Record | 2571 | 交通 |
27 | 王超 叶智锐 王元等 | Modeling Bus Dwell Time and Time Lost Serving Stop in China | Journal of Public Transportation | 9(3) | 交通 |
28 | 许明涛 叶智锐 | Modeling, Analysis, and Simulation of the Co-development of Road Networks and Vehicle Ownership | Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications | 442 | 交通 |
29 | 刘志远 王帅安 陈为杰 郑元 | Willingness to Board: A Novel Concept for Modeling Queuing Up Passengers | Transportation Research Part B | 90 | 交通 |
30 | 刘志远 王帅安 Du Yuquan Wang Hua | Supply Chain Cost Minimization by Collaboration between Liner Shipping Companies and Port Operators | Transportation | 55(3) | 交通 |
31 | 黄迪 刘志远 刘攀 陈峻 | Optimal transit fare and service frequency of a nonlinear origin-destination based fare structure | Transportation Research Part E-Logistics and Transportation Review | 96 | 交通 |
32 | 陈新元 刘志远 | Optimizing location and capacity of rail-based Park-and-Ride sites to increase Public transport usage | Transportation Planning and Technology | 39(5) | 交通 |
33 | 严亚丹 刘志远 别一鸣 | Performance Evaluation of Bus Routes Using Automatic Vehicle Location Data | ASCE Journal of Transportation Engineering | 142(8) | 交通 |
34 | 王帅安 刘志远 曲小波 | Minimax Regret Model for Liner Shipping Fleet Deployment with Uncertain Demand | Transportation Research Record | 2549 | 交通 |
35 | 顾子渊 刘志远 Nirajan Shiwakoti等 | Video-based analysis of school students' emergency evacuation behavior in earthquakes | International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction | 18 | 交通 |
36 | 孙鑫 刘志远 Thompson 别一鸣等 | A multi-objective model for cordon-based congestion pricing schemes with nonlinear distance tolls | Journal of Central South University | 23(5) | 交通 |
37 | 李大韦 Tomio Miwa Takayuki Morikawa | Incorporating observed and unobserved heterogeneity in route choice analysis with sampled choice sets | Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies | 67 | 交通 |
38 | 李大韦 Tomio Miwa Takayuki Morikawa | Modeling time-of-day car use behavior: A Bayesian network approach | Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment | 47 | 交通 |
39 | 李豪杰 Daniel J Graham | Quantifying the causal effects of 20 mph zones on road casualties in London via doubly robust estimation | Accident Analysis and Prevention | 93 | 交通 |
40 | 李豪杰 | Heterogeneous treatment effects of speed cameras on road safety | Accident Analysis and Prevention | 97 | 交通 |
41 | 程龙 陈学武 | An exploration of the relationships between socioeconomics, land use and daily trip chain pattern among low-income residents | Transportation Planning and Technology | 39(4) | 交通 |
42 | 程龙 陈学武 | Modeling Mode Choice of Low-Income Commuters with Sociodemographics, Activity Attributes, and Latent Attitudinal Variables Case Study in Fushun, China | Transportation Research Record | 2581 | 交通 |
43 | 窦雪萍 严亚丹 过秀成 龚小林 | Time Control Point Strategy Coupled with Transfer Coordination in Bus Schedule Design | Journal of Advanced Transportation | 50(7) | 交通 |
44 | 孔德文 过秀成 | Analysis of vehicle headway distribution on multi-lane freeway considering car-truck interaction | Advances in Mechanical Engineering | 8(4) | 交通 |
45 | 孔德文 过秀成 | Analyzing the Impact of Trucks on Traffic Flow Based on an Improved Cellular Automaton Model | Discrete Dynamics in Natural and Society | 2016 | 交通 |
46 | 窦雪萍 过秀成 龚小林 | Robust timetable optimization model for coordinated scheduling in a bus network | 我校学报 (英文版) | 46(5) | 交通 |
47 | 楼小明 程琳 | Travelers' risk-taking behaviors in day-to-day dynamic evolution model | Transportation Research Record | 2565 | 交通 |
