序号 | 作 者 | 论 文 题 目 | 刊物或会议名称 | 卷 号 期 号 | 学科 |
1 | 徐铖铖 王 炜 刘 攀 | A Genetic Programming Model for Real-Time Crash Prediction on Freeways[SCI] | IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems | 14(2) | 交通 |
2 | 徐铖铖 王 炜 刘 攀 | Identifying crash-prone traffic conditions under different weather on freeways[SCI] | Journal of Safety Research | 46 | 交通 |
3 | 徐铖铖 王 炜 刘 攀 | Real-time Identification of Crash-prone Ttraffic Conditions under Different Weather on Freeways[SCI] | Journal of Safety Research | 46 | 交通 |
4 | 徐铖铖 Andrew P. Tarko 王 炜 | Predicting Crash Likelihood and Severity on Freeways with Real-time Loop Detector Data[SCI] | Accident Analysis & Prevention | 57 | 交通 |
5 | 李志斌 王 炜 刘 攀 | Modeling Bicycle Passing Maneuvers on Multilane Bicycle Paths[SCI] | ASCE-Journal of Transportation Engineering | 139(1) | 交通 |
6 | 李志斌 王 炜 杨 晨 | Bicycle Commuting Market Analysis Using Attitudinal Market Segmentation Approach[SCI] | Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice | 47 (0) | 交通 |
7 | 李志斌 王 炜 刘 攀 | Investigating Bicyclists' Perception of Comfort on Physically Separated Bicycle Paths in Nanjing, China[SCI] | Transportation Research Record | 2317 | 交通 |
8 | 李志斌 王 炜 刘 攀 | Using Geographically Weighted Poisson Regression for county-level crash modeling in California[SCI] | Safety Science | 58 | 交通 |
9 | 李志斌 王 炜 杨 晨 | Exploring the Causal Relationship between Bicycle Choice and Trip Chain Pattern[SCI] | Transport Policy | 29 | 交通 |
10 | 金诚杰 王 炜 姜 锐 | On the modeling of synchronized flow in cellular automaton models[SCI] | Chin. Phys. B | 23(2) | 交通 |
11 | 金诚杰 王 炜 姜 锐 | Cellular automaton simulations of a four-leg intersection with two-phase signalization[SCI] | International Journal of Modern Physics C | 25(3) | 交通 |
12 | 金诚杰 王 炜 姜 锐 | Spontaneous Phase Transition from Free Flow to Synchronized Flow in Ttraffic on a Single-lane Highway[SCI] | Physical Review E | 87 | 交通 |
13 | 金诚杰 王 炜 姜 锐 | Cellular Automaton Simulations of a T-shaped Unsignalized Intersection with Refined Configurations[SCI] | Transport Metrica A: Transport Science | 2013 | 交通 |
14 | 赵 德 王 炜 李晨阳 | Modeling Passing Events in Mixed Bicycle Traffic Using Cellular Automata[SCI] | Transportation Research Record | 2013 | 交通 |
15 | 曲 栩 郭唐仪 王 炜 | Measuring Speed Consistency for Freeway Diverge Areas Using Factor Analysis[SCI] | Journal of Central South University | 20 (1) | 交通 |
16 | 陆丽丽 任 刚 王 炜 | Exploring the Effects of Different Walking Strategies on Bi-direction Pedestrian Flow[SCI] | Discrete Dynamics in Nature and Society | 2013 | 交通 |
17 | 纪翔峰 周雪梅 冉 斌 | A cell-based study on pedestrian acceleration and overtaking in a transfer station corridor[SCI] | Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications | 392(8) | 交通 |
18 | 纪翔峰 张 健 冉 斌 | A Study on Pedestrian Choice between Stairway and Escalator in Transfer Station Based on Floor Field Cellular Automata[SCI] | Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications | 392(20) | 交通 |
19 | 张 健 李文权 邱 峰 | Optimizing Single-Depot Vehicle Scheduling Problem: Fixed Interval Model and Algorithm[SCI] | Journal of Intelligent Transportation Systems: Technology, Planning, and Operations | 8 | 交通 |
20 | 杨海飞 陆 建 胡晓健 | A cellular automata model based on empirical observations of a driver’s oscillation behavior reproducing the findings from Kerner’s three-phase traffic theory[SCI] | Physica A | 392(18) | 交通 |
21 | 赵金宝 邓 卫 宋 彦 | Analysis of Metro ridership at station level and station-to-station level in Nanjing: an approach based on direct demand models[SCI] | Transportation | 0049-4488 | 交通 |
22 | 赵金宝 邓 卫 | Relationship of Walk Access Distance to Rapid Rail Transit Stations with Personal Characteristics and Station Context[SCI] | Journal of Urban Planning and Development | 0733-9488 | 交通 |
23 | 赵金宝 邓 卫 宋 彦 | What influences Metro station ridership in China Insights from Nanjing[SCI] | Cities | 0264-2751 | 交通 |
24 | 任 刚 黄正锋 于 晨 | An Integrated Model for Evacuation Routing and Traffic Signal Optimization with Background Demand Uncertainty[SCI] | Journal of Advanced Transportation | 47(1) | 交通 |
25 | 黄正锋 任 刚 刘海旭 | Optimizing Bus Frequencies under Uncertain Demand: Case Study of the Transit Network in a Developing City[SCI] | Mathematical Problems in Engineering | 2013 | 交通 |
26 | 叶智锐等 | Estimating Statewide Benefits of Winter Maintenance Operations[SCI] | Transportation Research Record | 2329 | 交通 |
27 | 叶智锐等 | Anti-icing for key highway locations: fixed automated spray technology[SCI] | Canadian Journal of Civil Engineering | 40(1) | 交通 |
28 | 叶智锐等 | Safety Effects of Icy-Curve Warning Systems[SCI] | Transportation Research Record | 2318 | 交通 |
