序号 | 作者 | 论文题目 | 刊物或会议名称 | 卷号 期号 | 学科 |
1 | 徐铖铖 王炜 刘攀 | Using the Bayesian Updating Approach to Improve the Spatial and Temporal Transferability of Real-time Crash Risk Prediction Models | Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies | 38 | 交通 |
2 | 曲栩 王炜 王文夫 刘攀 | Real-time freeway sideswipe crash prediction by support vector machine | IET Intelligent Transport Systems | 7(4) | 交通 |
3 | 李志斌 王炜 刘攀 | Evaluation of the Impacts of Speed Variation on Freeway Traffic Collisions in Various Traffic States | Traffic Injury Prevention | 14(8) | 交通 |
4 | 李志斌 王炜 陈若昀 刘攀 | Conditional Inference Tree-based Analysis of Hazardous Traffic Conditions for Rear-end and Sideswipe Collisions with Implications for Control Strategies on Freeways | IET Intelligent Transport Systems | 8 (6) | 交通 |
5 | 金诚杰 王炜 | Cellular automaton simulations of a T-shaped unsignalised intersection with refined configurations | Transportmetrica A | 10 | 交通 |
6 | 金诚杰 王炜 | On the modeling of synchronized flow in cellular automaton models | Chin. Phys. B | 23 | 交通 |
7 | 金诚杰 王炜 | Cellular automaton simulations of a four-leg intersection with two-phase signalization | Int. J. Mod. Phys. C | 25 | 交通 |
8 | 金诚杰 王炜 | An empirical study of phase transitions from synchronized flow to jams on single-lane highway | Journal of Physics A | 47 | 交通 |
9 | 辛光照 王炜 | Model Passengers’ Travel Time for Conventional Bus Stop | Journal of Applied Mathematics | 2014 | 交通 |
10 | 李志斌 Seongchae Ahn 王炜 刘攀 | Surrogate Safety Measure for Evaluating Rear-End Collision Risk Related to Kinematic Waves near Freeway Recurrent Bottlenecks | Accident Analysis & Prevention | 64 | 交通 |
11 | 李志斌 YeLi 王炜 刘攀 | Development of a variable speed limit strategy to reduce secondary collision risks during inclement weathers | Accident Analysis and Prevention | 72 | 交通 |
12 | Jin J. Ceberlak M. Yang F. Zhang J.等 | Location-Based Social Networking Data: Exploration of Use of Doubly Constrained Gravity Model for Origin-Destination Estimation | Transportation Research Record | 2430 | 交通 |
13 | Huachun Tan Yuankai Wu Bin Cheng等 | Robust Missing Traffic Flow Imputation Considering Nonnegativity and Road-capacity | Mathematical Problems in Engineering | 2014 | 交通 |
14 | Da Yang Peter(Jing)Jin Yun Pu Bin Ran | Stability Analysis of the Mixed Traffic Flow of Cars and Trucks using Heterogeneous Optimal Velocity Car-Following Models | Physica A | 2014 | 交通 |
15 | Xia Wan Peter J. Jin Fan Yang等 | Modeling Vehicle Interactions During Merge in Congested Weaving Section of Freeway Ramp | Transportation Research Record | 2014 | 交通 |
16 | Feng Qiu Wenquan Li Jian Zhang | A Dynamic Station Strategy to Improve the Performance of Flex-route Transit Services | Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies | 48 | 交通 |
17 | 姜晓红 过秀成 | Optimization Model for Headway of a Suburban Bus Route | Mathematical Problems in Engineering | 2014 | 交通 |
18 | 刘擎超 陆建 陈淑燕 | 基于能力区域的交通状态预测方法 | 物理学报 | 63(14) | 交通 |
19 | 刘擎超 陆建 | Multiple Naive Bayes Classifiers Ensemble for Traffic Incident Detection | Mathematical Problems in Engineering | 2014 | 交通 |
20 | 赵金宝 邓卫 | Ridership and effectiveness of bikesharing: The effects of urban features and system characteristics on daily use and turnover rate of public bikes in | Transport Policy | 35 | 交通 |
21 | 赵金宝 邓卫 | Analysis of Metro ridership at station level and station-to-station level in Nanjing: an approach based on direct demand models | Transportation | 41(1) | 交通 |
22 | 王建 邓卫 | New Bayesian combination method for short-term traffic flow forecasting | Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies | 43 | 交通 |
23 | 朱森来 程琳 | Identification of Network Sensor Locations for Traffic Flow Estimation | Transportation Research Record | 2014 | 交通 |
24 | 施俊庆 程琳 | A New Cellular Automaton Model for Urban Two-Way Road Networks | Computational Intelligence and Neuroscience | 2014 | 交通 |
25 | 杜牧青 江筱薇 程琳 | Estimating the Capacity of Urban Transportation Networks with an Improved Sensitivity Based Method | Dynamic Dynamics in Nature and Society | 2014 | 交通 |
26 | 程琳 韩飞 | Optimal Road Toll Design from the Perspective of Sustainable Development | Dynamic Dynamics in Nature and Society | 2014 | 交通 |
27 | 许项东 Chen A Zhou Z 程琳 | A multi-class mean-excess traffic equilibrium model with elastic demand | Journal of Advanced Transportation | 48(3) | 交通 |
28 | 许项东 Chen A 程琳 | Modeling distribution tail in network performance assessment: A mean-excess total travel time risk measure and analytical estimation method | Transportation Research Part B | 66 | 交通 |
29 | 程琳 杜牧青 | Modeling and estimating the capacity of urban transportation network with rapid transit | Transport | 29(2) | 交通 |
30 | 褚昭明 陈慧 程琳 | Activity-Trip Chaining Behavior of Urban Low-Income Populations in Nanjing, | Dynamic Dynamics in Nature and Society | 2014 | 交通 |
31 | 程琳 朱森来 | A Bayesian Network Model for Origin-Destination Matrices Estimation Using Prior and Some Observed Link Flows | Dynamic Dynamics in Nature and Society | 2014 | 交通 |
32 | 邱丰 李文权 | A dynamic station strategy to improve the performance of flex-route transit services | Transportation Research Part C | 48 | 交通 |