48 | 韩飞 程琳 | The Role of Initial Credit Distribution Scheme in Managing Network Mobility and Maximizing Reserve Capacity: Considering Traveler’s Cognitive Illusion | Discrete Dynamics in Nature and Society | 2016 | 交通 |
49 | 韩飞 程琳 | Stochastic user equilibrium model with a tradable credit scheme and application in maximizing network reserve capacity | Engineering Optimization | 2016 | 交通 |
50 | 汤文蕴 程琳 | Analyzing multiday route choice behavior of commuters using GPS data | Advances in Mechanical Engineering | 8(2) | 交通 |
51 | 韩飞 程琳 | Stochastic user equilibrium model and its algorithm considering tradable credit scheme | 我校学报 (英文版) | 46(1) | 交通 |
52 | 冯佩雨 李文权 | Willingness to Use a Public Bicycle System: An Example in Nanjing City | Journal of Public Transportation | 19(1) | 交通 |
53 | 任刚 江航 陈景旭 | Heterogeneous cellular automata model for straight-through bicycle traffic at signalized intersection | Physica A-Statistical Mechanics and Its Applications | 451 | 交通 |
54 | 沈毅 任刚 刘洋 | Finding the biased-shortest path with minimal congestion in networks via linear-prediction of queue length | Physica A-Statistical Mechanics and Its Applications | 452 | 交通 |
55 | 沈毅 任刚 刘洋 | A local fuzzy method based on p-strong community for detecting communities in networks | Chinese Physics B | 6(25) | 交通 |
56 | 吴静娴 杨敏 | Exploring Passenger Assessments of Bus Service Quality Using Bayesian Networks | Journal of Public Transportation | 19(3) | 交通 |
57 | 季彦婕 胡波 | Signal coordination scheme based on traffic emission | IET Intelligent Transport Systems | 10(2) | 交通 |
58 | 季彦婕 陈晓实 王炜 胡波 | 基于小波变换和粒子群小波神经网络组合模型的有效停车泊位短时预测 | 吉林大学学报 (工学版) | 46(2) | 交通 |
59 | 何赏璐 张健 程阳 | Freeway Multisensor Data Fusion Approach Integrating Data from Cellphone Probes and Fixed Sensors | Journal of Sensors | 2016 | 交通 |
60 | 纪翔峰 张健 胡永恺 | Pedestrian movement analysis in transfer station corridor:Velocity-based and acceleration-based | Physica A statistical Mechanics and Its Applications | 450 | 交通 |
61 | 李林超 Tomislav Fratrovic | Analysis of Factors Influencing the Vehicle Damage Level in Fatal Truck-Related Accidents and Differences in Rural and Urban Areas | Promet-Traffic & Transportation | 28(4) | 交通 |
62 | 张国强 | Exploring Factors Impacting Paths of Left-Turning Vehicles from Minor Road Approach at Unsignalized Intersections | Mathematical Problems in Engineering | 2016(11) | 交通 |
63 | 叶晓飞 陈峻 冯树民 | 路内停车影响下非机动车流速度模型 | 哈尔滨工业大学学报 | 48(3) | 交通 |
64 | 孙璐 Mojtaba Kamaliardakani | Weighted Neighborhood Pixels Segmentation Method for Automated Detection of Cracks on Pavement Surface Images | Journal of Computing in Civil Engineering | 30(2) | 道路 |
65 | Kamaliardakani, Mojtaba 孙璐等 | Sealed-Crack Detection Algorithm Using Heuristic Thresholding Approach | Journal of Computing in Civil Engineering | 30(1) | 道路 |
66 | 任皎龙 孙璐 | Generalized Maxwell Viscoelastic Contact Model-Based Discrete Element Method for Characterizing Low-Temperature Properties of Asphalt Concrete | Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering | 28(2) | 道路 |
67 | 欧祖敏 孙璐 | 基于概率需求的高速铁路无砟轨道板温度荷载取值研究Ⅰ:轴向均匀温度作用 | 铁道学报 | 38(2) | 道路 |
68 | 马涛 黄晓明 赵永利 张垚等 | Influences of Preheating Temperature of RAP On Properties of Hot-Mix Recycled Asphalt Mixture | Journal of Testing and Evaluation | 44(2) | 道路 |
69 | 马涛 丁珣昊 张德育 黄晓明等 | Experimental Study of Recycled Asphalt Concrete Modified by High-modulus Agent | Construction and Building Materials | 128 | 道路 |
70 | 马涛 赵永利 黄晓明 张垚 | Using RAP Material in High Modulus Asphalt Mixture | Journal of Testing and Evaluation | 44(2) | 道路 |