29 | 季彦婕 汤斗南 郭卫红 | Detection of outliers in a time series of available parking spaces[SCI] | Mathematical Problems in Engineering | 2013 | 交通 |
30 | 徐铖铖 刘 攀 王 炜 | Development of a Crash Risk Index to Identify Real Time Crash Risks on Freeways[SCI] | KSCE Journal of Civil Engineering | Vol. 17/7 | 交通 |
31 | 羊 钊 刘 攀 | Effects of Left-turn Waiting Areas on Capacity and Level-of-Service of Signalized Intersections[SCI] | ASCE Journal of Transportation Engineering | Vol.139/11 | 交通 |
32 | 黄 飞 刘 攀 王 炜 | Identifying if VISSIM Simulation Model and SSAM Provide Reasonable Estimates for Field Measured Traffic Conflicts at Signalized Intersections[SCI] | Accident Analysis and Prevention | 50 | 交通 |
33 | 柏 璐 刘 攀 | Comparative Analysis of the Safety Effects of Electric Bikes at Signalized Intersections[SCI] | Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment | Vol.20 | 交通 |
34 | 樊 蓉 刘 攀 | Using VISSIM Simulation Model and SSAM for Estimating Field Measured Traffic Conflicts at Freeway Merge Areas[SCI] | IET Intelligent Transport Systems | Vol.7/1 | 交通 |
35 | 陈景旭 王 炜 陈学武 | 基于影响因素分类的城市出租车保有量发展规律[EI] | 我校学报 (英文版) | 29(2) | 交通 |
36 | 何赏璐 王 炜 张 健 | An Improved Optimization Method for Isolated Signalized Intersection Based on the Temporal and Spatial Resources Integration[EI] | Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences | 96 | 交通 |
37 | 徐铖铖 刘 攀 王 炜 | 不良天气下高速公路实时交通事故风险预测方法[EI] | 吉林大学学报 | 43(1) | 交通 |
38 | 魏 明 陈学武 孙 博 | 一种车速截断对数正态分布的车队离散模型[EI] | 我校学报 (自然科学版) | 43 (4) | 交通 |
39 | 程 琳 纪 魁 蒲自源 | 路段型随机用户均衡敏感度分析[EI] | 我校学报 (自然科学版) | 43(1) | 交通 |
40 | 王 建 邓 卫 | 基于交叉口多相位信号控制的路网容量[EI] | 我校学报 | 1001-0505/CN:32-1178/N | 交通 |
41 | 陈亚维 吴圆圆 王芃等 | 面向变向交通组织的信号控制交叉口进口短车道设置方法[EI] | 北京理工大学学报 | sup1 | 交通 |
42 | 顾姗姗 陈 峻 周 洋 | 可变导向车道作用机理与实例效果评价[EI] | 北京理工大学学报 | sup1 | 交通 |
43 | 陈 峻 王 紫 | 考虑路边停车带影响的非机动车压缩交通波模型[EI] | 哈尔滨工业大学学报 | 45(6) | 交通 |
44 | 周 君 程 琳 | 基于ST-MRF 的自适应车辆跟踪算法研究[EI] | 交通运输系统工程与 信息 | 13(3) | 交通 |
45 | 胡思涛 项乔君 | 高速公路路面状态安全评价方法 研究[EI] | 交通运输系统工程与 信息 | 13 | 交通 |
46 | 胡思涛 项乔君 | 高速公路爬坡路段交通事故特征 分析[EI] | 公路 | 23 | 交通 |
47 | 陈晓武 田荣荣 项乔君 | 非公路标志分类及布设位置研究[EI] | 大连交通大学学报 | 12 | 交通 |
48 | 王 昊 郑云壮 段淞耀 | 基于航模辅助观测的车辆轨迹提取方法[EI] | 哈尔滨工业大学学报 | 录用待刊 | 交通 |
49 | 郭延永 刘 攀 | 基于累计前景理论的城市轨道交通建设时序[EI] | 交通运输系统工程与 信息 | Vol.13/4 | 交通 |
50 | 赵 星 任 刚 张 磊 | Modeling Unsafe Bicycle-Riding Behavior in China by the Theory of Planned Behavior and Structural Equation[EI] | Journal of Beijing University of Technology (English Edition) | 21(S2) | 交通 |
51 | 姜兔平 任 刚 赵 星 | Evacuation Route Optimization Based on Tabu Search Algorithm and Hill-Climbing Algorithm[EI] | Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences | 96 | 交通 |
52 | 任 刚 赵 星 贺康康 | 大型活动应急疏散交通需求时间加载模型[EI] | 北京工业大学学报 | 39(11) | 交通 |
53 | 季彦婕 汤斗南 何保红 | Evaluating the effectiveness of variable message signs location scheme in parking guidance system[EI] | Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences | 11 | 交通 |
54 | 陈景旭 王 炜 陈学武 | The Demand Analysis of Bike-and-Rride in Rail Transit Stations Based on Revealed and Stated Preference Survey[EI] | CICTP 2013 | 2013 | 交通 |
55 | 丁浩洋 王 炜 杨 敏 | Application of an Agent-based Modeling to Simulate Destination Choice for Shopping and Recreation[EI] | CICTP 2013 | 2013 | 交通 |
56 | 赵琳娜 王 炜 季彦婕 | The Importance of Residents’ Attitude towards Service Quality in Travel Choice of Public Transit[EI] | CICTP 2013 | 2013 | 交通 |
57 | 张 翔 王 炜 陈淑燕 | Research on the Link Travel Time Model for High Occupancy Vehicle Lanes of Freeways[EI] | CICTP 2013 | 2013 | 交通 |
58 | 李家斌 陈旭梅 李欣等 | Evaluation of Public Transportation Operation Based on Data Envelopment Analysis[EI] | CICTP 2013 | 2013 | 交通 |
59 | 马巧英 过秀成 张 宁 | Bluetooth-Based Road Traffic Information Collection System Design[EI] | ICTIS 2013 | 2013 | 交通 |
60 | 孔德文 过秀成 侯 佳 | Research on Dynamic Merge Control at Highway Expanding Reconstruction Section[EI] | CICTP 2013 | 2013 | 交通 |
61 | 梁 浩 过秀成 胡军红 | Research on Conflict Point Delay of Left-turning Vehicles[EI] | CICTP 2013 | 2013 | 交通 |
62 | 刘 迎 过秀成 孔德文等 | Analysis of Traffic Operation Performances at Roundabouts[EI] | CICTP 2013 | 2013 | 交通 |
63 | 过利超 过秀成 姜晓红 | Evaluation of Rural Passenger Transportation Services with Bus Operation Mode in the Metropolitan[EI] | ICTE 2013 | 2013 | 交通 |
64 | 侯 佳 过秀成 George F. List | Rectangle-clipping Algorithm of Time To Collision for Freeway Traffic Simulation[EI] | ICTIS 2013 | 2013 | 交通 |
65 | 刘 霞 陆 建 | The Technology of Road Guide Signs setting in Large Interchanges[EI] | CICTP2013 | 2013 | 交通 |
66 | Pu, Juyi 过秀成 | Emergency Rescue Resource Dispatch of Expressway based on Potential Accidents and GA: Case Study of Henan, China[EI] | CAHE 2013 | 2013 | 交通 |
67 | 赵 顗 陆 建 王 建 | Sensitivity Analysis for Link Capacity Based on Elastic Demand Equilibrium with Queuing[EI] | CICTP2013 | 2013 | 交通 |