33 | 邱丰 李文权 | A methodology for choosing between fixed-route and flex-route policies for transit services | Journal of Advanced Transportation | 2014 | 交通 |
34 | 邱丰 李文权 | Exploring suitable traffic conditions for intermittent bus lanes | Journal of Advanced Transportation | 2014 | 交通 |
35 | 华璟怡 任刚 | An Integrated Contraflow Strategy for Multimodal Evacuation | Mathematical Problems in Engineering | 2014 | 交通 |
36 | 江航 任刚 | Properties Analyses for the Heterogeneous Non-Motorized Vehicle Traffic Based on Cellular Automaton Model | International Journal of Modern Physics B | 28(16) | 交通 |
37 | 陆丽丽 任刚 | Modeling walking behavior of pedestrian groups with floor field cellular automaton approach | Physic B | 23(8) | 交通 |
38 | 任刚 陆丽丽 | Microscopic simulation model for pedestrian flowat signalized crosswalks | Transportation Research Record | 2434 | 交通 |
39 | 任刚 黄正锋 | Method of generating strategic guidance information for driving evacuation flows to approach safety-based system optimal dynamic flows: case study of a large stadium | Journal of Systems Science and Complexity | 2014 | 交通 |
40 | 叶智锐 Xu Y | Evaluation of Winter Maintenance Chemicals and Crashes Using Artificial Neural Network | Transportation Research Record | 2014 | 交通 |
41 | Veneziano D 叶智锐 | Speed impacts of an icy curve warning system | IET Intelligent Transport Systems | 8(2) | 交通 |
42 | Ward N Velazquez M Mueller J Ye Z | Response Interference under Near-current Presentation of Safety and Non-safety Information | Transportation Research Part F | 21 | 交通 |
43 | 谷健 陈淑燕 | Nonlinear Analysis on Traffic Flow Based on Catastrophe and Chaos Theory | Discrete Dynamics in Nature and Society | 2014 | 交通 |
44 | 季彦婕 郭卫红 王炜 | Understanding drivers' perspective on parking guidance information | IET Intelligent Transport Systems | 8(4) | 交通 |
45 | 季彦婕 汤斗南 王炜 | Forecasting available parking space with the largest Lyapunov Exponents method | Journal of Central South University | 21(4) | 交通 |
46 | 季彦婕 胡波 | An Improved Algebraic Method for Transit Signal Priority Scheme and Its Impact on Traffic Emission | Mathematical Problems in Engineering | 412132 | 交通 |
47 | 杨敏等 | Evaluating Staggered Working Hours Policy in A Multi‐agent Based Q‐learning Model | Transport | 29(3) | 交通 |
48 | 李大伟 Tomio Miwa | Considering En-Route Choices in Utility-Based Route Choice Modelling | Networks and Spatial Economics | 3(4) | 交通 |
49 | 马永锋 张文波 | Automated Generation of Traffic Incident Response Plan Based on Case-Based Reasoning and Bayesian Theory | Discrete Dynamics in Nature and Society | 2014 | 交通 |
50 | 马永锋 张文波 | Application of Real-Time Automated Traffic Incident Response Plan Management System: A Web Structure for the Regional Highway Network in China | Advances in Mechanical Engineering | 2014 | 交通 |
51 | 俞灏 刘攀 | Comparative analysis of the spatial analysis methods for hotspot identification | Accident Analysis & Prevention | 66 | 交通 |
52 | 张鑫 刘攀 王炜 | Modeling the Frequency of Opposing Left-turn Conflicts at Signalized Intersections using Generalized Linear Regression Models | Traffic Injury Prevention | 15(6) | 交通 |
53 | 郭延永 刘攀 | Red-light Running Behaviors of E-scooters and E-bikes at Signalized Intersections in China | Transportation Research Record | 2014 | 交通 |
54 | 徐铖铖 刘攀 王炜 | Identification of freeway crash-prone traffic conditions for traffic flow at different levels of service. Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice | Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice | 69 | 交通 |
55 | 徐铖铖 刘攀 王炜 | Effects of the Behavioral Characteristics of Taxi Drivers on Safety and Capacity of Signalized Intersections | Journal of Central South University | 21(10) | 交通 |
56 | 李志斌 刘攀 王炜 | Development of a Control Strategy of Variable Speed Limits to Reduce Rear-End Collision Risks Near Freeway Recurrent Bottlenecks | IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems | 15(2) | 交通 |
57 | 李志斌 刘攀 王炜 | Development of control strategy of variable speed limits for improving traffic operations at freeway bottlenecks | Journal of Central South University | 21(6) | 交通 |
58 | 李志斌 王炜 | Application of generalized estimating equations for crash frequency modeling with temporal correlation | 浙江大学学报 | 15(7) | 交通 |
59 | 李志斌 王炜 | 高速公路车辆排队尾部交通事故时空分布特征 | 交通运输工程学报 | 14 (4) | 交通 |
60 | 杨震 王炜 | 干线公交绿波通行控制中公交专用相位的设置方法 | 我校学报 | 44(4) | 交通 |
61 | 王宝杰 王炜 | 基于Kalman滤波行程时间预测的BRT车速诱导 | 吉林大学学报 | 44(1) | 交通 |
62 | 高柳依 胡晓健 王炜 | Development and Evaluation of a Green Wave Control Algorithm Based on Two-way Bandwidth Maximization for Transit Signal Priority | Applied Mechanics and Materials | 2014 | 交通 |
63 | 高柳依 胡晓健 王炜 | A Study of an Adaptive Two-Phrase Signal Control Strategy for Resolving Conflicting Transit Signal Priority Calls | Applied Mechanics and Materials | 2014 | 交通 |
64 | 高柳依 胡晓健 王炜 | An Optimal Bus Departure Plan under the Condition of Partially Overlapping Routes | CICTP 2014 | 2014 | 交通 |
65 | 王炜 辛光照等 | Research on Bus Stop Spacing to Decrease Access and Egress Time of Passengers | CICTP 2014 | 2014 | 交通 |
66 | 王炜 辛光照等 | Evaluation on the Travel Time at Conventional Bus Stop | CICTP 2014 | 2014 | 交通 |