71 | 马涛 赵永利 黄晓明 张垚 | Characteristics of Desulfurized Rubber Asphalt and Mixture | KSCE Journal of Civil Engineering | 20 | 道路 |
72 | 祝谭雍 马涛 黄晓明 王飔奇 | Evaluating the rutting resistance of asphalt mixtures using a simplified triaxial repeated load test | Construction and Building Materials | 116 | 道路 |
73 | 马涛 汪浩 张垚 黄晓明等 | Influences by air voids on fatigue life of asphalt mixture based on discrete element method | Construction and Building Materials | 126 | 道路 |
74 | 马涛 钟勇强 汤涛 黄晓明 | Design and Evaluation of Heat-resistant Asphalt Mixture for Permafrost Regions | International Journal of Civil Engineering | 14(5) | 道路 |
75 | 唐皓 黄晓明 | 基于生命周期分析法的公路养护能耗模型 | 我校学报 (自然科学版) | 46(3) | 道路 |
76 | 龚明辉 杨军 | Physical-chemical properties of aged asphalt rejuvenated by bio-oil derived from biodiesel residue | Construction and Building Materials | 105 | 道路 |
77 | 陈先华 马蓉蓉 杨军 | Dynamic Attributions of Pavement Unevenness by Full-Vehicle Model Simulation | Journal of Testing and Evaluation | 44(2) | 道路 |
78 | 张建同 杨军 韩杰 张伟光 | Evaluation of Dilatancy Behavior of Asphalt Mixtures using Partial Triaxial Compression Tests | Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering | 28(1) | 道路 |
79 | 王昊鹏 杨军 周文章 陈先华 | Assessing dynamic modulus properties for typical asphalt mixtures in Jiangsu | 我校学报 (英文版) | 32(1) | 道路 |
80 | 杨军 王昊鹏 | 我校学报 (自然科学版) | 46(1) | 道路 | |
81 | 高磊 倪富健 严金海等 | Evaluation of fatigue behavior in cold recycled mixture using digital image correlation method | Construction and Building Materials | 102 | 道路 |
82 | 蒋继望 倪富健 高磊 | Developing an optional multiple repeated load test to evaluate permanent deformation of asphalt mixtures based on axle load spectrum | Construction and Building Materials | 122 | 道路 |
83 | 赵岩荆 倪富健 周岚 高磊 | Three-dimensional fracture simulation of cold in-place recycling mixture using cohesive zone model | Construction and Building Materials | 120 | 道路 |
84 | 杜银飞 王声乐 倪富健 朱湘 | Inhibition and Removal of Thin Ice on the Surface of Asphalt Pavements by Hydrophobic Method | Journal of Testing andEvaluation | 44(2) | 道路 |
85 | 杜银飞 王声乐 王双杰 陈建兵 | Cooling permafrost embankment by enhancing oriented heat conduction in asphalt pavement | Applied Thermal Engineering | 103 | 道路 |
86 | 杜银飞 王声乐 王双杰 陈建兵等 | Integrative heat-dissipating structure for cooling permafrost embankment | Cold Regions Science and Technology | 129 | 道路 |
87 | 尹继明 王声乐 | Improving the performance of asphalt mixture by addition of short-thin wheat straw pieces | International Journal of Pavement Engineering | 17(6) | 道路 |
88 | 顾兴宇 戴逸青 蒋继旺 | Test and Evaluation for Bonding Property Between GFRP and Concrete | Journal of Testing and Evaluation | 44(2) | 道路 |
89 | 顾兴宇 于斌 吴名 | Experimental study of the bond performance and mechanical response of GFRP reinforced concrete | Construction and Building Materials | 114 | 道路 |
90 | 于斌 顾兴宇 张立冬等 | Performance Evaluation of Aged Asphalt Mix for Hot In-Place Recycling | Journal of Testing and Evaluation | 44(2) | 道路 |
91 | 周洲 顾兴宇 李强 倪富健等 | Use of Rejuvenator, Styrene -Butadiene Rubber Latex, and Warm-Mix Asphalt Technology to Achieve Conventional Mixture Performance with 50% Reclaimed Asphalt Pavement | Transportation Research Record | 2575 | 道路 |
92 | 马涛 张德育 张垚等 | Effect of Air Voids on the High-Temperature Creep Behavior of Asphalt Mixture Based on Three-Dimensional Discrete Element Modeling | Materials & Design | 89 | 道路 |
93 | 马涛 耿磊 丁珣昊 张德育等 | Experimental Study of Deicing Asphalt Mixture with Anti-icing Additives | Construction and Building Materials | 127 | 道路 |