68 | 郝晓丽 孙祥龙 陆 建 | The Study of Differences in Public Acceptability towards Urban Road Pricing[EI] | CICTP2013 | 2013 | 交通 |
69 | 潘 众 陆 建 胡晓健 | 公路运输有毒气体连续泄漏影响 范围分析[EI] | 第四届国际绿色交通系统与安全学术会议 | 2013 | 交通 |
70 | 侯现耀 陈学武 | Analysis of Urban Public Transit Information Requirements in China by Web-based Survey[EI] | CICTP 2013 | 2013.8 | 交通 |
71 | 吴鼎新 邓 卫 | Characteristics Analysis of Urban Traffic of Small and Medium-sized Cities in Context of Mechanization-- with Huai’an as an Example[EI] | CICTP 2013 | 2013 | 交通 |
72 | 周光鑫 陈晓武 项乔君 | Reach on Value of Crash Reduction Factor (CRF) in Safeguard Technology of Mountainous Rural Highway[EI] | ICCET 2013 | 1 | 交通 |
73 | 冷海洋 项乔君 黄田芳 | Definition of the Length of Freeway Ramp Influence Area[EI] | GITSS 2013 | 11 | 交通 |
74 | 黄田芳 项乔君 冷海洋 | Evaluation of Safety State of Freeway Pavement Based on the Detection of Pavement Indicators And Traffic Flow Analysis[EI] | GITSS 2013 | 11 | 交通 |
75 | 田荣荣 项乔君 胡思涛 | Research on Traffic Safety of Freeway Upgrade Section[EI] | CICTP2013 | 2013 | 交通 |
76 | 谷 健 陈淑燕 | Forecasting the short-term traffic flow based on wavelet transform and support vector regression[EI] | Improving Multimodal Transportation Systems-Information, Safety, and Integration | 2013 | 交通 |
77 | 王宣强 陈淑燕 郑文昌 | Analysis of Regression Method on Traffic Incident Duration Prediction[EI] | ICTIS 2013 | 2013 | 交通 |
78 | 王宣强 陈淑燕 郑文昌 | Traffic incident duration prediction based on partial least squares regression[EI] | CICTP 2013 | 2013 | 交通 |
79 | 王宣强 陈淑燕 谷 健 | .Traffic incident duration analysis based on cyclic subspace regression[EI] | ICTE 2013 | 2013 | 交通 |
80 | 郑文昌 陈淑燕 吴铁民 | An Imbalanced Datasets Based SVDD-AID Algorithm[EI] | ICTIS 2013 | 2013 | 交通 |
81 | 李 旭 王 昊 陈 峻 | Dynamic Lane-use Assignment Model at Signalized Intersections Under Tidal Flow[EI] | ICTE2013 | 2013 | 交通 |
82 | 张国强 | Psychological Questionnaire Survey and Analysis of Pedestrians’ Running Red Lights at At-grade Intersections[EI] | 第八届中国交通高层 论坛 | 2013 | 交通 |
83 | 叶智锐 汪 圆 | Effects of Information Filtering on Driving[EI] | CICTP 2013 | 2013 | 交通 |
84 | 张国强 张清源 亓玉礼 | Exploring Factors Contributing to Traffic Conflicts between Motor Vehicles and Non-motorized Vehicles at Signalized at-grade Intersections[EI] | PICT 2013 | 2013 | 交通 |
85 | 亓玉礼 张国强 张清源 | Modeling Drivers’ Deceleration Behavior at Unsignalized Intersection[EI] | ICTE 2013 | 2013 | 交通 |
86 | 段 荟 刘 攀 李志斌 | Evaluating the Effects of Different Control Strategies on Traffic Operations at Isolated Merge Bottlenecks[EI] | CICTP 2013 | 2013 | 交通 |
87 | 张 鑫 刘 攀 李志斌 | Modeling the Effects of Low-carbon Emission Constraints on Mode and Route Choices in Transportation Networks[EI] | CICTP 2013 | 2013 | 交通 |
88 | 刘 霞 陆 建 | Gender Differences in Travel Mode Choice Behavior in Zhenfeng City | CEABM2013 | 2013 | 交通 |
89 | 涂圣文 过秀成 | 干线公路城市过境方案决策的灰色格序方法 | 公路交通科技 | 30(7) | 交通 |
90 | 涂圣文 过秀成 刘海强 | 干线公路与大型城市结点的系统衔接模式 | 规划师 | 29(7) | 交通 |
91 | 涂圣文 过秀成 | 绕城高速承载力的分析方法 | 交通运输工程与信息 学报 | 11(3) | 交通 |
92 | 吴铁民 陆 建 | 主动式车辆限速新方法研究 | 武汉理工大学学报 | 37(1) | 交通 |
93 | 李子木 陈学武 纪尚志 | 基于BRT吸引圈层的公交线网优化重构方法——以常州市为例 | 武汉理工大学学报 (交通科学与工程版) | 37 (3) | 交通 |
94 | 张 健 马春景 纪翔峰等 | Study on mode choice of public transit of passengers arriving by rail | The 18th International Conference of Hong Kong Society for Transportation Studies | 2013 | 交通 |
95 | 马永锋 陆 建 张文波 | Automated Generation of Traffic Incident Response Plan Based on Case-Based Reasoning and Bayesian Theory | GITSS 2013 | 2013 | 交通 |
96 | 张清源 张国强 亓玉礼 | Analyzing Electric Bicycle Rider’s Unsafe Crossing Behavior Based on Theory of Planned Behavior | Modern Transportation | 2(2) | 交通 |
97 | 高 英 | Thermal oxidative aging characterization of SBS modified asphalt[SCI] | Journal Wuhan University of Technology, Materials Science Edition | 28(1) | 道路 |
98 | 廖公云 杨毅文 黄晓明等 | Permanent deformation response parameters of asphalt mixtures for a new “mix-confined repeated load[SCI] | Journal of Central South University of Technology | 5 | 道路 |
99 | Tongyan Pan Lu Sun | Sub-Microscopic Phenomena of Metallic Corrosion Studied by a Combined Photoelectron Spectroscopy in Air (PESA) and Scanning Kelvin Probe Force Microscopy (SKPFM) Approach[SCI] | International Journal of Electrochemical Science | 7 | 道路 |
100 | Tongyan Pan Lu Sun Qifeng Yu | An atomistic-based chemophysical environment for evaluating asphalt oxidation and antioxidants[SCI] | Journal of molecular modeling | 18(12) | 道路 |
101 | Mostafa K.Ardakani LuSun | Decremental algorithmforadaptiveroutingincorporating traveler information[SCI] | Computers &Operations Research | 39(12) | 道路 |
102 | 钱吮智 V.C. Li H.Zhang等 | Life cycle analysis of pavement overlays made with Engineered Cementitious Composites[SCI] | Cement and Concrete Composites | 35(1) | 道路 |