67 | 王炜 辛光照等 | A Triple Level Effectiveness Evaluation Procedure for Multi-Modal Public Transit Network | CICTP 2014 | 2014 | 交通 |
68 | 杨震 王炜 | Bus Green-Wave Band Design Considering the Factors of Queuing Delays | CICTP 2014 | 2014 | 交通 |
69 | Wang Yuji 王炜 | A method to evaluate equity of bus spatial availability based on the demand-supply-inconformity indicator | CICTP 2014 | 2014 | 交通 |
70 | 丁剑 | Dwell Time Prediction of Bus Rapid Transit Using ARIMA-SVM Hybrid Model | Applied Mechanics and Materials | 2014 | 交通 |
71 | Xiangfeng Ji Jian Zhang Bin Ran等 | Fluid Approximation of Point-Queue Model | ICTTS 2014 | 2014 | 交通 |
72 | Xiangfeng Ji Jian Zhang Bin Ran | Location-based route choice model under random regret minimization | CICTP 2014 | 2014 | 交通 |
73 | Jian Zha Chunjing Ma Xiangfeng Ji Gang Zhong | Modeling and Sensitivity Analysis for Railway Passengers’ Public Transit Mode Choice | Applied Mechanics and Materials | 2014 | 交通 |
74 | Yue Meng Jian Zhang Jianqiang Nie Gang Zhong | Transit Scheduling Model Research Based on Time-Space Network | Applied Mechanics and Materials | 2014 | 交通 |
75 | Binbin Yang Jian Zhang Yongkai Hu | VISSIM Simulation-based Traffic Optimization Solution: Case Study in Nanjing, China | Applied Mechanics and Materials | 2014 | 交通 |
76 | Xiangfeng Ji Jian Zhang Bin Ran Xuegang Ban | Fluid Approximation of Point-Queue Model | ICTTS 2014 | 2014 | 交通 |
77 | Fengping Zhan Jian Zhang | Study on the construction and operation mechanisms of the urban intelligent transportation system in China | CICTP 2014 | 2014 | 交通 |
78 | Han Yang Jian Zhang Jianhao Yang | Traffic State Generation from Loop Detector Based on Vehicular Trajectory Data | CICTP 2014 | 2014 | 交通 |
79 | Xiangfeng Ji Jian Zhang Bin Ran | Location-based route choice model under random regret minimization | CICTP 2014 | 2014 | 交通 |
80 | Yongkai Hu Binbin Yang Xiangfeng Ji等 | Deriving Travel Behavior Data of Urban Subway Passengers from Mobile Phone Network | CICTP 2014 | 2014 | 交通 |
81 | Wei Zhang Jian Zhang Wei Wang等 | Adaptive Cruise Control Strategy with High User Acceptance Based On Psychophysical Model | CICTP 2014 | 2014 | 交通 |
82 | Lu Jian Liu Qingchao Yuan Lei Chen Shuyan | Grafted Decision Tree for Freeway Incident Detection | CICTP 2014 | 2014 | 交通 |
83 | Liu Qingchao Lu Jian Chen Shuyan | Design and analysis of traffic incident detection based on random forest | Journal of Southeast University (English Edition) | 30(1) | 交通 |
84 | WangKai GuoXiucheng ZhangNing | Problems and suggestions of Walking in the resident trip survey | CICTP2014 | 2014 | 交通 |
85 | 过秀成 涂圣文 | 基于路网效率的城市结点对外交通组织模式 | 我校学报 (自然科学版) | 44(4) | 交通 |
86 | 叶茂 于淼 过秀成 | 历史城区居民出行活动模式选择影响因素分析 | 我校学报 (自然科学版) | 44(1) | 交通 |
87 | 童蔚苹 程琳 | 考虑结伴行为的行人流场域元胞自动机模型 | 系统工程理论与实践 | 34(9) | 交通 |
88 | 朱森林 程琳 | 基于储备容量的交通网络潜在瓶颈路段识别 | 系统工程理论与实践 | 34(2) | 交通 |
89 | 程琳 李向阳 | 基于网络分解与叠加的用户均衡网络敏感度分析 | 系统工程理论与实践 | 34(7) | 交通 |
90 | 黄志鹏 程琳 | Traffic flow turbulence characteristics research based on the cellular automaton model | Applied Mechanics and Materials | 2014 | 交通 |
91 | 孙超 程琳 | Range of User-Equilibrium Route Flow with Applications | ICTTS’ 2014. Procedia – Social and Behavioral Sciences | 2014 | 交通 |
92 | 韩飞 程琳 | A Modified Levenberg-Marquardt (L-M) Algorithm for Traffic Equilibrium Problem with Nonadditive Route Costs | ICTTS’ 2014. Procedia – Social and Behavioral Sciences | 2014 | 交通 |
93 | 邱丰 李文权 | An exploration of the demand limit for flex-route as feeder transit services: A case study in Salt Lake City | Public Transport | 2014 | 交通 |
94 | 邱丰 李文权 | 可变线路式公交的两阶段车辆调度模型 | 我校学报 (自然科学版) | 44(4) | 交通 |
95 | 邱丰 李文权 | A Google Maps-Based Flex-Route Transit Scheduling System | CICTP 2014 | 2014 | 交通 |
96 | 冯佩雨 李文权 | The research on the key technology of the integrated transportation about the mountain resources city | CICTP 2014 | 2014 | 交通 |
97 | 沈金星 李文权 | Discrete hopfield neural networks for evaluating service quality of public transit | International Journal of Multimedia and Ubiquitous Engineering | 9(2) | 交通 |
98 | 沈金星 李文权 | Evaluating the satisfaction of passengers with different backgrounds for public transit | Urban Transport 2014 | 2014 | 交通 |
99 | 王涛 陈峻 | 基于时间效益的城市公交专用道设置流量条件 | 哈尔滨工业大学学报 | 46(4) | 交通 |
100 | 王建 吴鼎新 邓卫 | 弹性需求下随机用户均衡分配问题敏感性分析 | Journal of Southeast University (English Edition) | 30(3) | 交通 |
101 | Wang Jian WuDingxin Deng Wei | Sensitivity analysis for stochastic user equilibrium with elastic demand assignment model | Journal of Southeast University (English Edition) | 30(3) | 交通 |
102 | Hu Qizhou Deng Wei Gao Ningbo | Time series correlation model for traffic jam of urban roads | Journal of Southeast University (Natural Science Edition) | 44(3) | 交通 |
103 | Liu Zhiwei Deng Wei | Influence of land use characteristics and trip attributes on commuting mode choice: A case of Nanjing | Journal of Southeast University (English Edition) | 30(1) | 交通 |
104 | 任刚 范超 | Analyses of unified congestion measures for interrupted traffic flow on urban roads | 我校学报 (英文版) | 30(1) | 交通 |
105 | 季彦婕 蒋敏 王炜 | 停车诱导可变信息标志影响下的多层路网随机用户均衡分配模型 | 我校学报 (自然科学版) | 44(3) | 交通 |
106 | Xiao Huihui Sun Xianglong Lu Jian | Public acceptability and effectiveness of congestion pricing | 哈尔滨工业大学学报 | 46(6) | 交通 |