94 | 马涛 张德育 张垚等 | Micromechanical Response of Aggregate Skeleton within Asphalt Mixture based on Virtual Simulation of Wheel Tracking Test | Construction and Building Materials | 111 | 道路 |
95 | 马涛 张垚 张德育 严金海等 | Influences by Air Voids on the Low-temperature Cracking Property of Dense-graded Asphalt Concrete based on Micromechanical Modeling | Advances in Materials Science and Engineering | 2016 | 道路 |
96 | 马涛 张德育 张垚 赵永利等 | Microstructure Modeling and Virtual Test of Asphalt Mixture based on Three-dimensional Discrete Element Method | 中南大学学报 (英文版) | 23 | 道路 |
97 | 祝谭雍 马涛 | Calculation of effective temperature for pavement rutting using numerical simulation methods | 我校学报 (英文版) | 32(3) | 道路 |
98 | 陈飞 朱昊然 于斌等 | Environmental burdens of regular and long-term pavement design: a life cycle view | International Journal of Pavement Engineering | 17(4) | 道路 |
99 | 陈先华 戴松柏 郭怡绮 | Polishing of Asphalt Pavements: From Macro- to Micro-Scale | Journal of Testing and Evaluation | 44(2) | 道路 |
100 | 高英 刘卫东 | Numerical Simulation of Motion Rules of Coarse Aggregates in the Compaction Process | Journal of Testing and Evaluation | 44(2) | 道路 |
101 | 刘卫东 高英 | Discrete element modeling of migration and evolution rules of coarse aggregates in the static compaction process | 我校学报 (英文版) | 32(1) | 道路 |
102 | 刘卫东 Li Liming Tian Bo等 | Evaluation Indices of an Asphalt-Mixture Digital Specimen Based on the Discrete-Element Method | Journal of Testing and Evaluation | 44(2) | 道路 |
103 | 郭辉 赵永利 张德育 | Study of movement of coarse aggregates in the formation process of asphalt mixture in the laboratory | Construction and Building Materials | 111(5) | 道路 |
104 | 刘松玉 邹海峰 蔡国军 | Multivariate Correlation among Resilient Modulus and Cone Penetration Test Parameters of Cohesive Subgrade Soils | Engineering Geology | 209 | 岩土 |
105 | 刘松玉 郑旭 蔡光华 曹菁菁 | 活性MgO碳化固化土的抗硫酸盐侵蚀性研究 | 岩土力学 | 37(11) | 岩土 |
106 | 刘松玉 李洪江 童立元等 | 岩土工程学报 | 38(2) | 岩土 | |
107 | 刘松玉 詹良通 胡黎明 杜延军 | 环境岩土工程研究进展 | 土木工程学报 | 49(3) | 岩土 |
108 | 易耀林 刘松玉 Anand J Puppala | Laboratory modelling of T-shaped soil-cement column for soft ground treatment under embankment | Geotechnique | 66(1) | 岩土 |
109 | 易耀林 卢凯文 刘松玉 | Property changes of reactive magnesia-stabilized soil subjected to forced carbonation | Canadian Geotechnical Journal | 53(2) | 岩土 |
110 | 林军 蔡国军 刘松玉等 | Evaluation of effectiveness of ground improvement based on random field theory | Fresenius Environmental Bulletin | 10(25) | 岩土 |
111 | 易耀林 顾力扬 刘松玉 金飞 | Magnesia reactivity on activating efficacy for ground granulated blastfurnace slag for soft clay stabilisation | Applied Clay Science | 126 | 岩土 |
112 | 张涛 蔡国军 刘松玉 | Laboratory observation of engineering properties and deformation mechanisms of cemented rubber-sand mixtures | Construction & Building Materials | 120 | 岩土 |
113 | 张涛 蔡国军 刘松玉 Anand J Puppala | Engineering properties and microstructural characteristics of foundation silt stabilized by lignin-based industrial by-product | KSCE Journal of Civil Engineering | 7(20) | 岩土 |
114 | 张涛 刘松玉 蔡国军 | 考虑胶结作用的木质素固化粉土边界面塑性模型 | 岩土工程学报 | 34(4) | 岩土 |
115 | 张涛 刘松玉 蔡国军 | 基于能量原理的木质素固化粉土剪切特性研究 | 岩土力学与工程学报 | 35(7) | 岩土 |
116 | 储亚 刘松玉 蔡国军 边汉亮 | Impact factor analysis of resistivity of heavy metal polluted cohesive soil and its prediction model | 我校学报 (英文版) | 46(4) | 岩土 |
117 | 李洪江 刘松玉 童立元 | 岩土力学与工程学报 | 35(6) | 岩土 | |
118 | 李洪江 童立元 刘松玉等 | 建筑结构学报 | 37(6) | 岩土 | |
119 | 郑旭 刘松玉 蔡光华 曹菁菁 | 活性MgO碳化固化土的干湿循环特性试验研究 | 岩土工程学报 | 38(2) | 岩土 |
120 | 闫超 刘松玉 籍晓蕾 | 一种基于强度折减法的次级滑动面分析方法研究 | 岩土力学 | 37(4) | 岩土 |