103 | Linglin Li XiaomingHuang LinbingWang | Integrated Experimental and Numerical Study on Permanent Deformation of Asphalt Pavement at Intersections[SCI] | Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering | Jul 2013, Vol. 25, No. 7, pp. 907-912 | 道路 |
104 | Dong Zhang* Xiaoming Huang Yongli Zhao | Algorithms for generating three-dimensional aggregates and asphalt mixture samples by the discrete element method[SCI] | journal of computing in civil engineering | Vol.27,No.2 | 道路 |
105 | 陈先华等 | State of the art of asphalt surfacings on long-spanned orthotropic steel decks in China[SCI] | Journal of Testing and Evaluation | 道路 | |
106 | Dawei Wang 陈先华等 | Influence of different polishing conditions on the skid resistance development of asphalt surface[SCI] | wear | 2013(1-2) | 道路 |
107 | Dawei Wang Andreas Schacht 陈先华等 | Machbarkeitsstudie fuer die innovative Bauweise Vorgefertigte und aufrollbare Strasse[SCI] | Bautechik | 2013(10) | 道路 |
108 | Bin Yu Qing Lu | Empirical Acoustic Model for Asphalt Surface Mixes[SCI] | the baltic journal of raod and bridge engineering | 8(3) | 道路 |
109 | Bin Yu Qing Lu Jian Xu | An improved pavement maintenance optimization methodology: Integrating LCA and LCCA[SCI] | Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice | 55 | 道路 |
110 | Said M. Easa, Jianchuan Cheng | Reliability Analysis of Minimum Pedestrian Green Interval for Traffic Signals[SCI] | Journal of Transportation Engineering | 139(7) 651–659 | 道路 |
111 | Jian-chuan Cheng, Long-jian Jiang | Accuracy Comparison of Roadway Earthwork Computation between 3D and 2D Methods [EI] | Proceedings of 13th COTA International Conference of Transportation Professionals | ( 2013 ) 1277 –1285 | 道路 |
112 | 孙 璐 王登中 | 基于便携式落锤弯沉仪动力弯沉的路基压实度无损检测与评估[EI] | 公路交通科技 | 29(11) | 道路 |
113 | Sun Lu Ge Minli GuWenjun等 | Characterizing uncertainty in pavement performance prediction[EI] | Journal of Southeast University (English Edition) | 28(1) | 道路 |
114 | Haoran Zhu Lu Sun | A viscoelastic–viscoplastic damage constitutive model for asphalt mixtures based on thermodynamics[EI] | International Journal of Plasticity | 40 | 道路 |
115 | 郭咏梅 倪富健 | 基于重复蠕变的改性沥青非线性黏弹响应分析[EI] | 建筑材料学报 | 16(5) | 道路 |
116 | Kesi You Lu Sun Wenjun Gu | Reliability-Based Risk Analysis of Roadway Horizontal Curves[EI] | Journal of Transportation Engineering | 138(8) | 道路 |
117 | 孙 璐 丁爱民 钱军等 | 基于VISSIM 仿真模拟的道路改造方案评价[EI] | 公路交通科技 | 29(6) | 道路 |
118 | 游克思 孙 璐 顾文钧 | 基于车辆动力学仿真模拟和风险分析的道路危险路段识别[EI] | 我校学报 (自然科学版) | 42(1) | 道路 |
119 | Sun Lu | A min-max optimization approach for weight determinantion in analytic hierarchy process[EI] | Journal of Southeast University (English Edition) | 28(2) | 道路 |
120 | 廖公云 向晋源 黄晓明等 | A New “Mix-Confined” Repeated Load Test” for Evaluating Permanent Deformation of Asphalt Mixture[EI] | Journal of Testing and Evaluation | 7 | 道路 |
121 | Qiang Li, Fujian Ni Guofen Li等 | Evaluation of the Dynamic Modulus for Asphalt Mixtures with Varying Volumetric Properties[EI] | International Journal of Pavement Research and Technology | 道路 | |
122 | 张志刚 钱吮智 | Influence of crumb Rubber on the Mechanical Behavior of Engineered Cementitious Composites[EI] | 8th International Conference on Fracture Mechanics of Concrete and Concrete Structures | 道路 | |
123 | Yang Jun | A review of advances of Nanotechnology in asphalt mixtures[EI] | 13th COTA International Conference of Transportation Professionals | 2013,paper ID 322 | 道路 |
124 | Zhang Jiantong Yang Jun | Advances in micromechanical constitutive theories and modeling in asphalt mixture: A review[EI] | 13th COTA International Conference of Transportation Professionals | 2013,paper ID 326 | 道路 |
125 | 张德育 黄晓明 高英等 | 沥青混合料非均质性对其蠕变行为的影响[EI] | 建筑材料学报 | Vol.16,No.4 | 道路 |
126 | 白 桃 黄晓明 李昶等 | 连续配筋水泥混凝土路面的临界 荷位[EI] | 湖南大学学报 | Vol.40,No.9 | 道路 |
127 | Bian Feng-lan | The predictionmodel of highway network scale based on traffic demand[EI] | 2013 5th conference on measuring technology and mechatronics automation | 道路 | |
128 | 陈 飞 陈松灵 程迎迎 | Research on the model of road traffic safety evaluation based on synergetics theory[EI] | 2013 Internation Conference on Materials,Transportation and Environmental Engineering | 道路 | |
129 | 朱耀庭 孙 璐 朱浩然等 | 沥青混合料等应变率压缩试验的时间依赖性模型[EI] | 武汉理工大学学报 (交通科学与工程版) | 5(36) | 道路 |
130 | 孙 璐 辛宪涛 王鸿遥等 | 用于沥青改性的纳米材料综合比选 | 交通运输工程与信息 学报 | 10(2) | 道路 |
131 | 孙 璐 金姣萍 周正兵等 | 基于高速公路运营安全的信息监测研究 | 中国安全科学学报 | 10(22) | 道路 |
132 | 孙 璐 王 原 顾文钧 | 浅埋黄土地区隧道健康监测之结构变形的时间序列预测模型 | 交通运输工程与信息 学报 | 10(4) | 道路 |
133 | 郭咏梅 倪富健 | 几种改性沥青零剪切黏度的测试 分析 | 交通运输工程与信息 学报 | 11(2) | 道路 |
134 | 有机降粘剂温拌橡胶沥青的制作 工序研究 | 公路交通科技 | 2013年 | 道路 | |
135 | 章定文 刘松玉 韩文君等 | A combined DJM-PVD method for soft ground improvement: A case study[SCI] | Marine Georesources & Geotechnology | 2013, 31(4) | 岩土 |