107 | 赵德 王炜 | Evaluation of Interactions between Buses and Bicycles at Stops | TRB 2014 | 2014 | 交通 |
108 | 李志斌 王炜 | Analysis of Mode Choice Decision and Choice Uncertainty between Commuting and Non-commuting Trip Chains | TRB 2014 | 2014 | 交通 |
109 | 李志斌 刘攀 | Development of a Variable Speed Limit Strategy based on Car Following Behaviors for Improving Freeway Safety under Severe Weathers | TRB 2014 | 2014 | 交通 |
110 | 徐铖铖 刘攀 王炜 | Improving the Spatial and Temporal Transferability of Real-time Crash Risk Prediction Models Using Bayesian Updating Approach | TRB 2014 | 2014 | 交通 |
111 | 徐铖铖 王炜 刘攀 | Real-time Freeway Crash Risk Assessment Using Structural Equation Modeling and Segmentation Analysis Approach | TRB 2014 | 2014 | 交通 |
112 | 陈景旭 王炜 李志斌 | Dispersion Effect in Left-turn Mixed Bicycle Traffic and its Influence on Capacity off Left-turn Vehicle sat Signalized Intersections | TRB 2014 | 2014 | 交通 |
113 | Jiang Xiaohong Guo Xiucheng | Integrated Operation of Trunk Routes and Branches of Rural Transit | Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences | 2014 | 交通 |
114 | 俞灏 刘攀 | Performance Evaluation of Combined Vehicle Route Guidance and Traffic Signal Control using Traffic Simulation | TRB 2014 | 2014 | 交通 |
115 | 郭延永 刘攀 | Red-light Running Behaviors of E-scooters and E-bikes at Signalized Intersections in China | TRB 2014 | 2014 | 交通 |
116 | 郭延永 刘攀 | Evaluating Speed Reduction Effects of Parallelogram-shaped Pavement Markings at Pedestrian Crosswalks on Urban Roads in China | TRB 2014 | 2014 | 交通 |
117 | Zhe Xu Peter J. Jin Jian Zhang Bin Ran | An Automatic Calculation Method of Identifying the Hysteresis Loop Characteristics in Macroscopic Fundamental Diagram | TRB 2014 | 2014 | 交通 |
118 | Shanglu He Wei Wang Jian Zhang等 | Evaluation of Freeway Sensor Placement Based on Aggregation of Cellular Probe System and Loop Detectors | TRB 2014 | 2014 | 交通 |
119 | Xuan Shi Peter J. Jin Yang Cheng Steven Parker等 | Prototype of Web-Based Research-and-Education-Oriented Traffic Simulation Platform | TRB 2014 | 2014 | 交通 |
120 | Zhe Xu Peter J. Jin Jian Zhang Bin Ran | An Automatic Calculation Method of Identifying the Hysteresis Loop Characteristics in Macroscopic Fundamental Diagram | TRB 2014 | 2014 | 交通 |
121 | Shanglu He Wei Wang Jian Zhang等 | Evaluation of Freeway Sensor Placement Based on Aggregation of Cellular Probe System and Loop Detectors | TRB 2014 | 2014 | 交通 |
122 | Yang Da Qiu Xiaoping Zhang Jian | Improved Multiple Regression Model of Freeway Work Zone Capacity Estimation Considering the Combination Effect of Factors | TRB 2014 | 2014 | 交通 |
123 | Haifei Yang Jian Lu Xiaojian Hu | Development of Novice Drivers Adjustment Factors for Capacity of Basic Roadway Segment | TRB 2014 | 2014 | 交通 |
124 | Wu Yao Lu Jian Guo Yanyong | Analysis of the Red-light Running Frequency of Cyclists at Signalized Intersection in China | TRB 2014 | 2014 | 交通 |
125 | Jian Ding Min Yang,et al. | A Multi-Objective Transit Signal Priority Strategy with Prediction of Bus Dwell Time at Stops | TRB 2014 | 2014 | 交通 |
126 | Haoyang Ding Wei Wang Min Yang | The Effect on Travel Behavior of Residential RelocationDriven by Urban Expansionin China | TRB 2014 | 2014 | 交通 |
127 | Shunzhi Qian Hui Ma Jiliang Feng Ruochong Yang等 | Fiber reinforcing effect on asphalt binder under low temperature | VL61, 120-124 | 道路 | |
128 | Ying Gao Xiaoming Huang Wenbin Yu | Research on the Compaction Characteristics of Hot Mixed Asphalt Mixtures | VL29 No.(5) 956-958 | 道路 | |
129 | Tao Bai Tong Qiu Xiaoming Huang Chang Li | Locating Global Critical Slip Surface Using Morgenstern-Price Method and Optimization Technique | International Journal of Geomechanics | VL14 No.(2) 1-7 | 道路 |
130 | 白桃 黄晓明 李昶 | 考虑土体参数空间变异性的边坡稳定性研究 | 浙江大学学报 (工学版) | VL47 No.(12) 14-19 | 道路 |
131 | 马涛 黄晓明 赵永利 | Degradation behavior analysis of SMA aggregate and skeleton | Journal of Wuhan University of Technology, Materials Science Edition | 28(6) | 道路 |
132 | 马涛 袁浩 | Aging Behavior and Mechanism of SBS Modified Asphalt | Sustainable Construction Materials | 2014 | 道路 |
133 | Yu, B. et al. | Empirical Acoustic Model for Asphalt Surface Mixes | The Baltic Journal of Road and Bridge Engineering | 8(3) | 道路 |
134 | Li, HT. Yu,B. | Fatigue Performance and Prediction Model of Multi-Layer Deck Pavement with Different Tack Coat Materials | Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering-ASCE | 26(5) | 道路 |
135 | Yu, B. et al. | An Improved pavement maintenance optimization methodology: integrating LCA and LCCA | Transportation Research Part A | 55 | 道路 |
136 | JiMing Yin ShengYue Wang FanRen Lv | Improving the short-term aging resistance of asphalt by addition of crumb rubber radiated by microwave and impregnated in epoxidized soybean oil. | Construction and Building Materials | 49, 712–719 | 道路 |
137 | SY Wang QY Zhu YN Duan PD Shang | Unidirectional heat-transfer asphalt pavement for mitigating the urban heat island effect | Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering | 26(5), 812–821 | 道路 |
138 | QYZhu C Zhou SY Wang | Regeneration of aged SBS modified asphalt via re-reticulating SBS particles under gamma irradiation | Petroleum Science and Technology | 32 (12)1490-149 | 道路 |