121 | 李洪江 杨昊坤 刘松玉 | Lateral dynamic bearing response properties of single pile before and after liquefaction ground treatment | 我校学报 (英文版) | 46(5) | 岩土 |
122 | 储亚 查甫生 刘松玉 蔡国军 | 基于电阻率的膨胀土膨胀性评价方法研究 | 岩土力学 | 38(1) | 岩土 |
123 | 杜延军 魏明俐 Krishna R Reddy 伍浩良 | Effect of carbonation on leachability, strength and microstructural characteristics of KMP binder stabilized Zn and Pb contaminated soils | Chemosphere | 144 | 岩土 |
124 | 杜延军 杨玉玲 范日东 王非 | Effects of Phosphate Dispersants on the Liquid Limit, Sediment Volume and Apparent Viscosity of Clayey Soil/Calcium-Bentonite Slurry Wall Backfills | KSCE Journal of Civil Engineering | 2(20) | 岩土 |
125 | 杜延军 蒋宁俊 刘松玉等 | Field evaluation of soft highway subgrade soil stabilized with calcium carbide residue | Soils and Foundations | 2(56) | 岩土 |
126 | 杜延军 薄煜琳 金飞等 | Durability of reactive magnesia-activated slag-stabilized low plasticity clay subjected to drying-wetting cycle | European Journal of Environmental and Civil Engineering | 2(20) | 岩土 |
127 | 蒋宁俊 杜延军 刘松玉 魏明俐等 | Multi-scale laboratory evaluation of the physical, mechanical, and microstructural properties of soft highway subgrade soil stabilized with calcium carbide residue | Canadian Geotechnical Journal | 3(53) | 岩土 |
128 | 于博伟 杜延军 | Multiscale Study of Sodium Sulfate Soaking Durability of Low Plastic Clay Stabilized by Reactive Magnesia-Activated Ground Granulated Blast-Furnace Slag | Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering | 6(28) | 岩土 |
129 | 范日东 杜延军 | Estimating the compression behavior of metal-rich clays via a Disturbed State Concept (DSC) model | Applied Clay Science | 132 | 岩土 |
130 | 夏威夷 杜延军 魏明俐 薄煜琳等 | 挥发性有机物污染泥浆固化稳定化试验研究 | 岩土力学 | 37(5) | 岩土 |
131 | 梅丹兵 杜延军 | 土-膨润土系竖向隔离墙材料施工和易性试验研究 | 我校学报 (自然科学版) | 46(2) | 岩土 |
132 | 周敏 杜延军 | 地层沉陷中埋地HDPE管道力学状态及模型试验分析 | 岩土工程学报 | 38(2) | 岩土 |
133 | 夏威夷 杜延军 | 有机物污染场地浅层异位固化稳定化试验研究 | 岩土工程学报 | 38(3) | 岩土 |
134 | 范日东 杜延军 刘松玉 | 土-膨润土系竖向隔离墙的施工和易性分析 | 我校学报 (自然科学版) | 46(1) | 岩土 |
135 | 缪林昌 | The volume of settlement trough change with depth caused by tunneling in sands | KSCE Journal of Civil Engineering | 7(20) | 岩土 |
136 | 骆俊晖 缪林昌 | Research on dynamic creep strain and settlement prediction under the subway vibration loading | Springer Plus | 5 | 岩土 |
137 | 石文博 缪林昌 | Durability of modified expanded polystyrene concrete after dynamic cyclic loading | Shock and Vibration | 2016 | 岩土 |
138 | 石文博 缪林昌 | 循环荷载作用下不同配比eps 轻质混凝土阻尼比变化规律 | 我校学报 (自然科学版) | 46(1) | 岩土 |
139 | 蔡国军 储亚 刘松玉等 | Evaluation of subsurface spatial variability in site characterization based on the RCPTU data | Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the Environment | 75(1) | 岩土 |
140 | 蔡国军 边汉亮 刘松玉 | Use of RCPTU method for pesticides contaminated soils properties identification | Fresenius Environmental Bulletin | 25(1) | 岩土 |
141 | 蔡国军 林军 | Numerical analysis of essential factors affecting piezocone penetration test in clays by applying finite element method | Fresenius Environmental Bulletin | 25(1) | 岩土 |
142 | 蔡国军 张涛 刘松玉等 | Stabilization mechanism and effect evaluation of stabilized silt with lignin based on laboratory data | Marine Georesources & Geotechnology | 34(4) | 岩土 |
143 | 蔡国军 刘松玉 Anand J Puppala | Evaluation of geotechnical parameters of a lagoonal clay deposit in Jiangsu lixia river area of China by seismic piezocone tests | KSCE Journal of Civil Engineering | 20(5) | 岩土 |
144 | 邹海峰 蔡国军 | Assessment of Measurement Errors of Piezocone Penetration Test in Soft Clay | Geotechnical Testing Journal | 5(39) | 岩土 |
145 | 张涛 蔡国军 | 工业副产品木质素改良路基粉土的微观机制研究 | 岩土力学 | 37(6) | 岩土 |