136 | 章定文 范礼彬 刘松玉等 | Experimental investigation of unconfined compression strength and stiffness of cement treated salt-rich clay[SCI] | Marine Georesources & Geotechnology | 2013, 31(4) | 岩土 |
137 | Du Y J Wei M L Jin F等 | Stress-strain relation and strength characteristics of cement treated zinccontaminated clay[SCI] | Engineering Geology | 167(17) | 岩土 |
138 | Fan R D Du Y J Liu S Y等 | Engineering behavior and sedimentation behavior of lead contaminated soil-bentonite vertical cutoff wall backfills[SCI] | Journal of Central South University | 20(8) | 岩土 |
139 | Du Y J Jiang N J Liu S Y等 | Engineering properties and microstructural characteristics of cement stabilized zinc-contaminated kaolin[SCI] | Canadian Geotechnical Journal | 录用待刊 | 岩土 |
140 | Horpibulsuk S. Rachan R. Suddeepong A Liu M.D Du, Y.J | Compressibility of lightweight cemented clays[SCI] | Engineering Geology | 159: 59-66. | 岩土 |
141 | Xu YS Shen SL Du YJ等 | Modelling the cutoff behavior of underground structure in multi-aquifer-aquitard groundwater system[SCI] | Natural Hazards | 66(2): 731-748. | 岩土 |
142 | Zhang Guozhu Xia Caichu | A new model and analytical solution for heat conduction of Tunnel lining GHEs[SCI] | Cold regions science and technology | 2013(3) | 岩土 |
143 | L.Miao F.Wang J.Han等 | Properties and Applications of Cement-treated Sand-Expanded Polystyrene Bead Lightweight Fill[SCI] | ASCE Journal of Civil Materials in Civil Engineering | 25(1) | 岩土 |
144 | F. Wang L. Miao W.Lv | Sand Creep as a Factor in Land Subsidence Due to Groundwater Pumping In the Southern Yangtze River Delta[SCI] | Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the Environment | 72 | 岩土 |
145 | W. Liu M. Shi L.Miao等 | Constitutive modeling of the destructuration and anisotropy of natural soft clay[SCI] | Computer and Geotechnics | 51(1) | 岩土 |
146 | 童立元等 | Tunneling in abandoned coal mine areas: Problems, impacts and protection measures[SCI] | Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology | Volume 38 | 岩土 |
147 | 童立元等 | Assessing the coefficient of the earth pressure at rest from shear wave velocity and electrical resistivity measurements[SCI] | Engineering Geology | Volume 163 | 岩土 |
148 | Yao Bo Cheng Gang Wang Xiao等 | Characterization of the stiffness of asphalt surfacing materials on orthotropic steel bridge decks using dynamic modulus test and flexural beam test[SCI] | Construction and Building Materials | 44 | 岩土 |
149 | Yao Bo Cheng Gang Wang Xiao等 | Linear viscoelastic behaviour of thermosetting epoxy asphalt concrete - Experiments and modeling[SCI] | Construction and Building Materials | 48 | 岩土 |
150 | 刘松玉 蔡国军 邹海峰 | 基于CPTU的中国实用土分类方法研究[EI] | 岩土工程学报 | Vol.35. No.10 | 岩土 |
151 | 邹海峰 刘松玉 蔡国军等 | 基于电阻率CPTU的饱和砂土液化势评价研究[EI] | 岩土工程学报 | Vol.35. No.7 | 岩土 |
152 | 易耀林 李 晨 孙川等 | 碱激发矿粉固化连云港软土试验 研究[EI] | 岩石力学与工程学报 | Vol.32. No.9 | 岩土 |
153 | Yuan Cheng Zhibin Liu Songyu Liu等 | Investigation of vibratory compaction effect: A case study in China[EI] | Geotechnical and Geophysical Site Characterization 4 | 2013 | 岩土 |
154 | 韩文君 刘松玉 章定文 | 劈裂真空法加固软土室内模型试验研究[EI] | 土木工程学报 | Vol.46. No.10 | 岩土 |
155 | 文颖文 刘松玉 胡明亮等 | 地下增层工程中既有结构变形控制技术研究[EI] | 岩土工程学报 | Vol.35. No.10 | 岩土 |
156 | 蔡国军 张 涛 刘松玉等 | 江苏海相黏土电阻率与岩土特性参数间相关性研究[EI] | 岩土工程学报 | 2013, 35(8): 1470-1477 | 岩土 |
157 | 曹智国 章定文 刘松玉 | 固化铅污染土的干湿循环耐久性 试验研究[EI] | 岩土力学 | 2013 34(12) | 岩土 |
158 | 蒋宁俊 杜延军 刘松玉等 | 酸雨入渗对水泥固化铅污染土淋滤特性的影响研究[EI] | 岩土工程学报 | 35(4) | 岩土 |
159 | 范日东 杜延军 陈左波等 | 受铅污染的土-膨润土竖向隔离墙材料的压缩及渗透特性试验研究[EI] | 岩土工程学报 | 35(5) | 岩土 |
160 | 刘兆鹏 杜延军 蒋宁俊等 | 基于半动态淋滤试验的水泥固化铅污染黏土溶出特性研究[EI] | 岩土工程学报 | 2013年12月待刊 | 岩土 |
161 | 刘兆鹏 杜延军 蒋宁俊等 | 淋滤条件下水泥固化铅污染高岭土的强度及微观特性的研究[EI] | 岩土工程学报 | 录用待刊 | 岩土 |
162 | 吕伟华 缪林昌 | 刚性桩复合地基桩土应力比计算 方法[EI] | 我校学报自然版 | 43(3) | 岩土 |
163 | 吕伟华 缪林昌 | 桩-网加固拓宽路堤土拱效应试验 研究[EI] | 岩土力学 | 34(8) | 岩土 |
164 | 章定文 曹智国 范礼彬等 | Effect of Chloride Salt Concentration on Unconfined Compression Strength of Cement Treated Lianyungang Marine Clay[EI] | Journal of Southeast University (English Edition) | 2013, 29(1) | 岩土 |
165 | 朱逢斌 缪林昌 | 盾构隧道临近建筑物施工的地面变性分析及预测[EI] | 我校学报 (自然科学版版) | 43(4) | 岩土 |
166 | 章定文 曹智国 刘松玉 | 工业废渣加固土强度发展规律[EI] | 岩土力学 | 2013 34(S1) | 岩土 |
167 | Jiang N J Du Y J Liu S Y等 | On the compressibility of cement stabilized zinc-contaminated kaolin clay[EI] | 3rd IACGE, ASCE | 岩土 | |
168 | 魏明俐 杜延军 朱晶晶等 | 磷矿粉稳定化铅污染土的溶出特性研究[EI] | 岩土工程学报 | 录用待刊 | 岩土 |
169 | 朱逢斌 缪林昌 | 既有建筑物工作性状受盾构隧道施工影响研究[EI] | 四川大学学报 (工程科学版) | 45(4) | 岩土 |
170 | 宋锦虎 缪林昌 | 盾构施工对孔压扰动的三维流固耦合分析[EI] | 岩土工程学报 | 35(2) | 岩土 |
171 | 王 非 缪林昌 | 砂性土中隧道施工引起地层沉降分布特征的模型试验研究[EI] | 岩石力学与工程学报 | 32 | 岩土 |
172 | 刘志彬 陈志龙 杜延军等 | 地下水曝气空气流动形态影响因素数值模拟[EI] | 我校学报 (自然科学版) | 2013,43(2) | 岩土 |
173 | 刘志彬 方 伟 陈志龙等 | 锌离子污染对膨润土一维压缩特性影响试验研究[EI] | 岩土力学 | 2013,34(8) | 岩土 |