139 | GY Liao M.Sakhaeifar M.Heitzman R. West等 | The effects of pavement surface characteristics on tire-pavement noise | Applied Acoustics | 76, 14–23 | 道路 |
140 | JiMing Yin ShengYue Wang YinFei Du | Intensifying the road performance of asphalt concrete by matching the size distribution of short-thin straw pieces and aggregate framework | Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering | 8,176-184 | 道路 |
141 | Du Yinfei Shi Qin Wang Shengyue | Highlyorientedheat-inducedstructureofasphaltpavementfor | Energy and Buildings | 85, 23–31 | 道路 |
142 | Du Yinfei Shi Qin Wang Shengyue | Bidirectional heat induced structure of asphalt pavement for reducing | Applied Thermal Engineering | 75, 298e306 | 道路 |
143 | Zheng Wang Jun Yang Xianhua Chen | Mastic Asphalt Concrete Waterproof Layer on High-speed Railway Subgrade in Cold Regions | TRB | 2014 | 道路 |
144 | Jun Yang Shirley Ddamba Riyad UL-Islam Md. Safiuddi等 | Investigation on use of recycled asphalt shingles in Ontario hot mix asphalt: a Canadian case study | Canadian Journal of Civil Engineering | 2014, 41(2) | 道路 |
145 | 杨军 龚明辉 王潇婷等 | Observation and characterization of asphalt microstructure by atomic force microscopy | 我校学报英文版 | 3 | 道路 |
146 | 杨军 焦丽亚 王克利等 | 基于离散元方法的沥青混合料虚拟三轴剪切试验三维 模拟 | 我校学报 (自然科学版) | 5(9) | 道路 |
147 | Zhang Jiantong Yang Jun Zuo Na Lu Qing等 | Study on the shear dilation behavior of asphalt mixture | Road Materials and Pavement Design | 2014 | 道路 |
148 | Zhang Jiantong Yang Jun | Experimental and stress-dilatancy investigation of mechanical behavior for asphalt mixture | GeoHubei International Conference 2014,ASCE GSP | paper ID 519 | 道路 |
149 | Zhang Jiantong Yang Jun | Discrete Element Modelling and Experimental Study on Dilation Behaviour of Asphalt Mixtures | ISAP2014 | 2014 | 道路 |
150 | Yang Jun Wang Keli等 | Micromechanical and Microstructure Analysis of Asphalt Concrete under Triaxial Load Condition Based on Discrete Element Method | ISAP2014 | 2014 | 道路 |
151 | 张建同 杨军 朱浩然 | 沥青混合料剪胀行为研究 | 建筑材料学报 | 17(1) | 道路 |
152 | 张建同 杨军 陈先华等 | 沥青混合料局部三轴压缩试验方法 | 我校学报 (自然科学版) | 44(4) | 道路 |
153 | Wang Keli Yang Jun等 | Establishment for Microstructure of Asphalt Mixtures Based on Discrete Element Method | Journal of Testing and Evaluation | 42(5) | 道路 |
154 | 陈先华 B. Steinauer等 | Non-contact methods to predict skid resistance of wet pavement | Geohubei2014 | 2014 | 道路 |
155 | Dawei Wang 陈先华等 | Study of micro-texture and skid resistance change of granite slabs during the polishing with the Aachen Polishing Machine | wear | 318(1-2) | 道路 |
156 | 陈先华 Liu Xueyan | Towards a sustainable surfacing system for the long-spanned orthotropic steel bridge deck in China Part I: State-of- The-practice | Proceedings of the International Conference on Asphalt Pavements, ISAP2014 | 2014 | 道路 |
157 | Dawei Wang 陈先华等 | Influence of different polishing conditions on the skid resistance development of asphalt surface | wear | , 308(1-2) | 道路 |
158 | Dawei Wang A. Schacht 陈先华等 | Innovative road maintenances for an economical treatment to winter distresses | Geohubei 2014 | 2014 | 道路 |
159 | Dawei Wang 陈先华等 | Influence of freeze–thaw on the polishing resistance of coarse aggregates on road surface | Construction and building Materials | 64(8) | 道路 |
160 | Zhu Yuqin Ni Fujian Gu Xingyu | Comparative analysis of perpetual pavement structures based on pavement performance and life cycle cost | Journal of Southeast University (English Edition) | 30(1) | 道路 |
161 | Hongmei Li Fujian Ni | Investigation of Cost-effectiveness of Highway Asphalt Pavement Maintenance Treatments Based on Rutting Development Analysis | Journal of Southeast University (English Edition) | 30(3) | 道路 |
162 | Jian Li Fujian Ni Yeming Huang Lei Gao | New Additive for Use in Hot In-place Recycling to Improve Performance of Reclaimed Asphalt Pavement Mix | Journal of the Transportation Research Board | 2014 | 道路 |
163 | Qiang Li Fujian Ni Lei Gao Qingquan Yuan等 | Evaluating the rutting resistance of asphalt mixtures using an advanced repeated load permanent deformation test under field conditions | Construction and Building Materials | vol 61 | 道路 |
164 | Gao Lei Ni Fujian Braham Andrew Luo Hailong | Mixed-mode cracking behavior of cold recycled mixes with emulsion using Arcan configuration | Construction and Building Materials | 2014 | 道路 |
165 | Gao Lei Ni Fujian Charmot Stephane Li Qiang | High-temperature performance of multilayer pavement with cold in-place recycling mixtures | Road Material and Pavement Design | 15(4) | 道路 |
166 | Gao Lei Ni Fujian Charmot Stephane Luo Hailong | Influence on compaction of cold recycled mixes with emulsions using the Superpave gyratory compaction | Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering | 26(11) | 道路 |
167 | Gongyun Liao Maryam S. Sakhaeifar Michael Heitzman | The effects of pavement surface characteristics on tire/pavement noise | Applied Acoustics | Vol.76 | 道路 |
168 | Gu Xingyu Wang linbing NI Fujian | Dynamic Response of Pavement under FWDUsing Spectral Element method | KSCE Journal of Civil Engineering | Vol.18 | 道路 |