146 | 李学鹏 蔡国军 | Compressive Modulus of Soil-Bentonite Mixtures for Cutoff Walls from CPTU Data | Geotechnical Special Publication | 271 | 岩土 |
147 | 邹海峰 蔡国军 | Geostatistical Modeling Resistivity of Cohesionless Soil Using RCPTU Data | Geotechnical Special Publication | 272 | 岩土 |
148 | 沈小克 蔡正银 蔡国军 | 原位测试技术与工程勘察应用 | 土木工程学报 | 49(2) | 岩土 |
149 | 邓永锋 吴子龙 崔玉军 刘松玉等 | Sand fraction effect on hydro-mechanical behavior of sand-clay mixture | Applied Clay Science | 135(1) | 岩土 |
150 | 吴子龙 邓永锋 | Strength and micro-structure evolution of compacted soils modified by admixtures of cement and metakaolin | Applied Clay Science | 127–128:44-51 | 岩土 |
151 | 邓永锋 吴子龙 刘松玉 岳喜兵等 | 地聚合物对水泥固化土强度的影响及其机理分析 | 岩土工程学报 | 38(3) | 岩土 |
152 | 吴子龙 朱向阳 邓永锋 刘华山 | 砂-黏土混合物的压缩性状及其粗颗粒骨架形成机制 | 土木工程学报 | 49(2) | 岩土 |
153 | 张昊 邓永锋 刘夫江 刘辰 | 遮帘式板桩码头结构土压力特性模型试验研究 | 我校学报 (自然科学版) | 45(6) | 岩土 |
154 | 张昊 邓永锋 谭慧明 | 墙桩间距对遮帘式板桩码头结构遮帘效应的影响分析 | 我校学报 (自然科学版) | 45(5) | 岩土 |
155 | 章定文 刘波 秦玉军 | Construction of a large-section long pedestrian underpass using pipe jacking in muddy silty clay: a case study | Tunneling and Underground Space Technology | 60 | 岩土 |
156 | 章定文 张涛 刘松玉 | 碳化作用对水泥固化/稳定化铅污染土溶出特性影响 | 岩土力学 | 37(1) | 岩土 |
157 | 彭尔兴 孙文博 章定文 刘松玉等 | 岩土力学 | 37(5) | 岩土 | |
158 | 刘波 章定文 | 我校学报 (自然科学版) | 46(4) | 岩土 | |
159 | 宋苗苗 洪振舜 | Experimental Investigation of the Effect of Salt Leaching on the Compression Behavior of Reconstituted Wenzhou Clay | Geotechnical Special Publication | 2016 | 岩土 |
160 | 童立元 Leo Lian等 | Risk assessment and remediation strategies for highway construction in abandoned coal mine region: lessons learned from Xuzhou, China | Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the Environment | 3(75) | 岩土 |
161 | 王非 杜延军 周敏等 | Experimental Study of the Effects Produced by Backfilling Process on Full-Scale Buried Corrugated HDPE pipes in Fine-Grained Soils | Journal of Pipeline Systems Engineering and Practice | 1(7) | 岩土 |
162 | 王菲 金飞等 | Three-year performance of in-situ mass stabilised contaminated site soils using MgO-bearing binders | Journal of Hazardous Materials | 18 | 岩土 |
163 | 易耀林 Martin Liska 金飞等 | Mechanism of reactive magnesia-ground granulated blastfurnace slag (GGBS) soil stabilization | Canadian Geotechnical Journal | 53(5) | 岩土 |
164 | 张国柱 夏才初 赵旭 | Effect of ventilation on the thermal performance of tunnel lining GHEs | Applied Thermal Engineering | 93 | 岩土 |
165 | 张国柱 郭易木 | Experimental study on the thermal performance of tunnel lining GHE under groundwater flow | Applied Thermal Engineering | 106 | 岩土 |
166 | 刘志中 丁建文 | 考虑真空度衰减的真空预压沉降计算方法 | 我校学报 (自然科学版) | 46(1) | 岩土 |
167 | 曹玉鹏 丁建文 马志华 张政田 | 负压条件下高含水率疏浚泥轴对称大应变固结模型 | 我校学报 (自然科学版) | 46(4) | 岩土 |
168 | 卞夏 丁建文 史剑 | 考虑超固结比影响的硬黏土应力灵敏度变化规律 | 我校学报 (自然科学版) | 46(3) | 岩土 |
169 | 胡世翔 黄侨 刘义河 | 矮塔斜拉桥抗弯极限承载力数值计算及验证 | 华南理工大学学报(自然科学版) | 44(8) | 桥梁 |
170 | 林诗枫 黄侨 任远 | 基于南京长江三桥的车辆荷载 模型 | 我校学报 (自然科学版) | 46(2) | 桥梁 |
171 | 刘小玲 黄侨 任远等 | 大跨度钢斜拉桥主梁监测挠度的评估与预警 | 湖南大学学报 (自然科学版) | 43(9) | 桥梁 |
172 | 任远 王晓春 黄侨 | 中美欧公路桥梁设计规范的综合评价方法 | 哈尔滨工业大学学报 | 48(9) | 桥梁 |
173 | 孙俊祖 黄侨 任远 | 锈蚀疲劳后混凝土中钢筋力学性能试验 | 哈尔滨工业大学学报 | 48(3) | 桥梁 |
174 | 汪炳 黄侨 刘小玲 | 疲劳荷载作用下栓钉连接件的抗剪承载力退化规律 | 哈尔滨工业大学学报 | 48(9) | 桥梁 |
175 | 姚伟发 黄侨 张娟秀 | 火荷载作用下钢-混组合梁的力学性能研究 | 工程力学 | 33(8) | 桥梁 |
176 | 姚伟发 黄侨 张娟秀 | 钢-混组合梁的火灾试验及剩余承载力 | 我校学报 (自然科学版) | 46(2) | 桥梁 |
177 | 蒋正文 万水 | Calculation of energy release rate for adhesive composite/metal joints under mode-I loading considering effect of the non-uniformity | Composite Part B: Engineering | 95(15) | 桥梁 |