174 | Yao Bo Cheng Cheng Wang Xiao等 | Modelling the rheological properties of epoxy asphalt concrete[EI] | Journal of Harbin Institute of Technology (New Series) | 20(6) | 岩土 |
175 | 童立元等 | 应用孔压静力触探(CPTU)确定软土压缩模量的试验研究[EI] | 岩土工程学报 | 35卷(Z2) | 岩土 |
176 | 童立元等 | 应用SCPTu确定静止土压力系数的试验研究[EI] | 土木工程学报 | 46卷第四期 | 岩土 |
177 | 童立元等 | 基于多功能地震波孔压静力触探的唐山地区砂土液化特性在调查试验研究[EI] | 岩石力学与工程学报 | 32卷(z1) | 岩土 |
178 | Fan R D Du Y J Liu S Y | Compressibility characteristics of kaolin-bentonite vertical cutoff wall backfills | Proceedings of the 5th China-Japan Geotechnical Symposium | 岩土 | |
179 | F. Wang L. Miao | A Physical Modeling of Ground Movement around HDPE Pipes Subjected to Tunneling | Proceeding of Design and Practice of Geosynthetic-Reinforced Soil Structures | 岩土 | |
180 | Liu S. Cai G. Du Y. 等 | Practice and development of the piezocone penetration (CPTU)in geotechnical engineering of China | Proceeding of the 18th International Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering,Paris,France | 2013 | 岩土 |
181 | 童立元等 | 新建隧道超近距离穿越既有地铁隧道变形规律分析 | 地下空间与工程学报 | 9卷(z2) | 岩土 |
182 | Z.P. Zhong Z.W. Jiang S. Wan. | Numerical analysis of crack propagation path using an advanced element cracking method[SCI] | Strength of Materials | 录用待刊 | 桥梁 |
183 | ZhongZhipeng Ren Dalong Wan Shui | A new numerical method for determining collapse load-carrying capacity of structure made of elasto-plastic material[SCI] | Journal of Central South University | 录用待刊 | 桥梁 |
184 | Wen Xiong | Mechanical performance and design optimization of rib-stiffened super-wide bridge deck with twin box girders in concrete[SCI] | Structural Engineering and Mechanics | 48(3) | 桥梁 |
185 | Wen Xiong | Mechanical and Thermal Performance of Coextruded Wood Plastic Composites for Structural Applications[SCI] | Advances in Structural Engineering | 16(5) | 桥梁 |
186 | WangWenwei | Performance evaluation of RC beams strengthened with an externally bonded FRP system under simulated[SCI] | Journal of Bridge Engineering | 2013,18(1): 76-82. | 桥梁 |
187 | WangWenwei | Self-Stressed Steel Fiber Reinforced Concrete as Negative Moment Connection for Strengthening of Multi-span Simply-Supported Girder Bridges[SCI] | Advances in Structural Engineering | 2013,16(6):1113-1127. | 桥梁 |
188 | 吴文清 | Experimental Analysis of Bending Resistance of Bamboo Composite I-shaped Beam[SCI] | J. Bridge Eng. | 桥梁 | |
189 | 荣学亮 黄 侨 任 远 | 栓钉连接件锈蚀后静力工作性能和抗疲劳性能的试验研究[EI] | 土木工程学报 | 2 | 桥梁 |
190 | 荣学亮 黄 侨 赵 品 | 考虑疲劳损伤的栓钉连接件残余抗剪承载力研究[EI] | 中国公路学报 | 4 | 桥梁 |
191 | 陈卓异 黄 侨 杨 明 | 波形钢腹板预弯工形梁的试验研究 [EI] | 我校学报 | 6 | 桥梁 |
192 | 黄 侨 陈卓异 荣学亮等 | 波形钢腹板预弯槽型梁的应力分析与试验研究[EI] | 桥梁建设 | 5 | 桥梁 |
193 | Zhuoyi Chen Qiao Huang Ming Yang等 | Research on shear stress distribution and deflection of preflex I-girder with corrugated steel web[EI] | Applied Mechanics and Materials | 5 | 桥梁 |
194 | 钟志鹏 万 水 任大龙 | 巴西圆盘中心裂纹摩擦接触问题的逐点Lagrange乘子法[EI] | 工程力学 | 2013, 30(4):15-22 | 桥梁 |
195 | K.J. Shen S. Wan X.C. Zhang | Effect of Cross Passage Construction on the Structural Safety of Collapse Reinforcement Segment of Existing Tunnel[EI] | Advanced Materials Research | Vols. 779-780 (2013) pp.538-543 | 桥梁 |
196 | 王新定 | Study on shear behaviour of concrete beams prestressed with external CFRP tendons[EI] | Applied Mechanics and Materials | Vols.275-277 | 桥梁 |
197 | Ma Lei ZhengShangmin Wan Shui | Mechanical Performances of Multi-Cell Girders with Corrugated Steel Webs[EI] | Proceedings of the 2nd SREE Conference on Modeling and Computation in Engineering | 2013,191~163 | 桥梁 |
198 | ZhengwenJiang, Shui Wan, Chen Cheng | Analysis of the Crack Propagation Based on Extended Finite Method[EI] | Applied Mechanics and Materials | 2013, 275-277:169-173 | 桥梁 |
199 | LI Shuqin WAN Shui | Application of the Pre-stressed Concrete Box-girder with Corrugated Steel Webs in Bridge Engineering in China[EI] | Advanced Materials Research | Vols779-780,2013.08.p550-555 | 桥梁 |
200 | Peifeng Li, Qiao Wang Shui Wan | Mechanical Analysis of the Superstructure of Prestressed Concrete Composite Box-girder Bridge with Corrugated Steel Webs[EI] | Applied Mechanics and Materials | 2013 | 桥梁 |
201 | 许崇法 | 持荷混凝土构件耐久性试验加载 装置应用技术 | 实验力学 | 28(4) | 桥梁 |
202 | 黄 侨 马文刚 陈晓强等 | 荆邑大桥的施工控制技术与成桥 试验 | 2013年桥梁钢结构学术会议论文 | 11 | 桥梁 |
203 | 赵池航 | Vision-based Classification of Driving Postures by Efficient Feature Extraction and Bayesian Approach[SCI] | Journal of Intelligent & Robotic Systems | 2013年12月, 72卷3-4期, pp.483-495. | 载运 |
204 | 赵池航 | Recognition of driving postures by combined features and random subspace ensemble of multilayer perceptron classifiers[SCI] | Neural Computing & Application | 2013年5, 22卷Suppl 1期, pp.S175-S184. | 载运 |