169 | 马涛 黄晓明 赵永利 | Degradation behavior analysis of SMA aggregate and skeleton | Journal of Wuhan University of Technology, Materials Science Edition | 28(7) | 道路 |
170 | Cai Guojun An J Puppala Liu Songyu | Characterization on the correlation between shear wave velocity and piezocone tip resistance of Jiangsu soft clays | Engineering Geology | Vol 171, Pages 96-103 | 岩土 |
171 | G.J. Cai S.Y. Liu T. Zhang等 | Evaluation of unit weight from SCPTu in soft marine Jiangsu clays | Proceedings of CPT'14: International Symposium on Cone Penetration Testing | Vol. (2): 691-698 | 岩土 |
172 | H.F. Zou S.Y. Liu G.J. Cai G.Y. Du等 | Assessment of cyclic liquefaction of silt based on two simplified procedures from piezocone tests | Proceedings of CPT'15: International Symposium on Cone Penetration Testing | Vol. (3): 873-880 | 岩土 |
173 | Cai Guojun Zhang Tao Liu Songyu Anand J Puppala | Stabilization of silt using a lignin-based bioenergy coproduct | 2014 Transportation Research Board 93th Annual Meeting | 2014 | 岩土 |
174 | 张国柱 | Experimental study on the thermal performance of tunnel liningground heat exchangers | Energy and building | 77,7 | 岩土 |
175 | 濮居一 韩文君 刘松玉 章定文 | 真空荷载作用下劈裂效果 分析 | 岩石力学与工程学报 | Vol.33. 增刊1 | 岩土 |
176 | 刘松玉 张涛 蔡国军等 | 生物能源副产品木质素加固土体研究进展 | 中国公路学报 | Vol.27 No.8 | 岩土 |
177 | 王曦 刘松玉 | 基于组合评价方法的城市地下空间详细规划方案评价 | 我校学报 (自然科学版) | Vol.44 No.5 | 岩土 |
178 | 刘兆鹏 杜延军 刘松玉等 | 淋滤条件下水泥固化铅污染高岭土的强度及微观特性的研究 | 岩土工程学报 | 36卷3期 | 岩土 |
179 | 魏明俐 杜延军 朱晶晶 杨玉玲 | 磷矿粉稳定铅污染土的溶出特性研究 | 岩土工程学报 | 36(4): 768-774 | 岩土 |
180 | 范日东 杜延军 刘松玉 杨玉玲 | 添加沸石对黏性土-膨润土竖向隔离墙材料压缩和渗透特性的影响 | 岩土力学 | 35 (Supp. 2) | 岩土 |
181 | 杜延军 刘松玉 魏明俐 朱晶晶 | 电石渣改良路基过湿土的微观机理研究 | 岩石力学与工程学报 | 33(6): 1278-1285 | 岩土 |
182 | Y.L. Yang Y. J. Du R.D.Fan Z.B. Chen | Effects of Phosphate Dispersants on the Sedimentation and Viscosity Behaviors of Soil-Bentonite Backfills[C] | Advances in Civil Engineering for Sustainable Development,2014 | Vol 2 | 岩土 |
183 | Min Zhou YanJun Du Fei Wang | Earth pressures acting on the crown of buried HDPE pipes | Advances in Civil Engineering for Sustainable Development,2014 | Vol 2 | 岩土 |
184 | Du Y.J. Hayashi S. Shen S.L. | Impact of Laver Treatment Practices on the Geoenvironmental Properties of Sediments in the Ariake Sea | Marine Pollution Bulletin | 81, no. 1: 41-48 | 岩土 |
185 | Fan R.D. Du YJ Reddy KR等 | compressibility and hydraulic conductivity of clay soil mixed with calcium bentonite for slurry wall backfill:Initial assessment | Applied Clay Science | 2014 | 岩土 |
186 | Du Y.J. Jiang N.J. Liu S.Y.等 | Engineering Properties and Microstructural Characteristics of Cement-Stabilized Zinc-Contaminated Kaolin | Canadian Geotechnical Journal | 51, no. 4: 289-302 | 岩土 |
187 | Du Y.J. Wei M.L. Reddy K.R. Jin F. | Compressibility of cement-stabilized zinccontaminated high plasticity clay | Natural Hazards | 73:671–683 | 岩土 |
188 | Du Y.J. Wei M.L. Reddy K.R等 | Effect of acid rain pH on leaching behavior of cement stabilized lead-contaminated soil | Journal of Hazardous Materials | 271(30): 131-140 | 岩土 |
189 | Du YJ Wei ML Reddy KR等 | New phosphate-based binder for stabilization of soils contaminated with heavy metals: Leaching, strength and microstructure characterization | Journal of Environmental Management | 146: 179-188 | 岩土 |
190 | Jiang N.J. Du Y.J. Liu S.Y | Experimental Investigation of the Compressibility Behaviour of Cement-Solidified/Stabilised Zinc-Contaminated Kaolin Clay | Geotechnique Letters | 4: 27-32 | 岩土 |
191 | R.-D. Fan Y. J. Du Krishna R. Reddy S. Y. Liu等 | Compressibility and hydraulic conductivity of clayey soil mixed with calcium bentonite for slurry wall backfill: Initial assessment | Applied Clay Science | 101: 119-127 | 岩土 |
192 | Du YJ. Horpibulsuk S Wei ML Martin L | Modeling compression behavior of cement treated zinc contaminated clayey soils | Soils and Foundations | 54(5):1018–1026 | 岩土 |
193 | Du Y.J. Hayashi S. Shen S.L | Changes in geoenvironmental properties of Ariake Sea tidal mud induced by acid treatment of Ariake Sea laver. | Marine Pollution Bulletin, | 81(1): 41-48 | 岩土 |
194 | Wang F Du YJ Yang XM | Physical modeling on ground responses to tunneling in sand considering the existence of HDPE pipes. | ASTM Geotechnical Testing Journal | 38(1): 1-13 | 岩土 |
195 | YuYou Yang Haoliang Wu Yan Jun Du | Strength and Leaching Characteristics of Heavy Metal Contaminated Soils Solidifid by Cement | Journal of Residuals Science & Technology | Vol.11,No.3 | 岩土 |
196 | Zhang T.W. Yue X.B. DengY.F. Zhang D.W.等 | Mechanical behaviour and Micro-structureof Cement-stabilised Marine Clay with a Metakaolin Agent | Constructionand Building Materials | 73:51–57 | 岩土 |
197 | Deng Y.F. Yue X.B. CuiY.J.等 | Effect of Pore Water Chemistry on theHydro-Mechanical Behaviour of LianyungangSoft Marine Clay | Applied Clay Science | 95:167–175 | 岩土 |
198 | 张彤炜 邓永锋 刘松玉 | 渗透吸力对重塑粘土的压缩和渗透特性影响的试验研究 | 岩土工程学报 | 36(12) | 岩土 |
199 | Zhang Dingwen Cao Zhiguo Fan Libin Liu Songyu等 | Evaluation of the influence of salt concentration on cement stabilized clay by electrical resistivity measurement method | Engineering Geology | 170: 80 –88 | 岩土 |
200 | 章定文 范礼彬 刘松玉 | 水泥土搅拌桩复合地基固结机理室内模型试验研究 | 中国公路学报 | 27(12) | 岩土 |
201 | 章定文 曹智国 张涛 刘松玉 | 碳化对水泥固化铅污染土的电阻率特性影响规律 | 岩石力学与工程学报 | 33(12) | 岩土 |