178 | 蒋正文 万水 钟志鹏 | Geometrically nonlinear analysis for unbalanced adhesively bonded single-lap joint based on flexible interface theory | Archive of applied mechanics | 86 | 桥梁 |
179 | 蒋正文 万水 李明鸿等 | Analytical solutions for non-uniformity of energy release rate of orthotropic double cantilever beam specimens with an adhesive layer | Engineering fracture mechanics | 164 | 桥梁 |
180 | 田俊 王文炜 | Damage behaviors of self-compacting concrete and prediction model under coupling effect of salt freeze-thaw and flexural load | Construction and Building Materials | 119(8) | 桥梁 |
181 | 王文炜 黄辉 戴建国 郑宇宙 | 钢-GFRP-混凝土组合梁受弯性能试验 | 中国公路学报 | 29(9) | 桥梁 |
182 | 郑宇宙 王文炜 | Flexural behaviour of reinforced concrete beams strengthened with a composite reinforcement layer: BFRP grid and ECC | Construction and Building Materials | 115(7) | 桥梁 |
183 | 朱忠锋 王文炜 | FRP编织网/ECC复合加固钢筋混凝土圆柱力学性能的试验 研究 | 我校学报 (自然科学版) | 46(5) | 桥梁 |
184 | 王文炜 况宇亮 田俊 郑宇宙等 | 不同纤维增强水泥基复合材料的基本力学性能研究 | 应用基础与工程科学学报 | 24(1) | 桥梁 |
185 | 吴文清 余江昱 | 系杆拱桥吊杆的破损安全设计方法研究 | 桥梁建设 | 46(1) | 桥梁 |
186 | 熊文 C.S. Cai 孔博 孔烜 | CFD Simulations and Analyses for Bridge-Scour Development Using a Dynamic-Mesh Updating Technique | Journal of Computing in Civil Engineering. | 30(1) | 桥梁 |
187 | 熊文 唐平波 孔博 C.S. Cai | Reliable Bridge Scour Simulation Using Eulerian Two-Phase Flow Theory | Journal of Computing in Civil Engineering | 30(5) | 桥梁 |
188 | 熊文 姚浩 C.S.Cai 叶见曙 | 冲刷环境对桥墩冲刷空间形态影响的仿真分析 | 哈尔滨工业大学学报 | 48(3) | 桥梁 |
189 | 熊文 姚浩 C.S.Cai 叶见曙 | 湖南大学学报 (自然科学版) | 43(5) | 桥梁 | |
190 | 熊文 万毅宏 候训田 叶见曙 | 声发射信号预测山体滑坡基础性试验研究 | 我校学报 (自然科学版) | 46(1) | 桥梁 |
191 | 杨明 金效齐 | Improvement of visible light-induced photocatalytic performance by Cr-doped SrTiO3-carbon nitride intercalation compound (CNIC) composite | 中南大学学报 (英文版) | 23(2) | 桥梁 |
192 | 宋晓东 李奇 吴定俊 | Investigation of rail noise and bridge noise using a combined 3D dynamic model and 2.5D acoustic model | Applied Accounstics | 109 | 桥梁 |
193 | 王慧萍 孙利民 胡晓伦 | 斜拉索—摩擦型阻尼器系统的阻尼特性分析 | 振动与冲击 | 35(11) | 桥梁 |
194 | 李培庆 何杰 | Geometric Design Safety Estimation Based on Tire-Road Side Friction | Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies | 63 | 载运 |
195 | 唐亮 靖可 何杰 | Complex interdependent supply chain networks: Cascading failure and robustness | Physica A-Statistical Mechanics and Its Applications | 443 | 载运 |
196 | 唐亮 靖可 何杰 | Robustness of assembly supply chain networks by considering risk propagation and cascading failure | Physica A-Statistical Mechanics and Its Applications | 459 | 载运 |
197 | 夏荣霞 吴德华 何杰 | A New Model of Stopping Sight Distance of Curve Braking Based on Vehicle Dynamics | Discrete Dynamics in Nature and Society | 2016 | 载运 |
198 | 于谦 李铁柱 李琥 | Improving urban bus emission and fuel consumption modeling by incorporating passenger load factor for real world driving | Applied Energy | 161 | 载运 |
199 | 张永 江云剑 Miner Zhong等 | Robust Optimization on Regional WCO-for-Biodiesel Supply | Scientific Programming | 2016 | 载运 |
200 | 赵池航 张运胜 Zhang XZ 何杰 | Recognition of driver's fatigue expression using Local Multiresolution Derivative Pattern | Journal of Intelligent & Fuzzy Systems | 30(1) | 载运 |
201 | 张运胜 赵池航 | Vehicles detection in complex urban traffic scenes using Gaussian mixture model with confidence measurement | IET Intelligent Transport Systems | 10(6) | 载运 |
202 | 张运胜 赵池航 何杰 | Vehicle detection in urban traffic scenes using the Pixel-Based Adaptive Segmenter with Confidence Measurement | Journal of Intelligent & Fuzzy Systems | 31(3) | 载运 |
203 | 周博见 MCJ Beliemer MGH Bell 何杰 | Two New Methods for Solving the Path-Based Stochastic User Equilibrium Problem | Computer-Aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering | 31(2) | 载运 |