205 | 唐 亮 何 杰 | An improved ant colony optimization algorithm to three-tier supply chain scheduling based on networked manufacturing[SCI] | International Journal of Production Research | 2013,51(13) | 载运 |
206 | 赵池航 | De-noising Signal of the Quartz Flexural Accelerometer by Multiwavelet Shrinkage[SCI] | Interational Journal on Smart Sensing and Intelligent Systems | 2013年1月 6卷1期, pp.191-209. | 载运 |
207 | 孙振填 李旭宏等 | Entropy-based performance evaluation on institutional structures of trunk highway management-Case study in China[SCI] | Transport Policy | 卷: 27 页: 85-91 | 载运 |
208 | 何 杰 | Speed enforcement in China: National, provincial and city initiatives and their success[SCI] | Accident Analysis and Prevention | v 50, p 282-288, January 2013 | 载运 |
209 | 王 勇 毛海军 | A Hybrid Algorithm for Two-echelon Logistics Distribution Region Partitioning Problem[SCI] | Annals of Operations Research | In Press, 2013. | 载运 |
210 | 赵池航 | Driver’s fatigue expressions recognition by combined features from pyramid histogram of oriented gradient and contourlet transform with random subspace ensembles[SCI] | IET Intelligent Transport Systems | 2013年3月, 7卷1期, pp. 36-45 | 载运 |
211 | Tiezhu Li Xudong Chen Zhenxing Yan | Comparison of fine particles emissions of light-duty gasoline vehicles from chassis dynamometer tests and on-road measurements[SCI] | Atmospheric Environment | 68 (2013): 82-91 (SCI) | 载运 |
212 | 陈一锴 何 杰 | Model Development and Dynamic Load-Sharing Analysis of Longitudinal-Connected Air Suspensions[SCI] | Strojniski Vestnik-Journal of Mechanical Engineering | 2013 卷:59,期:1 页: 14-24 | 载运 |
213 | 陈一锴 何 杰 | Comparison of two suspension control strategies for multi-axle heavy truck[SCI] | Journal of Central South University | 02期, pp 550-562, 2013/2/15 | 载运 |
214 | 杭 文 | Practices of Using Weigh-In-Motion Technology for Truck Weight Regulation in China[SCI] | Transport Policy | 2013, 30(11) | 载运 |
215 | 陈一锴 何 杰 | Effect of driving conditions and suspension parameters on dynamic load-sharing oflongitudinal-connected air suspensions[SCI] | Science China-Technological Sciences | 2013 卷: 56,期: 3 页: 666-676 | 载运 |
216 | 王 勇 毛海军 | Vehicle Routing Problem: Simultaneous Deliveries and Pickups with Split Loads and Time Windows[SCI] | Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board | 2013 No. 2378, 120-128. | 载运 |
217 | 李金辉 何 杰 | LQG Controller Design for Heavy Vehicle Active Suspension Based on OT-AHP Method[EI] | International Conference on Components, Packaging and ManufacturingTechnology | 2013/12/31-2014/1/2, 2014 | 载运 |
218 | 李金辉 何 杰 | Multi-objective Optimization of Vehicle Air Suspension Based on Simulink-Mfile Mixed Programming[EI] | International Conference on Components, Packaging and Manufacturing Technology | 2013/12/31-2014/1/2, 2014 | 载运 |
219 | 李培庆 何 杰 | The design of temperature and humidity control system of fresh-keeping storage based on fuzzy PID inference algorithm[EI] | Advanced Materials Research | Volume: 811 Issue date: 2013 | 载运 |
220 | 覃运梅 毛海军 | Optimizing Method of Express Delivery Network and Vehicle Routes Based on Automatic Parcel Machine[EI] | 2013 The 4th International Conference on Frontiers of Manufacturing and Design Science | 载运 | |
221 | 杭 文 | 基于顾客反馈的销售商库存控制 策略仿真 | 数学的实践与认识 | 2013, 12 | 载运 |
222 | 何 杰 杨 娇 | 考虑驾驶员行为特性的行车安全仿真试验分析 | 解放军理工大学学报 (自然科学版) | 6期, pp 1-6, 2013/12/15 | 载运 |
223 | 吴德华 何 杰 | 基于动力学仿真的龙泉~浦城高速公路设计方案比选 | 公路 | 09期, pp 1-8, 2013/9/25 | 载运 |
224 | 王 磊 | Model of the ionospheric delay correction based on cors for the vehicle navigation and positioning[EI] | CICTP 2012 | 测绘 | |
225 | 聂文锋 胡伍生 | Real-Time Monitoring of Regional Ionosphere Based on Polynomial Model with Multi-Station[EI] | China Satellite Navigation Conference (CSNC) 2013 | Chapter 21 | 测绘 |
226 | 汪登辉 高成发 | Single-epoch integer ambiguity resolution for long-baseline RTK with ionosphere and troposphere estimation[EI] | China Satellite Navigation Conference, CSNC 2013 | Electrical Engineering, v 243 LNEE, p 125-137, 2013 | 测绘 |
227 | 高 旺 高成发 | The analysis of ill posedness in GNSS high-precision differential positioning[EI] | China Satellite Navigation Conference, CSNC 2013 | Electrical Engineering, v 244 LNEE, p 311-321, 2013 | 测绘 |
228 | 郑敦勇 胡伍生 | Research on deformation prediction of subway structure based on Neural Network technology | 2nd Joint International Symposium on Deformation Monitoring | Nottingham NG7 2TU | 测绘 |
229 | 张志伟 胡伍生 | 回归拟合模型对模型误差补偿效果影响研究 | 测绘科学 | V38(专刊) | 测绘 |
230 | 宋 雷 胡伍生 | 整区拟合似大地水准面的BP 神经网络方法 | 辽宁工程技术大学学报 | 32(2) | 测绘 |
231 | 高成发 沈雪峰 | 1(1) | 测绘 | ||
232 | 何 帆 高成发 | 方差分量估计在多卫星导航系统联合定位中的应用 | 导航定位学报 | 1(3) | 测绘 |
233 | 时小飞 高成发 | 全球定位系统实时服务数据的精度分析 | 导航定位学报 | 1(4) | 测绘 |