202 | 章定文 谢伟 郑晓国 | 考虑桩土非等应变的路堤荷载下搅拌桩复合地基沉降 计算方法 | 岩土力学 | 35(s) | 岩土 |
203 | 王非 缪林昌 王正兴 | 砂性土中隧道施工引起地层沉降分布特征的模型试验 研究 | 岩石力学与工程学报 | S1, 3327-3332 | 岩土 |
204 | 吕伟华 缪林昌 王非 | 基于系统分析的桩网复合地基荷载效应定量评价模型 研究 | 岩土工程学报 | No.12 | 岩土 |
205 | 王正兴 缪林昌 王冉冉 | 砂土隧道施工对下卧管线影响的试验和数值模拟分析 | 岩土工程学报 | Vol.36,No.1, 8,1-188 | 岩土 |
206 | 王正兴 缪林昌 王冉冉 | 砂土中隧道施工引起土体内部沉降规律特征的室内模型试验研究 | 土木工程学报 | Vo.47,No.5,133-138 | 岩土 |
207 | Linchang Miao Fei Wang Jie Han Weihua Lv | Benefits of Geosynthetic Reinforcement in Widening of Embankments Subjected to Foundation Differential Settlement | Geosynthetics International | Vol.21, No.5,321-332 | 岩土 |
208 | Linchang Miao Yu-Jun Cui Ying Cui. | Hydro-Mechanical Behaviors of Unsaturated Soils | Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering | No. 12 | 岩土 |
209 | 王文炜 | Prediction of prestress losses in RC beams externally strengthened with prestressed CFRP sheets/plates | Journal of Reinforced Plastic and Composites | 33(8) | 桥梁 |
210 | 王文炜 | 湿技术条件下FRP型材-混凝土界面粘结性能试验研究 | 土木工程学报 | 47(12) | 桥梁 |
211 | 吴文清 | 梁板桥拓宽后新桥各主梁沉降变形分布模式研究 | 桥梁建设 | Vol44, No227 | 桥梁 |
212 | 吴文清 | 竹质复合材料工字型梁的抗弯性能试验 | 中国公路学报 | Vol.27 No4 | 桥梁 |
212 | 熊文 | 超千米级CFRP与钢组合拉索斜拉桥动力性能分析 | 我校学报 | 44(5) | 桥梁 |
213 | 熊文 | 结构形式对桥墩局部冲刷三维性态发展的影响 | 我校学报 | 44(1) | 桥梁 |
214 | 熊文 | 基于布拉格光栅传感器的桥墩基础冲刷动态监测试验 | 中国公路学报 | 27(5) | 桥梁 |
215 | Wen Xiong | CFD Simulations and Analyses for Bridge-Scour Development Using a Dynamic-Mesh Updating Technique | ASCE Journal of Computing in Civil Engineering | 2014 | 桥梁 |
216 | 许崇法 刘其伟 | 应力、碳化及酸雨作用下混凝土中性化试验研究 | 土木工程学报 | 47(5) | 桥梁 |
217 | 许崇法 刘其伟 | 多因素作用下混凝土中性化深度统一预测模型研究 | 我校学报 | 44(2) | 桥梁 |
218 | 许崇法 刘其伟 | 多因素作用下混凝土中性化深度数值模拟 | 中国公路学报 | 27(7) | 桥梁 |
219 | 黄侨 | 波形钢腹板组合槽形梁剪切挠度计算方法与试验研究 | 工程力学 | 31 | 桥梁 |
220 | 黄侨 | Wireless sensor network based bridge health monitoring system for long-span bridges | Trans Tech Publications | 9 | 桥梁 |
221 | 黄侨 | A revised the B3 creep prediction model based on short-time tests | Trans Tech Publications | 6 | 桥梁 |
222 | 何杰 祁志国 | Predicting Freeway Pavement Construction Cost Using a BP Neural Network: a Case Study in Henan, China | The Baltic Journal of Road and Bridge Engineering | v9, n 1 | 载运 |
223 | 周博见 李旭宏 何杰 | 求解基于路径的Logit型随机用户均衡模型的新算法 | 中国公路学报 | 3(3) | 载运 |
224 | 王勇 毛海军 刘永 何杰 | 基于客户点多重特性的车辆路线优化 | 华南理工大学学报 (自然科学版) | 42(2) | 载运 |
225 | 周博见 李旭宏 何杰 | Exploring trust region method for the solution of logit-based stochastic user equilibrium problem | European Journal of Operational Research | 239(1) | 载运 |
226 | 赵池航 | Recognizing driving postures by combined features of contourlet transform and edge orientation histogram, and random subspace classifier ensembles | Journal of Intelligent & Fuzzy Systems | 27(4) | 载运 |
227 | 赵池航 | Classification of driver fatigue expressions by combined curvelet features and gabor features, and random subspace ensembles of support vector machines | Journal of Intelligent & Fuzzy Systems | (26) | 载运 |
228 | 李铁柱 | Evaluation of bus emissions generated near bus stops | Atmospheric Environment 85 (2014) | 85 | 载运 |
229 | 李铁柱 | Model of Bus and Urban Rail Transfer Behavior based on General Cost Function | Advances in Mechanical Engineering | 2014 | 载运 |
230 | Ren Yan-Ming Li TieZhu Chen Xu-Dong Yu, Qian | Study of road capacity considering the influence of driving psychology | CICTP 2014: Safe, Smart, and Sustainable Multimodal Transportation Systems - Proceedings of the 14th COTA International Conference of Transportation Professionals | 7 | 载运 |
231 | Wusheng Hu Dunyong Zheng Wenfeng Nie | Research on methods of regional ionospheric delay correction based on neural network technology[J] | Survey Review | 46 (336): 167-174 | 测绘 |
232 | Wang Songhan He Longhua | Practical split-window algorithm for retrieving land surface temperature over agricultural areas from ASTER dat [J] | Journal of Applied Remote Sensing | 2014 | 测绘 |
232 | 王德保 宋雷 胡伍生 | 基于EGM2008模型的GPS 传递高程及隧道工程应用[J] | 我校学报 (自然科学版) | 43(S): 2312~315 | 测绘 |
233 | 宋雷 胡伍生 | 卫星重力信息融合及区域似大地水准面精化应用[J] | 我校学报 (自然科学版) | 43(S): 2316~319 | 测绘 |
234 | 李剑锋 胡伍生 | 基于BP神经网络算法的对流层湿延迟计算研究[J] | 我校学报 (自然科学版) | 43(S2): 355~359 | 测绘 |
235 | 黎曦 胡伍生 孙洪飞 | 基于CORS技术的林区公路测量及实例分析[J] | 我校学报 (自然科学版) | 43(S2): 360~364 | 测绘 |
236 | 刘文豪 胡伍生 | 基于神经网络和双曲线混合模型的高速公路沉降预测 | 我校学报 (自然科学版) | 43(S2): 380~383 | 测绘 |
237 | 华远峰 胡伍生 金旭辉 | 地基雷达静态微变形测量环境影响改正方法研究[J] | 我校学报 (自然科学版) | 43(S2): 428~432 | 测绘 |
238 | Zhang Fan Hu Wusheng | Application of neural network merging model in dam deformation analysis[J] | Journal of Southeast University (English Edition) | 29(4): 441~444 | 测绘 |
239 | 高成发 高旺 生仁军 | 基于条件数的CORS系统流动站参考卫星选择方法 | 我校学报 (自然科学版) | 44(5) : 941-945 | 测绘 |
240 | 高成发 高旺 何帆 | GPS 实时精密单点定位理论研究与测试分析 | 我校学报 (自然科学版) | 43( S2) : 230-234 | 测绘 |
241 | 高旺 高成发等 | 基于区域参考站网络的精密卫星钟差估计及其在实时精密单点定位中的应用 | 我校学报 (自然科学版) | 2013, 43(S2) : 400-405 | 测绘 |
242 | 夏炎 高成发等 | 基于区域CORS 多基站联合解算的精密卫星钟差实时估计 | 我校学报 (自然科学版) | 43( S2) : 433-439 | 测绘 |
243 | 陈伟荣 高成发等 | 考虑区域CORS 网络对流层信息的改进PPP 方法 | 我校学报 (自然科学版) | 43( S2) : 370-374 | 测绘 |
244 | 何帆 高成发等 | IGU 实时精密星历预推轨道精度分析 | 我校学报 (自然科学版) | 43( S2) : 384-387 | 测绘 |
245 | 汪登辉 高成发等 | 基于区域CORS 的电离层总电子含量提取及其在单频PPP 中的应用 | 我校学报 (自然科学版) | 43( S2) : 388-393 | 测绘 |