204 | 于谦 李铁柱 | 乘客载重量对柴油公交车动态尾气排放影响分析 | 浙江大学学报 (工学版) | 50(10) | 载运 |
205 | 丁茂华 胡伍生 | A new ZTD model based on permanent ground-based GNSS-ZTD data | Survey Review | 48(351) | 测绘 |
206 | 郑敦永 胡伍生 | Predicting ionospheric critical frequency of the F2 layer over Lycksele using the neural network improved by error compensation technology | Survey Review | 48(347) | 测绘 |
207 | 郑敦永 胡伍生 | Research on ionospheric tomography based on variable pixel heigh | Advances in Space Research | 57(9) | 测绘 |
208 | 高旺 高成发 | Single-Epoch Navigation Performance with Real BDS Triple-Frequency Pseudorange and EWL/WL Observations | Journal of Navigation | 69(6) | 测绘 |
209 | 汪登辉 高成发 | A Robust Strategy for Ambiguity | The Journal of Navigation | 69 | 测绘 |
210 | 范兴旺 翁永玲 陶金梅 | Towards decadal soil salinity mapping using Landsat time series data | International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation | 52 | 测绘 |
211 | 田馨 | Accurate extraction of InSAR temporal decorrelation component | Journal of Infrared and Millimeter Waves | 35(4) | 测绘 |
212 | 于先文 王宇 王庆 | 即插即用式光纤陀螺/全站仪组合仪器常数标定方法 | 中国惯性技术学报 | 24(1) | 测绘 |
213 | 陈一梅 徐宿东 | Evaluation on ecological restoration capability of revetment in inland restricted channel | KSCE Journal of Civil Engineering | 20(6) | 港航 |
214 | 殷锴 徐宿东 | Modeling sediment concentration and transport induced by storm surge in Hengmen Eastern Access Channel | Natural Hazards | 82(1) | 港航 |
215 | 谢耀峰 | Bearing capacity calculation and the FRP repair of corroded beam slab in wharf | Journal of Residuals Science &Technology | 13(S2) | 港航 |
216 | 付晓 | Modelling intra-household interactions in household's activity-travel scheduling behaviour | Transportmetrica: Transport Science | 12(7) | GIS |
217 | 钱振东 刘洋 Liu Changbo | Design and skid resistance evaluation of skeleton-dense epoxy asphalt mixture for steel bridge deck pavement | Construction and Building Materials | 114 | ITS |
218 | 薛永超 钱振东 | Development and performance evaluation of epoxy asphalt concrete modified with mineral fiber | Construction and Building Materials | 102 | ITS |
219 | 胡靖 钱振东 薛永超等 | Performance of Lightweight Epoxy Asphalt Concrete Based on Microstructure Characteristics | Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering | 28(9) | ITS |
220 | 刘洋 钱振东 Hu Hanzhou | Thermal field characteristic analysis of steel bridge deck during high-temperature asphalt pavement paving | KSCE Journal of Civil Engineering | 20(7) | ITS |
221 | 陈磊磊 钱振东 | Multiscale Numerical Modeling of Steel Bridge Deck Pavements Considering Vehicle-Pavement Interaction | International Journal of Geomechanics | 16(1) | ITS |
222 | 罗桑 钱振东 陆庆 Harvey.J | 基于非局部损伤的环氧沥青混凝土疲劳裂缝仿真 | 中国公路学报 | 29(7) | ITS |
223 | 薛永超 钱振东 | 施工关键因素对环氧沥青混凝土路用性能的影响 | 交通运输工程学报 | 16(3) | ITS |
224 | 薛永超 钱振东 | 基于低温性能的橡胶颗粒环氧沥青混合料研究 | 湖南大学学报 (自然科学版) | 43(9) | ITS |
225 | 钱振东 薛永超 孙健 | 橡胶环氧沥青碎石防水黏结层抗剪性能研究 | 湖南大学学报 (自然科学版) | 43(7) | ITS |
226 | 薛永超 钱振东 贾文镖 | Design and evaluation of epoxy asphalt geogrid stress-absorbing layer | 我校学报 (英文版) | 32(1) | ITS |
227 | 钱振东 薛永超 张令刚 | 沥青路面三维纹理分形维数及其抗滑性能 | 中南大学学报 (自然科学版) | 47(10) | ITS |
228 | 石庄彬 张宁 张云龙 | Hazard-Based Model for Estimation of Congestion Duration in Urban Rail Transit Considering Loss Minimization | Transportation Research Record | 2595 | ITS |
229 | 徐堃 柴干 李清泉 郭建华 | 自动跟踪动态临界占有率的匝道协调控制方法 | 交通运输工程学报 | 2(16) | ITS |
230 | 陈小兵 赵蓉龙 童金虎 黄晓明等 | Critical load position for cavities beneath CRCP slab under vehicle loading | 我校学报 (英文版) | 32(1) | 设计院 |