234 | 聂文锋 胡伍生 | Apply of Independently estimated DCB and ionosphere TEC in single-frequency PPP | 2nd Joint International Symposium on Deformation Monitoring | Nottingham NG7 3TU | 测绘 |
235 | 徐宿东 黄文锐 | Effects of sea level rise on frequency analysis of 1% annual maximum water levels in the coast of Florida[SCI] | Ocean Engineering | 71 | 港航 |
236 | 耿艳芳 | A three-dimensional semi-implicit unstructured grid finite volume ocean model[SCI] | China Ocean Engineering | 2013.1 | 港航 |
237 | 谢耀峰 | Analysis of the working characteristics of high-pile wharf pile load foundation under berthing load[EI] | Advances in Civil Engineering | Volume: 256-259 | 港航 |
238 | 谢耀峰 | Experimental study on evaluating high-pile wharfs for real ship berthing impact[EI] | Construction and Urban Planning | Volume: 671-674 | 港航 |
239 | 耿艳芳 | Two-Dimensional Shallow Water Equations with Porosity for Urban Flood Modeling | Proceedings of 2013 IAHR Congress | 2013.9 | 港航 |
240 | 廖 鹏 | Analytical model to estimate lock capacity of a waterway lock | TRB Annual Meeting | 港航 | |
241 | 廖 鹏 | Analysis of freight vessel arrival distribution on the Grand Canal, China | Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Transportation Engineering | 港航 | |
242 | Bai Chunguang Wang Jian | Research on seasonal variation characteristics of tidal sedimentation of the middle tidal flat--A case study of tidal flat in Dafeng, Jiangsu Province, China[SCI] | Indian Journal of Geo-Marine Sciences | 42(2) | 地信 |
243 | Tong Weiping Chen Lin | A Bi-Layer Cooperative Model of Pedestrian Behaviors in Complex Topological Environments[EI] | ICTIS2013 | 地信 | |
244 | 童蔚苹 程 琳 | 基于双层协作机制的双向行人流 仿真模型[EI] | 西南交通大学学报 | 48(4) | 地信 |
245 | 柏春广 龚小辉 | 江苏大丰中潮滩大小潮周期沉积 特征研究 | 海洋科学 | 37(7) | 地信 |
246 | 钱振东 陈春等 | Development of a lightweight epoxy asphalt mixture for bridge decks[SCI] | Construction and Building Materials | 48 | ITS |
247 | Guo Jianhua Wei Huang Yun Wei | Effect of Time Interval on Speed Estimation Using Single Loop Detectors[SCI] | KSCE Journal of Civil Engineering, | Vol.17, No.5 | ITS |
248 | 张 磊 王文炜 陆庆等 | An innovative approach to determine deck pavement modulus and interfacial slip stiffness based on a composite beam model[SCI] | Construction and Building Materials | 40(1) | ITS |
249 | 夏井新 聂庆慧 黄 卫 | Reliable Short-Term Traffic Flow Forecasting for Urban Roads: Multivariate Generalized Autoregressive Conditional Heteroscedasticity Approach[SCI] | 2243 | ITS | |
250 | 夏井新 饶文明 黄 卫 | Automatic Multi-Vehicle Tracking using Video Cameras: An Improved CAMShift Approach[SCI] | KSCE Journal of Civil Engineering | 17(6) | ITS |
251 | 陈磊磊 钱振东 | Epoxy asphalt concrete protective course used on steel railway bridge[SCI] | Construction and Building Materials | Vol.41 | ITS |
252 | 胡 靖 钱振东 | 环氧沥青混合料细观尺度水损坏特性[EI] | 我校学报 | 32 | ITS |
253 | 陈 春 钱振东 | Design a thermosetting asphalt mixture for surfacing on orthotropic steel deck bridge[EI] | Advanced Materials Research | 652 | ITS |
254 | 柴 干 高祥云 | 路段拥挤条件下的高速公路匝道协调控制方法[EI] | 我校学报 (自然科学版) | 43(3):664-668 | ITS |
255 | Chai Gan Ran Xu Xia Jingxin | Optimal dispatching method of traffic incident rescue resource for freeway network[EI] | Journal of Southeast University (English Edition) | 29(3):336-341 | ITS |
256 | 张 磊 杨顺新 王华荣等 | Effects of New Generation Large Aircrafts on Flexible Runway Pavement[EI] | Applied Mechanics and Materials | Vol.363(1) | ITS |
257 | 罗 桑 钱振东 Harvey J | 环氧沥青混合料疲劳衰变特性试验[EI] | 中国公路学报 | 26(2) | ITS |
258 | 罗 桑 钱振东 | 钢桥面复合结构永久变形预估[EI] | 同济大学学报 (自然科学版) | 41(3) | ITS |
259 | 陈磊磊 钱振东 | 基于SPT的环氧沥青混合料动态模量试验研究[EI] | 建筑材料学报 | Vol.16, No.2 | ITS |
260 | Guo Jianhua | Performance Measures For Short Term Traffic Condition Forecasting Algorithms[EI] | ICMTMA-Hong Kong | ITS | |
261 | 夏井新 张韦华 马党生 | A Method to Urban Road Travel Time Estimation through ITS Data Fusion Based on D-S Evidential Theory[EI] | Proceedings of CEASTE 2013 | ITS | |
262 | 王江洋 钱振东 王亚奇 | 细观尺度下大孔隙环氧沥青混凝土损伤演化分析[EI] | 北京工业大学学报 | 8 | ITS |
263 | 聂庆慧 夏井新 钱振东 | 城市道路交通流短时预测及可靠性分析[EI] | 西南交通大学学报 | 48(5) | ITS |
264 | 丁闪闪 刘小勇 柴 干 | 基于模糊综合评判的桥梁设计阶段的风险估计 | 交通运输工程与信息 学报 | 11(1):101-106 | ITS |
265 | 王江洋 钱振东 陈磊磊 | 基于能耗法分析水泥混凝土桥梁铺装层复合结构疲劳特性分析 | 公路交通科技 | 9 | ITS |
266 | Guo Jianhua Wei Huang Billy M.Williams | Time varying variance prediction based outlier detection and investigation in traffic characteristic series | Road Safety and Simulation International Conference | ITS | |
267 | 张安泰 柴 干 丁闪闪 | 基于行程-时间域的路段行程时间预测 | 交通信息与安全 | 31(2):59-63 | ITS |
268 | 柴 干 | 交通信息工程及控制专业硕士生课程的研究性教学实践[CSSCI] | 我校学报 (哲学社会科学版) | 15(S3): 125-129 | ITS |
269 | 景国庆 付鹏飞 | The Comphehensive Research on The Evaluation of Urban Expressway Scheme | CICTP2013 | 2013.4 | 设计院 |
270 | 兰 峰 | Experimental study on seismic performance of fiber reinforced concrete pler | CEABM2013 | 2013.5 | 设计院 |