246 | 朱荷欢 吴向阳 高成发 | GPS 系统精密单点定位模型与精密授时研究 | 我校学报 (自然科学版) | 43( S2) : 423-427 | 测绘 |
247 | 时小飞 生仁军 高成发 | 基于宽巷模糊度约束的GPS /BDS 动态相对定位 | 我校学报 (自然科学版) | 43( S2) : 446-450 | 测绘 |
248 | 胡伍生 聂文锋 高成发 | 利用CORS 进行格网化电离层TEC 实时监测 | 我校学报 (自然科学版) | 43( S2) : 219-224 | 测绘 |
249 | Wang Denghui Gao Chengfa | Extraction and application of un-differenced atmospheric delays with un-combined precise point positioning technique | China Satellite Navigation Conference, CSNC 2014 | VOL. 2, p399-413 | 测绘 |
250 | 于先文 薛红琳 | 基于GPS/加速度计组合的桥梁振动监测方法 | 我校学报 (自然科学版) | 43(S2) | 测绘 |
251 | 于先文 薛红琳 | 竖轴与法线不平行对光纤陀螺/全站仪定向的影响及解决方法 | 我校学报 (自然科学版) | 44(2) | 测绘 |
252 | 李玉宝 沈志敏 苏明 赵运帅 | 地铁盾构隧道收敛和沉降监测数据处理与分析 | 我校学报 (自然科学版) | 43(S2) | 测绘 |
253 | 翁永玲 | 多源遥感数据及GIS技术在输电线路径优选中的应用 研究 | 我校学报 (自然科学版) | 43( S2) | 测绘 |
254 | 戚浩平 杨波 路云阁 杨清华等 | 1965-2009青藏高原地区温度的空间插值分析 | 我校学报 (自然科学版) | 43(S2) | 测绘 |
255 | 戚浩平 张利 杨波 申佩佩 | 基于RPC模型的建筑物高度提取技术 | 我校学报 (自然科学版) | 43(S2) | 测绘 |
256 | 沙月进 程迪胜 张小琴 | 基于核线约束的图像匹配中局部区域确定方法 | 我校学报 (自然科学版) | 2013, 43(S2) | 测绘 |
257 | 闻道秋 生仁军等 | 公路施工测量计算机辅助系统设计与开发 | 我校学报 (自然科学版) | Vol.43 Sup(Ⅱ) | 测绘 |
258 | 张宏斌 倪富健 杨顺新 | 基于收费数据的高速公路断面交通量计算 | 我校学报 (自然科学版) | Vol.43 Sup(Ⅱ) | 测绘 |
259 | Yan Tong Xin Wang John Zhai Xiaofeng等 | Theoretical predictions and field measurements for potential natural ventilation in urban vehicular tunnels with roof openings | Building and Environment | Vol 82 | 测绘 |
260 | 张志伟 胡伍生 钱大林 | 模型误差补偿技术在路基沉降预测中的应用 | 我校学报 (自然科学版) | 43(S2) | 测绘 |
261 | 陈一梅 黄文锐 徐宿东 | Frequency Analysis of Extreme Water Levels in East and Southeast Coasts of China with Analysis on Effect of Sea Level Rise | Journal of Coastal Research | 68 | 港航 |
262 | 徐宿东 | An improved empirical equation for storm surge hydrographs in the Gulf of Mexico, U.S.A. | Ocean Engineering | 75(1) | 港航 |
263 | 徐宿东 | Integrating Monte Carlo and hydrodynamic models for estimating extreme water levels by storm surge in Colombo, Sri Lanka | Natural Hazards | 71 | 港航 |
264 | 谢耀峰 | Research on berthing capability and working property of pontoon bases | Journal of Coastal Research | 2014 | 港航 |
265 | 徐宿东 殷锴 | Numerical simulation of typhoon-induced storm surge based on coupled hydrodynamic and wave models in the coast of Jiangsu Province, China | Journal of Southeast University (English Edition) | VOL.30 | 港航 |
266 | 耿艳芬 | Coupled 1D-2D hydrodynamic modellng with application to the Pearl River Delta | 2014 ISOPE Conference | 2014 | 港航 |
267 | 陈一梅 李少斌 | 基于预防性成组维修的人字门船闸大修周期 | 我校学报 | VOL.44 | 港航 |
268 | 金磊 钱振东 郑彧 | High temperature performance and evaluation index of gussasphalt mortar based on DMA method | Journal of Southeast University (Natural Science Edition) | 44(5) | ITS |
269 | 王江洋 钱振东 汪林斌 | Three-dimensional visualization discrete element modeling of the crack development of epoxy asphalt concrete | Journal of Hunan University Natural Sciences | 41(6) | ITS |
270 | 钱振东 王江洋 汪林斌 | Three-dimensional fracture modeling of epoxy asphalt concrete using a heterogeneous cohesive softening discrete element model | Selected Papers from the Proceedings of the Geo-Hubei 2014 | 2014 | ITS |
271 | 钱振东 王睿 陈团结 | Performance of epoxy asphalt and its mixture under different rubber powder dosages | Journal of Building Materials | 17(2) | ITS |
272 | 钱振东 刘阳 刘龑 | Temperature field and thermal deformation of steel bridge deck during gussasphalt pavement paving | Journal of Southeast University (Natural Science Edition) | 44(5) | ITS |
273 | 杨宇明 钱振东 胡靖 | Viscoelastic properties of gussasphalt under repeated load | Journal of Southeast University (Natural Science Edition) | 44(2) | ITS |
274 | 胡靖 钱振东 陈磊磊 | Fracture Behavior of Epoxy Asphalt Pavement on Steel Bridge based on Optical Fiber Sensing Technology and Numerical Simulation. | Journal of Wuhan University of Technology Materials Science | 29(4) | ITS |
275 | 刘云 钱振东 | Mechanical Analysis of transmission lines based on linear sliding cable element | Journal of Southeast University | 29(4) | ITS |
276 | 江祥林 钱振东 宋鑫 | 基于离散单元法的环氧沥青混凝土虚拟断裂试验研究 | 我校学报 | 44(1) | ITS |
277 | Gan Chai Jianhua Guo Lingyao Wu Xiang Miao | Improved Bottleneck Approach for Heuristic Systemwide Responsive Ramp Metering on Congested Freeways | KSCE Journal of Civil Engineering | 18(7) | ITS |
278 | Guo, Jianhua Wei Huang Yun Wei Lin Zhang | Effect of Time Interval on Speed Estimation Using Single Loop Detectors | KSCE Journal of Civil Engineering | Vol.17, No.5 | ITS |
279 | Jianhua Guo | Performance Measures For Short Term Traffic Condition Forecasting Algorithms | ICMTMA 2013 | 2013 | ITS |
280 | 任仲山 张磊等 | Study On The Temperature Distribution Law Of Thermoelastic Coupling Field In Concrete Pavement Under Tunnel Fire | The 2014 3rd Global Conference on Civil, Structural and Environmental Engineering | 2014 | ITS |
281 | 陈磊磊 钱振东 陆庆 | Crack initiation and propagation in epoxy asphalt concrete in the three-point bending test | Road Material and Pavement Design | 15(3) | ITS |
282 | 崔青华 夏井新 | Time-varying confidence interval forecasting of travel time for urban arterials using ARIMA-GARCH model | 我校学报 (英文版) | 30(3) | ITS |
283 | Zhenbo Lu Wenming Rao Yao-Jan Wu | A Kalman filter approach to dynamic OD flow estimation | Journal of Advanced Transportation | 2014 | ITS |